Hunk » Foreign trade station construction » Avada Theme » [Video] How to use Layerslider plug-in to create a website banner?

[Video] How to use Layerslider plug-in to create a website banner?

Layerslider is a banner plug-in that I use most. It has many operating steps. Today, let's record a video about how to use Layerslider plug-in to create a banner website

Video content:

1. How to install layerslider

AVADA payment – online installation

AVADA free upload installation

2. Create a pure image slider

Size settings

Interval setting

Picture link settings

3. How to call slider

4. Create a slide of picture+text+button

Add background picture

Add Layer

Add title and adjust style (background color, font size, margin, color, rounded corner, etc.)

Add Button

Additional content:

What is the size of Banner picture?

There are generally two sizes of banners,

The size of the picture displayed in full screen is 1920 × 600, the unit is px, the width is 1920, and the height can be adjusted up or down as required.

The size of the non full screen banner image is your page width × 500, and the unit is px. The page width is fixed, and the height can also be adjusted up or down as needed.


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 [Video] How to use Layerslider plug-in to create a website banner?

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Hunk has entered the foreign trade industry for 10 years, engaged in foreign trade business, and transformed technology for 12 years, engaged in foreign trade station building marketing. If you are going to build an independent foreign trade station, we have many professional technical articles for your reference. Hunk recommends Purchase domain name on namesilo , on siteground or cloudways Buy space on and use Google email. Of course, if you are not good at technology and have no time to study, you can find Hunk outsource to build a website or pay for solving problems

8 replies on "[Video] How to use Layerslider plug-in to create website banner?"

hunk, The website will generate some links directly to the server IP address after installing the theme (the link suffix is very long), such as
Will these unordered and long links affect website data?

Hunk: Hello!
How come the slides I made with layers rider have no effect and only show one picture?
Please teach me, thank you!

Hello, I set the response mode. Why does the mobile phone still open the page with a fixed proportion after scanning?
But the page made with fusion slider is responsive. Why?

I want to implement scrolling related projects under the portfolio page, as shown in the following example:

However, I found that the website will automatically generate pure related projects, and whether I set related projects visible or not, the problem still exists, as follows:

I would like to ask you how to implement the rolling related projects of the example. Thank you

1. Related projects will be displayed only when there are two or more products under the same category. 2 The first featured image of portfolio must be uploaded so that the image 3 will be displayed in related projects There must be a place for scrolling


Thanks Hunk, the problem has been solved.
The related projects are set in avada>theme options>extra>related posts/projects.
In addition, I found that no matter in the previous topic or avada, the portfolio page will have three links to similar products (plain text links under the project description). I can't find the relevant settings. WordPress has an option to generate relevant blog posts in the background, but my website has not checked it. I forgot to help. The following link:

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