Local (ECS) test authorization method

Because the subject needs encryption authorization, it can only use the domain name and does not support IP and other methods of authorization. If you test locally, you can specify a secondary domain name to the test website through hosts (ECS can use the same


Subject Authorization&Domain Name Registration&Change Authorization Description

The first is the operation instructions of the theme "Authorization" and "Modify Authorization". [tip type="error"] Note: IP is not supported by authorization. The local test method [/tip] rule states that if you are not satisfied with the


How to upload the theme to the website?

The solution is roughly as follows. Some steps can be skipped depending on the situation: first, close all plug-ins in use on the website; Wp background upload theme, please log in to the website background "Appearance" - "Main..."


Theme&Service Purchase Instructions

Please be familiar with the following purchase instructions before purchasing our products. If you purchase our products, it means that you have read and approved the instructions. The installation theme needs to have
