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Excellent Website Acceleration Plug in - Detailed Setting Tutorial of WP Rocket

WP Rocket is an excellent website speed optimization plug-in, which is used to cache website content. Its settings are relatively simple and the effect is very good. Today Hunk will write the detailed configuration tutorial of WP Rocket.

The version of the wp bucket demonstrated in this article is 3.1.4

The interface language of WP Rocket is the same as your WP background language. This article demonstrates the wp Rocket under the English interface

The website demonstrated in this article is The following figure shows the speed test results after only installing wp bucket and optimizing it

 Website test results after wp bucket optimization

The effect is very good. Next, we will formally introduce the method of setting wp bucket

1. Purchase and installation of WP rocket plug-in

Wp Rocket is a wp plug-in that can only be used after purchase Unable to search the plug-in library in the background of wp Direct access Official website of wp Rocket Just buy.

The installation method is also very simple. Download the plug-in installation package, upload it directly in the plugins - add new – upload in the background of wp, and activate it.

If you can't operate, you can refer to my record Video tutorial on using wordpress plug-in

2. Settings of the Dashboard menu of the WP bucket

After installing and activating the wp rocket, enter the plug-in list, click settings on the wp rocket plug-in, and directly enter the Dashboard menu on the setting page

 Tutorial 1 of wp Rocket Plug in Settings

There are several menus here

My account

Here is to check your account and expiration date

My status

There are two menus to participate in the test of the wp bucket plug-in, which generally do not need to be opened

Quick actions  There are three submenus

Remove all cached files

Clear all cache files, and click

Start cache preloading

Start to preload the cache, and click

Purge OPCache content

Clear the contents of the opcache. After using the wp bucket plug-in for a long time, click

 Wp Rocket Plug in Setting Tutorial 2

Frequently Asked Questions Here are the answers to common questions. If you don't have the solution you want, you can click ask for support to submit your questions.

 Wp Rocket Plug in Settings Tutorial 2-1

3. Cache menu setting of WP bucket

Mobile cache Set the cache on the mobile end. There are two submenus below. It is recommended to tick both

User cache It is recommended not to check whether to add cache to the background users of the website, so that you can see the latest website content

Ssl cache If your website is an ssl encrypted link, tick it, otherwise leave it unchecked

Cache lifespan Set the validity period of the cache. If the website is updated more than once a day, set the time shorter, or keep the default

Finally, click Save

 Wp Rocket Plug in Settings Tutorial 3

4. File optimization menu setting of WP bucket

There is no absolute standard answer to the settings in this menu. After setting, you need to check whether your website is abnormal. If there is no exception, it means that the settings are OK. If there is an exception, You need to come back for troubleshooting, find out the menu that causes the exception, and cancel the relevant settings

There are three menus

Basic settings There are three submenus in basic settings

minfiy html Compress html pages

Combine Google Fonts files Merge Google font files

Remove query strings from static resources Delete the query string of the resource

 Wp Rocket Plug in Settings Tutorial 6

CSS files There are 2 submenus

Minify CSS files Compressed CSS file size

Combine CSS files (Enable Minify CSS files to select)  Merge CSS files. If your website uses SSL encrypted links, it is not recommended to check here

Excluded CSS Files  If there are some special CSS files that you don't want to merge, you can fill the link into this box

Optimize CSS delivery  Optimize the loading of CSS. The following box can be left blank

 Wp Rocket Plug in Settings Tutorial 7

JavaScript Files There are three menus

Minify JavaScript files    Compress JS files

Combine JavaScript files(Enable Minify JavaScript files to select)  Merge JS files. If the website is an SSL encrypted link, it is not recommended to check

Load JavaScript deferred  Load the JS file asynchronously, and mark the following tick

Last save

 Wp Rocket Plug in Settings Tutorial 8

5. Media menu setting of WP bucket

Lazyload Lazy loading means that when you position the cursor, you start loading there, which can improve the speed

There are two options, You can check the website after saving and modifying to see if there are any exceptions

Emoji It is the expression pack of the website, which can be ticked

Embeds It is to prevent other users from calling the content of your website through embedding. You can check it

Last save

 Wp Rocket Plug in Settings Tutorial 9

6. WP Rocket Preload Menu Settings

There are three menus

Sitemap preloading Preload through the station occupancy map of your website

Check Activate sitemap based cache preloading, and then enter the link of your xml sitemap in the box below.

If you use the sitemap automatically generated by the yoast seo plug-in, it will detect it. You just need to tick it.

