Hunk » Foreign trade station construction » Why don't I suggest looking for foreigners to do websites?

Why don't I suggest looking for foreigners to do websites?

Since 2015, from time to time, I have heard some foreign trade friends fail to find foreigners to do websites. They have always wanted to write a blog about my views, but for various reasons they have not written it. Recently, I heard another failure case, so today I decided to write about why I do not recommend finding foreigners to do websites.

 Why don't I suggest looking for foreigners to do website 1

1. The reason why I don't recommend looking for foreigners to do websites

1) Communication costs are too high

Foreign trade friends are not poor in English, and there is no problem communicating with customers. But when it comes to technical problems, many foreign trade people do not understand technology very well, so it is much more difficult to communicate, which directly leads to the increase of communication costs.

For a small thing, you may not know how to express it, nor can you say professional words. After a long time, foreigners do not understand it. In the end, I didn't make it clear after a long time. To build a website, there are too many details to communicate. If every detail is so laborious, it will take a long time to complete the website, and the final cost is too high.

From my own experience, the same is true. My English is not bad. I have passed Grade 4 and Grade 6 once. I also have experience working in a foreign company. I am very familiar with technology. I have learned and used wordpress since 2012. But every time I have problems communicating with the customer service of BLUEHOST Space, I always feel like a chicken talking with a duck. It took him a long time to understand what I mean, So I would rather go to Google than ask BLUEHOST customer service when I encounter problems.

2) Jet lag

Overseas outsourcing personnel are generally divided into Europe, America and Southeast Asia. Asia is better, just a few hours away. However, the time difference between Europe and the United States is 5 to 14 hours. It is difficult to communicate. When you are working, he is not online. When you get off work, he is online. The intersection time is too short, resulting in slow project progress.

3) Foreigners' skills are not necessarily good

IT and other technologies originated in the West, so the technology in Europe and the United States is generally strong, which is a fact. However, the labor costs of Europeans and Americans are high, and most of them earn tens of USD an hour, which is unbearable for ordinary foreign trade enterprises (local tyrants please feel free), so this category will not be discussed.

So most people will consider looking for outsourcing from Southeast Asia, India or Pakistan Railway. The education level of these countries is not better than that of China, so the technology may not be better.

Hunk has taken over several cases of failure to find Southeast Asian people to outsource. I have seen their websites. Generally, some of them just pile up plug-ins, with dozens of plug-ins for each website.

4) Hunk has never heard of a successful case of finding a foreigner

Hunk himself has several foreign trade station building groups with more than 3000 members. Every day, some friends exchange questions about the site building in the group, and some friends will share some outsourcing experience. Unfortunately, I have never heard of a successful case of looking for foreigners in recent years. On the contrary, there are many failed cases.

According to the Chinese personality of reporting good news without reporting bad news, if there is good feedback, it should not be denied. Since there are so many failure cases, it really shows that it is not reliable to find foreigners to outsource to build a website.

2. Why do people keep looking for foreigners to outsource their websites?

1) Encouragement of some "gods"

There are always "great gods" who have succeeded once on some platforms and think that others can succeed just like him. So many foreign trade friends are encouraged to outsource on these platforms. The result is a large number of losers. At least I haven't heard of a successful case in several years.

2) The price of building websites on some outsourcing platforms is cheap

There is nothing wrong with spending the least money on the best things. Compared with the prices of many domestic website building companies, 100-300 USD on these outsourcing platforms is really cheap.

But saving money is a good thing, but the most important thing is to do a good job. As mentioned above, European and American technology is good, but the price is very expensive. On this cheap outsourcing platform, people from Southeast Asia and other countries are generally employed, and their technology is not better than that of Chinese people, some even worse.

3) Have been trapped by the Chinese

To be honest, there are indeed many unscrupulous website builders in China, and many people have been trapped. It is understandable that the so-called fear of snake bite once, and fear of well rope ten years ago. However, we should never stop eating because of choking. Therefore, it is recommended to find a Chinese website. It should take more time to learn about it in the early stage. After all, the communication cost is much lower when it is reliable.

4) Superstitious foreigners

In the eyes of many people, foreigners are all good, but in fact they are not. Those who are really cheated will understand.

Tell me about a non-technical case in my personal experience. When I was doing foreign trade before, there was a German customer who received the goods and said that there were many defective products. I asked him to provide photos or videos, but he could not provide them. Then the problem ended. After the Chinese procurement department of the company left, he told me that there were not so many bad products, but his boss wanted to cheat me.

Before that, I always thought that foreigners had high quality, especially in developed countries like Germany. After experiencing this kind of thing, I realized that there are also many unreliable foreigners.

So foreigners are not as good as you think.

3. Must we not outsource on foreign platforms?

It is not absolute. It is strongly not recommended to build a foreign trade station, which requires too much communication.

However, it is relatively simple. It does not need too many communication services, such as logo and banner. I was there the other day fiverr It has outsourced a logo, which is very good. It only cost 6USD. We talked a few words before and after that. Specific outsourcing methods can be referred to How to outsource logo and hand drawn video on fiverr

4. How to find a reliable website building company to outsource in China?

Hunk has the following suggestions

1) Strengthen the improvement of own knowledge , learn more about relevant content. Many people are cheated because they don't understand and are fooled by some unscrupulous companies. Reference 10 Steps to Comprehensively Understand Foreign Trade Station Construction and Foreign trade station building process

2) Domain name and space purchased by yourself This is the most important information. Don't think that others buy domain names and space. It seems that you have taken advantage of it. In fact, the wool is from sheep. And domain names and space are not expensive.

In particular, the value of domain names is growing over time. It is safest and safest to keep it in your own hands.

The domain names of domestic websites are recommended to be purchased on Domestic space is purchased on Alibaba Cloud or Jing'an. Hunk's blog is on Jing'an. The speed is not bad. Please refer to Jing'an space purchase method

The domain name of the foreign trade website is recommended to purchase on namesilo, which is very cheap, Process reference of domain name purchase on namesilo

The space of the foreign trade website recommends the siteground, which is fast and stable. The purchase and use tutorial reference Tutorial for purchase and use of siteground

3) Early communication Learn more and don't make decisions in a hurry.

4) Don't be greedy As the saying goes, one slap can't make a sound. It's easy to get into the pit just by looking at the price.

5)  Don't think expensive is good The most important thing that Chinese people do not lack is the ability to boast. A website can boast. The value of the website itself needs to be constantly optimized to improve. It is impossible to solve all problems just by doing one station.

5. Some friends' failure cases?

 Failure cases of finding foreign outsourcing network

I hope this article can help foreign trade friends to enter the pit less.

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 Why don't I suggest looking for foreigners to do websites?

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Hunk has entered the foreign trade industry for 10 years, engaged in foreign trade business, and transformed technology for 12 years, engaged in foreign trade station building marketing. If you are going to build an independent foreign trade station, we have many professional technical articles for your reference. Hunk recommends Purchase domain name on namesilo , on siteground or cloudways Buy space on and use Google email. Of course, if you are not good at technology and have no time to study, you can find Hunk outsource to build a website or pay for solving problems

Why don't I suggest finding foreigners to do websites

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