Hunk » Foreign trade network marketing » English SEO optimization » dried food! A study on the factors of english seo ranking

dried food! A study on the factors of english seo ranking

SEO is a very important way of website drainage. Today, let's share Hunk's experience of doing English SEO optimization.

The contents of this article are as follows

1. Flow

 A study on factors of english seo ranking 1 "What, traffic, Hunk, are you right? My website has just started, where does the traffic come from?" Many people may think so when they see this title. Don't worry. Let me share my two cases with you first.

Case 1

In 2013, I was working on LED products. While doing SEO, I was also developing customers by email. The development letters sent are mainly several popular products. Later, I found that the ranking of these popular products rose faster. Because there are many development messages sent, the traffic is directly introduced.

Case 2

My blog,, was launched in October 2015. My idea at that time was to write a blog, which was just like a diary Foreign trade station construction This main keyword. In 2016, I wrote a lot of blogs, mainly focusing on the problems of members of my communication group. Then when someone asked me about relevant questions, I sent a link to the group and asked them to read the blog to solve the problems themselves.

Then in March this year, I suddenly found that the word "foreign trade website building" ranked almost 10 in Google. As I am busy with my work, I haven't done much outside the chain except writing several targeted blogs every month. So in addition to the valuable content of the blog itself, my drainage has brought a lot of help to the ranking.

PS. At present, my blog Foreign Trade has ranked in the top 3 on Google.

 Imhunk ranking

The above two cases are my own experience.

The purpose of SEO is to obtain traffic. Similarly, traffic can also help SEO. The two are complementary. For new websites, traffic plays a more important role, and can help SEO ranking when SEO cannot achieve results in a short period of time.

So how to drain? There are several ways to refer to

Development letter

Sending development letters is a must for foreign traders. At the same time, they can also channel websites. Just add links to the content of the email or add links to the pictures.

If you can send 100 emails every day, the website has dozens of IPs every day, which is the ranking of foreign trade websites
It is very helpful. Of course, it must be sent to your target customers, rather than mass or indiscriminate.

Diversion of B2B platform

For foreign trade platforms such as alibaba and made-in-china, add links to your backstage contact information. If your platform is promoted or effective, you can introduce platform traffic to your own website.

In addition to drainage, this method also has the effect of transformation.

When checking the background of a website customer before, we found that there were many inquiries before long. After inquiry, we learned that the customer had hung his website on the alibaba platform, and his alibaba platform did a good job, introducing a lot of traffic, so just after finishing the website, there were many inquiries.

SNS platform drainage

This is also a good way, as long as you have many friends or contacts who can be led to the website by you.


Although SEO can't have a good effect on new websites in the short term, it will certainly have an effect if you persist. (Generally effective within 2-3 months)


Pay per click. For friends with budget, you can advertise, get traffic and inquire.

2. Content

 A Study on Factors of English SEO Ranking 2
The content reflects the value of a website. The traffic mentioned above is very important, but if there is no rich and valuable content and users can't see useful things after entering, the website will not attract users. The result is high bounce rate, low PV/, short online time and other problems, which will be fed back to Google, thus affecting the ranking of the website.

What should we pay attention to when optimizing website content?

1) Rich website content

In addition to the Home that a normal website should have, about us, contact us, Besides the product page, you can write more technical articles and blogs about your products, or some questions your customers often ask.

If you simply optimize the product page of the website, it is still difficult for new stations to get rankings in the short term, so you can optimize through multiple channels. Writing technical articles and blogs is a very important aspect. According to the user's concerns, expand and write some articles, which can easily lead, and then add 1-2 links to your corresponding products in the technical articles, which can promote the ranking of the product details page.

In addition to the above, if your product has something else to write, you can also write it.

In short, as long as it can bring value to users, it can be written.

2) The page is rich in content and simple in layout

The page here refers to a single website page. I'll take the product page and technical article page as examples to explain, and the rest of the pages will do the same.

Product Details Page

In addition to common product materials, you can also add operation videos, usage documents, FAQs, etc., so that customers can learn more about the content of the product.

Of course, the characteristics of each product are different. If you really don't know how to fill in the content, you can refer to the pages of similar products on Taobao to see how the stores with high sales fill in the content on the pages.

Technical Articles

For the page of technical articles, it is better to use pictures+words. The combination of pictures and words can not only improve the readability, enable Google to collect them quickly, but also improve the online time. If possible, videos can be attached to further enrich the content.

Simple and clear typesetting

The article should be divided into sections. Each paragraph should have a title. It is better to divide 3-4 sentences into sections instead of hundreds of words. That is not good for reading. Because the user is not reading your content, but browsing, 10 lines at a time, multi segmentation is more conducive to readability.

The number of words in the article should be greater than 1500. There is too little text and online time. Users may not be interested in it, nor will they share it for you.