Preload Bot Pre installed robot

Just tick automatic

 Tutorial 10 of wp Rocket Plug in Settings

Prefetch DNS Requests Pre obtain DNS requests. This function can speed up mobile access

Enter the link of external resources in your website in the following box, not http: or https:, just write in front of the link//

 Tutorial on setting the wp bucket plug-in 11

How do you know which external resource domain names are loaded on the website? Here's how

First open the homepage of your website with Chrome, right click View on the page, and then click network in the open debugging window

 Wp Rocket Pre acquisition 1

Then ctrl+f5 force the refresh, and click domain to list the domain names of all resources, and then find out all external resources Wp Rocket Pre acquisition 2

You may not see the domain item , it doesn't matter. Just right click on other submenus and check domain to display it

 The wp bucket tutorial displays the domain menu under the browser network

Copy and paste it into the box below urls to prefetch, and then click save changes below.

 Wp Rocket Pre acquisition 3

7. Advanced rules menu setting of WP bucket

Never Cache URL(s) The link settings without cache, if any, should be filled in the following box

Never Cache Cookies Cookies that do not need to be cached, if any, should be filled in the box below

Never Cache User Agent(s) User settings or terminals that do not need caching, if any, should be filled in the following box

Always Purge URL(s) Always clear cached links in a timely manner, and fill in the box below if any

Cache Query String(s) The font string of the cache query, if any, will be filled in the following box

For enterprise websites, there is generally no special need to set, so I leave the above menus blank.

 Wp Rocket Plug in Settings Tutorial 12

 Wp Rocket Plug in Settings Tutorial 13

8. Database menu setting of WP bucket

The functions under this menu are similar to those of the wp optimize plug-in, so it is recommended to use wp optimize to clean it

Post Cleanup Clean the version, draft and articles in the trash can in the article memory

Comments Cleanup Clean up trash comments

Transients Cleanup Clean the memory cache of the database

Database Cleanup Clean up the database of optimized websites

Automatic cleanup Set Automatic Cleanup

 Wp Rocket Plug in Settings Tutorial 14

9. CDN menu setting of WP bucket

If your website uses CDN service, you can set this menu. If not, don't bother

For friends who do not use CDN, please refer to my other article How to use CDN to speed up your website – detailed use tutorial of Cloudflare free version

CDN Open CDN and fill in your CDN's CNAME record

Exclude files from CDN For files that do not want to use the CDN service, you can fill the link in the box below

Last save

 Tutorial of wp Rocket Plug in Settings 15

10. ADD-ONS menu setting of WP bucket

ADD-ONS It is an extended function of wp bucket

One click Rocket Add ons has two submenus

Google tracking The browser cache of Google analysis code is opened as needed

varnish It is a kind of cache software on the server. Few people use it

Rocket Add-ons This is an extension of cloudflare. If you use the CDN of cloudflare, you can set it here and fill in the corresponding data value.

 Tutorial for setting the wp bucket plug-in 16

11. TOOLS menu setting of WP bucket

Export settings Export setting data, which can be exported after all settings are completed

Import settings Import setting data. You can import setting data from other sites without setting one by one

Rollback The rollback function of the wp bucket can be set back to the previous version if there is a problem with the current version.

 Tutorial of wp Rocket Plug in Settings 17

12. Usage summary

Compared with other cache plug-ins used by Hunk, such as w3 total cache, the settings of wp bucket are very simple and effective. Websites optimized by wp bucket perform well both in actual experience and test results. In short, it is a highly recommended plug-in.

Of course, WP Rocket is fully paid for use, so many people who pursue free tools and resources are not connected with it. However, compared with RMB, time is the most valuable resource, because time is not renewable. What you think?

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 Excellent Website Acceleration Plug in - Detailed Setting Tutorial of WP Rocket

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Hunk has entered the foreign trade industry for 10 years, engaged in foreign trade business, and transformed technology for 12 years, engaged in foreign trade station building marketing. If you are going to build an independent foreign trade station, we have many professional technical articles for your reference. Hunk recommends Purchase domain name on namesilo , on siteground or cloudways Buy space on and use Google email. Of course, if you are not good at technology and have no time to study, you can find Hunk outsource to build a website or pay for solving problems

Two replies on "Excellent Website Acceleration Plug in - WP Rocket Detailed Setting Tutorial"

Hello, I did what the teacher said for DNS requests in the wp rocket, but my cousin does not have a domain in my check code. Is there any other way to get links to external resources on my website?

Thanks for recommending this acceleration software. I can just use it on the customer's website. If I cooperate with Cloudflare, the speed should fly

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