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List of WP recommended and recommended plug-ins

Plug ins are a very important part of the wordpress website. With plug-ins, the functions of the WP website are more perfect, and the operation is more convenient and simple. However, the more plug-ins, the better, and not all plug-ins are easy to use. Today, let's list the recommended and not recommended plug-ins of WP for your reference

Note: The principle of using plug-ins is not to install them without installing them, or to install them as little as possible, because plug-ins will not only bring convenience to us, but also slow down the website or cause loopholes in the website, conflicts with other plug-ins and other problems. (Remember not to install plug-ins because they don't cost money!)

1. Recommended plug-ins

1) Theme comes with plug-in

This category is not only recommended, but must be installed. If it is not installed, the theme function cannot be used. Taking AVADA as an example, the 4.0 version has one mandatory plug-in, fusion core, and the 5.0 version has two mandatory plug-ins, fusion core and fusion builder, all of which must be installed.

So when you install a theme, you must make sure whether there are necessary plug-ins for the theme, such as AVADA. In its plugins menu, the mandatory plug-ins prompt will appear, which is required.

Of course, some themes do not have their own plug-ins, so don't worry about them

 Avada plug-in 1  Avada plug-in 2

2) Form plug-ins and related

Contact form 7 & Contact form DB

Cf7 is a free and popular form plug-in, which can be used to create inquiry forms. Reference for specific use method How to use plug-ins

Contact form DB is a plug-in for inquiry record. The use method is also a reference How to use plug-ins

3) Backup plug-in

Duplicator is the most convenient website backup plug-in I have ever used. It is a fool's operation and can be completed in three minutes. It is very convenient to download with one click. Usage Reference Introduction to the use of the replicator

4) Banner plug-in

layerslider, I have been using it all the time. It is very simple to use and has many functions. Usage Reference Use video of layerslider This plug-in is a charging plug-in. AVADA paying users can directly install and use the layerslider.

5) Garbage cleaning plug-in

Wp optimize is a plug-in for cleaning up databases. It is also very simple. Click Clean directly.

6) Cache plug-in

Wp Rocket can help improve the speed of the website, but it is a paid plug-in. Please refer to the setting method Excellent Website Acceleration Plug in - Detailed Setting Tutorial of WP Rocket

7) SEO plug-in

Yoast seo is the most powerful SEO plug-in I have ever used. It has powerful functions, including online editing of robots and online generation of sitemaps. It can be completed without unnecessary operations. In addition, its optimization function is also very good. Usage Reference Use of SEO yoast

8) Other plug-ins

search meter, The website search record plug-in can record what words the customer has searched on your website and how many results the corresponding words have, so as to facilitate the expansion and optimization of the website content.

Deprecated plug-ins

hello dolly Install the plug-in provided by wp. It's useless. Delete it directly.

mojo marketplace / jetpack by wordpress , these two are Bluehost space or other space. One click installation of WP is an automatic installation of two plug-ins, which is useless, On the contrary, it will interfere with your normal use of other themes and plug-ins, which must be deleted

WP super cache Cache plug-in. This plug-in function is OK, but it is troublesome because it will modify your system files. When you delete this plug-in, its cache still exists. It is troublesome, so it is not recommended to install it.

backwpup The backup plug-in has been used before, but it will obviously slow down the website, so it will not be used later. It is not recommended.

wp smush/ ewww The image processing plug-ins are quite famous, but I think the images should be processed locally before being uploaded. I can't rely on the plug-ins. Therefore, installation is not recommended

revolution slider / fusion slider , banner plug-in, used before, not very easy to use

wp edit The background editing plug-in of the wp website. If your theme function itself is very powerful, such as AVADA theme, you don't need to install this plug-in

In short, plug-ins bring convenience to us, but they are also the cause of many website problems. We must install plug-ins as required, and don't try to install plug-ins for free!

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 List of WP recommended and recommended plug-ins

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Hunk has entered the foreign trade industry for 10 years, engaged in foreign trade business, and transformed technology for 12 years, engaged in foreign trade station building marketing. If you are going to build an independent foreign trade station, we have many professional technical articles for your reference. Hunk recommends Purchase domain name on namesilo , on siteground or cloudways Buy space on and use Google email. Of course, if you are not good at technology and have no time to study, you can find Hunk outsource to build a website or pay for solving problems

11 replies on the "WP Recommended Plug ins and Disapproved Plug ins List"

search meter, This plug-in is only for searching the content of the article. If my site has a mall built by woocommerce, will the search part in the mall be displayed?

Recommend a plug-in. According to Autooptimize's official website, this plug-in is only 176 KB, and it is also good to use. Hunk can pay attention to it. This is the link of plug-in settings

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