Hunk » Foreign trade station construction » How to outsource logo and hand drawn video on fiverr (from 6USD)

How to outsource logo and hand drawn video on fiverr (from 6USD)

It has always been Hunk's philosophy for professionals to do professional things, so when Hunk is not good at something, he will choose outsourcing, such as logo production. In addition to logo and hand-painted video, some work that does not require after-sales can also be outsourced, such as image processing, banner production, etc. Today Hunk shares how to outsource LOGO and hand-painted video on fiverr. Other outsourcing processes are similar.

Fiverr is a good platform used by Hunk. It is cheaper to outsource a LOGO on it. You can outsource a good LOGO for about 6USD. The specific methods are described below.

1. How to outsource the production of website logo on fiverr

1.1 Register and activate fiverr account

first Open the official website of fiverr , click Join in the upper right corner

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Then enter your email in the pop-up window, or log in directly with gmail, click Continue

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Then enter the account password and remember it, click Join

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Soon, your email will receive the email that needs to activate your account. Click to open the page to activate it

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1.2 Search and select the seller you want

After logging in to fiverr, enter logo design in the search box at the upper left corner and press Enter to find all sellers who provide logo design services

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Next, we will carry out a screening. For example, if your budget is only 5USD, enter 5 here and click>Filter. Then click best selling in the results to list some of the best sellers for you to choose.

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How to choose a seller?

Hunk suggested choosing the ones with high sales and good comments.

Remember Don't choose sellers who sell very little but have good reviews. This kind of seller service is very good, but the professionalism is not very good. Hunk has been in the pit before. The seller's service is very good, and he has taken the trouble to help you modify it, but it can not change the professional effect.

Of course, you can also go in and see how their design works.

Just now, the logo of Hunk blog is going to be replaced with a new one, so we will demonstrate it to everyone. Then we will choose the company with the largest sales volume to design the logo

1.3 Pay and write your request

Click to enter the first store, and then select basic, which is the cheapest plan. Of course, if you have more budget, you can choose a more advanced PLAN, all up to you.

The Basic plan provides very limited services, which is also normal. After all, every price is worth every product. 6USD is not enough to make a logo on Taobao and Zhu Bajie in China.

Click Continue directly

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You will enter the order placement page, and other additional charging services will be listed on the left. If necessary, you can tick them. If you do not need to click Order directly,

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Then click place order. Since Fiver sent Hunk 5USD balance, the balance of the account was directly deducted.

If you are a new user , you need to fill in the credit card or paypal information to make payment, and a handling fee of 1USD will be charged. So it will be 6USD in total. Remember this.

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After the payment account is filled in and the payment is successful, you need to fill in your requirements for the logo.

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The seller will provide you with some questions to fill in, so that he can achieve the design effect you want at one time , so it is better to fill in carefully according to the requirements and format, because the number of modifications is also limited.

After filling in, tick the information... and click Start order The next step is to quietly wait for the seller's first draft.

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1.4 Modify or complete the order after receiving the seller's first draft

It takes about a few hours to receive the seller's first draft, which is relatively fast.

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Generally, the seller will provide you with two designs to choose from. Hunk has outsourced several logos on the fiverr, and almost all of them can be determined after receiving the first draft. Modification is also a modification of details, such as color, location, etc.

If you are not satisfied with the design after receiving the first draft, you can provide requirements and suggestions for modification in the chat box at the bottom.

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If there is no need to modify it, click ACCEPT directly to complete the order.

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In addition, FIVERR is set to automatically complete the order within 72 hours if there is no feedback Therefore, if there is a modification request, it should be put forward in time, otherwise the order will be completed automatically in a few days.

After the order is completed, it is time to evaluate.

It is convenient to outsource such a LOGO.

2. How to outsource a hand-painted video on fiverr

Video is a very useful part of marketing websites. If you have conditions, you can shoot some videos of real scenes on the spot. If you have no conditions or a low budget, you can consider making a hand-painted video on fiverr. The effect is also good.

There are two ways to realize the outsourcing of hand-painted video, One is a simple but costly method That is to outsource the whole video, including animation, video text and recording background, to one company for processing, which may cost hundreds of USD.

The other is the split method, Distribute the video text, video animation, and text recording to different people, and then merge them into a video. There are more such steps, but the cost is low. The total cost is about 50USD, and you can complete a 2-3 minute good hand drawn video.

The following details a way to save money by outsourcing hand-painted videos on fiverr.

2.1 You need to register a fiverr account

first Open the official website of fiverr , click Join in the upper right corner

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Then enter your email in the pop-up window, or log in directly with gmail, click Continue

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Then enter the account password and remember it, click Join

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Soon, your email will receive the email that needs to activate your account. Click to open the page to activate it

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2.2 First, find a text writer. The English language is script writing, which is the text content of your video introduction. If you are good at English, you can write it yourself.

Similarly, search script writing in the search box of fiverr, enter your budget range, click Filter, click Sales, and then select from the high sales.

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Of course, the ones with high sales volume are also the most expensive. For example, the top seller's 5USD basic plan only provides 10S text. So if you have a low budget, you should look for it. (Note that the text is about 150 words, and the time is about 1 minute and 10 seconds.)

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2.3 Next, find someone to record and search for voice over

It is also to input the budget filter and select the one with the highest sales volume. It is also necessary to pay attention to the services it provides, and listen to the sound quality of its voice, and then place an order after consideration.

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Note that the cost is related to the text length of the recording. You can choose your text length and see how the price is. There are also some additional services to choose from.

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If you don't find a suitable one, you can try this one. It's used by other friends

2.4 Next, find someone to do hand drawn animation effects and search whiteboard animation

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You can find many related sellers. Then select the good ones to place an order and send them the texts and recordings you have prepared before. Pay attention to the services they provide, such as whether background music is required for videos. If so, it usually costs more. The service content and process provided by each seller are different, so these unclear questions should be asked clearly in advance.

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If you don't find a suitable one, you can try this one, which is also used by other friends,

When the video production is completed, make sure there is no problem and pay.


Hunk has always been It is not recommended to find foreigners to do websites Because communication costs are too high. For services such as logo, which have less communication and do not need much modification, I suggest outsourcing on foreign platforms, such as fiverr. So in addition to LOGO and hand-painted videos, if you need other services that you can't decide, such as BANNER, you can try outsourcing on fiverr to save time and effort.

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 How to outsource logo and hand drawn video on fiverr (from 6USD)

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Hunk has entered the foreign trade industry for 10 years, engaged in foreign trade business, and transformed technology for 12 years, engaged in foreign trade station building marketing. If you are going to build an independent foreign trade station, we have many professional technical articles for your reference. Hunk recommends Purchase domain name on namesilo , on siteground or cloudways Buy space on and use Google email. Of course, if you are not good at technology and have no time to study, you can find Hunk outsource to build a website or pay for solving problems

9 replies on "How to outsource logo and hand-painted video on fiverr (from 6USD)"

It is not recommended to find services that need too much communication on it, such as building a website. Communication will be a headache.


Hello Hunk, Can you find out how to improve the website speed on FIVERR. What safety details should be paid attention to? Because this involves giving background accounts

Thank you very much

Don't look at it to improve the speed of the website. It's not reliable. I will introduce you a reliable person, 1743059864, plus his QQ, professional and reliable.


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