topic information
Modern browsers other than IE
7.4+, 7.4 recommended
Thematic characteristics
Permanent free update

Pay once, update without worry

Global Dark Mode

Eye protection is your insistence

Rich styles

Eye care is my pursuit

Social login

Convenient and quick access to the site

Powerful background management

Strong, comprehensive and easy

Sub topic support

Support sub themes and customize at will

Adaptive layout

Comprehensive adaptive layout development

Diversified types

Layout of websites, resources, books, movies, etc

Front end contribution

Collect content at any time

WP optimization

Speed, dozens of localization optimizations for WordPress

SEO optimization

Integrated SEO strategy

One Nav

Wonderful, waiting for you

 Screenshot of OneNav [1]
 Screenshot of OneNav [2]
 Screenshot of OneNav [3]
 Screenshot of OneNav [4]
 Screenshot of OneNav [5]
 Screenshot of OneNav [6]
 Screenshot of OneNav's use [7]
 Screenshot of OneNav [8]
Update log
  1. Fix some known feedback bugs
  2. Fix the problem that wp6.5 multi language switch is invalid
  3. Update composer dependency
  4. Add hot list WeChat public account module (beta)
  5. Add processing rules such as "confirm invalid link" sorting
  6. Large version is under development, please give me more time
  1. Fix some feedback problems
  2. Optimize some compatibility problems
  1. Modify the new interface address of Tencent verification code
  2. Fix Easy Pay pop-up error
  3. Fix Baidu login problem
  4. Fix some feedback problems
  5. Optimize some UI
  6. Prompt description of optimization part setting
  7. Optimize wp6.3 support
  8. Several small functions have been added
  1. Fix some feedback problems
  2. Add automatic advertising history (keep for 30 days)
  1. Fix some ui errors
  2. Fix the pseudo static rule error of multilingual environment (save the fixed connection again after upgrading)
  3. Add "Content Display Permission" closing option
  4. Add payment function
  5. Add content and pay to view and download
  6. Add URL auto advertisement
  7. Add Gutenberg editor extension
  1. Fix feedback problems
  2. Add registration privacy page check box
  3. Optimize user information modification process
  1. Fix the jump exception when adding multiple same categories to different parents on the home page
  2. Fix the problem of article classification 404 after the "Classification&Label Fixed Link Mode" is checked
  3. Fix the problem that website submission is invalid without review
  4. Fix known issues with new paging format rules
  5. Fix some feedback problems
  6. Optimize new paging format rules (unknown problems may be added)
  7. Optimize the form validation process
  8. Optimize the password recovery process
  9. Add default articles, new paging format matches any custom rules, such as/% year%/% monthnum%/% day%/% post_id%. html
  10. Add mobile phone number binding
  11. Add Baidu gitee github login
  12. Add WeChat official account keyword automatic reply
  13. Add graphic verification, extreme verification and verification 4.0, VAPTCHA
  14. Add the "confirmed invalid" status of the website, and the details page will prompt the status and will not jump
  15. Add comments to show where users belong
  16. Add random options for obtaining popular TAB modules
  17. Add the option of customized hot list cache time
  18. Add custom hot list json type Optional request type, custom request header, custom cookie
  19. Add content viewing permission (Theme Settings ->Basic Settings)
  20. Add hidden content short code
  1. Fix the problem that the login failure restriction function cannot be closed
  2. Fix the problem that the comment of Tencent waterproof wall cannot be commented after opening and verification
  3. Fix release time deviation
  4. Perfect submission function
  5. Perfect random content widget
  6. Add popular content widget
  7. Add the background invalid URL management page
  8. Increase the static public library of byte skipping
  9. Add Prk aggregation login
  10. Add URL to upload preview map manually
  11. Add automatic update of mask (optimize settings ->disable function)
  12. Add background automatic check URL status (content settings ->URL settings)
  13. Add automatic icon for initials (content settings ->website settings)
  14. Add submission permission (user security ->user submission)
  15. Add article contribution (user security ->user contribution)
  16. Add secondary navigation independent setting search list
  17. The number of single lines is automatically reduced by one when the content on the optimized homepage exists in the sidebar
  18. Optimize partial structure
  1. Add the function of friendship link submission
  2. Add customization of sidebar menu width (theme setting -->color&style)
  3. Add Open Web Site Cursor Automatically Positions to Search Tool
  4. Add custom footer content (theme settings -->footer settings)
  5. Add footer widget customization button (theme setting -->footer setting)
  6. Add the selection of top navigation layout style of mobile terminal (theme setting -->color&style)
  7. Add one word customizable code (theme setting -->other functions)
  8. Add GO jump permission judgment (subject setting -->basic setting)
  9. Add home page header TAB aggregation card (home page setting -->home page header)
  10. Add automatic night mode setting (theme setting -->color&style)
  11. Increase the number of "secondary navigation" content settings (options in page editing)
  12. Add login failure attempt limit to prevent brute force cracking (user security -->security related)
  13. Add the "Comments" field to the home page sorting options and popular home page modules
  14. Add the reporting function of the front end website details page
  15. Fixed the problem that some files were not localized when selecting local for "static files using public libraries"
  16. Modify the social address of the gadget on this site
  17. Fix the problem that the global GO jump is not applied to books and software download addresses
  18. Fix the problem that the number of home page carousel modules will fail in some cases
  19. Fix errors in some cases after adding custom fields to search
  20. Optimize the ajax loading of the home page content, store the loaded content, and solve the problem of requesting the background every time you switch tabs
  21. Optimize some structures and styles
  22. Optimize screenshots of app resources to use the external chain
  23. Optimize the setting of the number of single lines of web address (content setting -->web address setting)
  24. Optimize the authorization process and solve the authorization problems caused by network problems (you need to re authorize the theme in the theme settings)
  25. Adapt to WP5.9 and delete unnecessary foreground css in wp9.5
  1. Fix the problem that category links in V3.127 articles are invalid (important, it is recommended to update V3.127)
  2. Fix the registration failure caused by V3.1127
  3. Optimize automatic picture light box rules
  4. It is recommended to update V3.1127 to this version, and the main modified files are:
    • /inc/theme-start.php
    • /inc/wp-optimization.php
    • /templates/login/login.php
    • /templates/login/reg.php
    • /js/app.js
    • /js/app.min.js