3) Originality

The content of the website should be original, whether it is pictures or text. Original content is a bonus for ranking.

Do not copy everywhere and paste it directly on your website. This will only make Google annoying.

Of course, if you really can't write it, you can find some Chinese articles to translate into English manually, which is also original, but do not use Google translation.

4) Add SNS sharing button to the page

Add the SNS sharing function on the website page, which can let friends who want to share help you promote. The more content you share, the higher the chance of getting a good ranking.

5) Insist

It takes energy, time and work to create content, which Hunk deeply understands. Every time I write a blog, it takes several hours.

However, just because it has difficulty and threshold, it reflects its value. So if you use the right method and stick to it, you will have unexpected gains.

3. Outer chain

 A Study on Factors of English SEO Ranking 3

In the first few years of SEO technology, as long as it is sent out of the chain, it can get a good ranking. With the continuous development of SEO technology and the adjustment of search engine algorithms, the role of the outer chain has decreased, but it is still a very important SEO ranking factor, and has higher requirements in operation.

Taking my blog ranking as an example, as mentioned above, due to my drainage and insistence on writing articles, the ranking slowly rose to the top 10, but it was difficult to move up later, so I started to do some external links, and then the ranking continued to rise.

Here are some points for attention related to the outer chain

1) What is the outer chain?

There are many friends who have not really understood it. The external link is also called inbound link, off-site link, etc. The English is backlink or inbound link.

For example, my website is A and your website is B. You add a link to my website on the website. For my website A, the link you add is an external link.

The outer chain can be understood as voting. Just like elections, whoever gets more votes will be elected. Of course, the ranking of SEO is far more than just voting. It is not who has more outside chains that can rank first.

2) The quality of the outer chain is greater than the quantity

A few years ago, the outer chain was randomly distributed and won by quantity. With the improvement of Google and other search engines, the quality requirements of the external chain are far greater than the quantity.

The quality of the outer chain includes two points

Point 1 The higher the weight of the outer chain itself, the better. For example, my website is A, and two websites, B and C, have added an outer chain to my website, while the weight of B is 60 and the weight of C is 20, so the quality of the outer chain added by B to my website is higher.

Point 2 It is the outer chain correlation. If you are working in LED products, the links you get should be in the LED industry, not in machinery or other industries.

3) Diversity of the outer chain

The diversity of the outer chain has two aspects

One is that there should be two types of attributes in the outer chain: dofollow and nofollow. Dofollow is not good, and nofollow is ineffective.

The second is that the anchor text of the external chain should not be just one kind. For example, the key word of my blog is foreign trade website building. The anchor text of the external chain I want to do should not be all foreign trade website building. It can be Hunk foreign trade website building, or Hunk foreign trade website building. It is better to enrich it.

4) Regularity

Many new websites have been pulled into the small black room (sandbox), which means that a large number of external links are sent just after they are launched, which is obviously not feasible. Because from the common sense, the new website can't be given to the outside chain so quickly. Therefore, there should be a certain rule in the external chain of hair, which should be matched with the number of your content, and hair should be made step by step.

5) Several ways of outer chain

The first is to exchange friendship links with websites in related industries

The second is that links to B2B platforms, whether paid or free, can register these platforms and add external links to their own websites

The third is the industry blog. You can publish your valuable articles on the industry blog. If you don't publish freely, you can try to contact the webmaster to publish links.

The fourth is to build your own blog. Just like building a corporate website, you can buy domain names and spaces, build a website, add an external link to your own website, and continuously update the content.

6) Introduction to the external chain query tool

franco The update is slow, and it is difficult to find new stations

Google webmaster tool Update once every two weeks or so, only check the website

paid updates slowly is the most professional SEO tool because it is updated quickly

4. SNS sharing

 Research on Factors of English SEO Ranking 4
With the rise of SNS in recent years, Google and other search engines have to consider SNS sharing as a factor in SEO ranking. So if the website page can be shared to the SNS platform in large numbers, the ranking will not be poor.

Of course, in the same way, it is still necessary to share with the target population where they are, rather than indiscriminately.

The above is Hunk's personal experience summary. If you want to add new content in the future.

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 dried food! A study on the factors of english seo ranking

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Hunk has entered the foreign trade industry for 10 years, engaged in foreign trade business, and transformed technology for 12 years, engaged in foreign trade station building marketing. If you are going to build an independent foreign trade station, we have many professional technical articles for your reference. Hunk recommends Purchase domain name on namesilo , on siteground or cloudways Buy space on and use Google email. Of course, if you are not good at technology and have no time to study, you can find Hunk outsource to build a website or pay for solving problems

Six replies on "Dry Goods! Research on Factors of English SEO Ranking"

Is SEO optimization mainly about content and has nothing to do with code? In short, do you want to make your website look good and update some content regularly to get the attention of search engines?

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