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How to write robots on foreign trade website

Although Robots is a very basic thing on the website, many friends still don't know what it is used for or how to write it. Today, we will talk about what robots are and how to write robots on foreign trade websites

1. What is Robots

Robots is a protocol used among web crawlers (like GG spiders). Robots set which spiders can and cannot crawl which pages. It has no legal effect and is completely conscious. It is placed in the document robots. txt.

2. How to write website robots

Website inclusion and crawling prohibited

The first step in building a WP website is to write it, because your website has not been completed and is not suitable for inclusion

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

Website open inclusion and crawling

Generally speaking, there is no standard answer to the writing of robots on the website. Because it is an open content, the purpose is to tell what can be done and what can not be done, so it is entirely up to you to decide.

Recent articles of professional SEO plug-in YOAST SEO show that there is no need to restrict anything, which is equivalent to streaking.

Especially for AVADA themed websites, if there is any restriction on the Google webmaster tool background, they will be prompted to report errors, so they are open to the website for inclusion. The released robots are as follows.

 User-agent: * Allow: /

3. Where to put robots files

After the robots.txt file is written, it can be directly uploaded to the root directory of the website, that is, the same path as wp admin, wp content, and wp includes.

The simple and quick way to scale is to use the editing function of the yoast seo plug-in. You can edit robots online, which is very convenient. Please refer to Use of yoast seo plug-in

4. If Robots prohibits it, will others not see my website?

No, robots are network protocols that work for web crawlers but not for people.

To prevent others from seeing your website - install the under construction plug-in and enable it to block your website

If the website does not include robots, write robots and put them under the root directory of your website

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 How to write robots on foreign trade website

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Hunk has entered the foreign trade industry for 10 years, engaged in foreign trade business, and transformed technology for 12 years, engaged in foreign trade station building marketing. If you are going to build an independent foreign trade station, we have many professional technical articles for your reference. Hunk recommends Purchase domain name on namesilo , on siteground or cloudways Buy space on and use Google email. Of course, if you are not good at technology and have no time to study, you can find Hunk outsource to build a website or pay for solving problems

Three replies on "How to write robots on foreign trade websites"

After watching the WordPress video for learning, you can also set up a website to try it before you buy the domain name and space, right? I'm a little confused

I didn't buy a domain name or space. I had to build a local website. It's very troublesome. I don't recommend it.

So it's better to buy a domain name and space to build a website,

The domain name is purchased on Namesilo. Here are the tutorials: (including discount code)

Fast and simple space: siteground space purchase tutorial:


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