Hunk » Foreign trade network marketing » How to use Google GSC (the original Google webmaster tool)?

How to use Google GSC (the original Google webmaster tool)?

Google GSC, namely Google search console (formerly Google webmaster tool), is a free website management platform of Google. It is powerful and easy to use. Today Hunk will share how to use Google GSC.

Tips: For new websites, it is unlikely that there will be a lot of traffic at the beginning, so you need to wait for a while before the gg webmaster tool will have data.

1. Register Google GSC and verify ownership

reference resources Registration and installation method of GG GSC and GG analysis

2. Google GSC background overview

Enter Google GSC and log in , and then select the corresponding website to enter the overview page of the console.

The upper left corner is the domain name bound below your account. If you bind multiple domains, you can click the lower triangle here to switch to the Google GSC background of different domains.

On the left is the menu of Google GSC. Click the corresponding menu to enter the relevant page.

Enter a link for the search box above, a link to a page, and you can view the information related to this page.

The body part is a shortcut to some important menus, including performance, coverage, and enhancement. Click the relevant part to enter the relevant menu to view data.

 The background of the latest Google GSC tutorial in 2021

3. Google GSC performance

 Google GSC effect menu 1

The effect menu is used to check the number of clicks and exposures of your website in Google, as well as the average click rate, average ranking and other data. You can also query keywords, traffic source regions and other data. It is helpful to master the ranking and traffic of your website keywords, and can help you continue to optimize and improve the ranking.

This page is generally divided into five major sections.

Part 1 Filter

The top one is a filter. You can set different conditions here to obtain data under the corresponding conditions. There are many options for conditions, which can basically cover all common conditions. You can add different filter conditions to view the data of websites under corresponding conditions

Search Type

There are four common ones, namely, web pages, videos, pictures, news, etc. For most websites, the traffic of searching web page sources is the most. Of course, if your videos and pictures are optimized well, the traffic of these two sources will also be more. At the same time, you can also compare the data from these different sources

 Google GSC Effect Menu Search Type 1  Google GSC Effect Menu Search Type 2


It is the data of your website in a certain period of time. You can retain data for up to 16 months, and of course you can view data in a certain period of time. In addition, you can compare data in different time periods.

 Google GSC Effect Menu Date 1

 Google GSC Effect Menu Date 2

There are many remaining filter conditions.

 More filter conditions of Google GSC effect menu 1

query That is, search keywords. You can check the traffic of a certain keyword and compare the traffic of several keywords

 Google GSC effect menu query

Country That is, which countries/regions your traffic comes from. You can view the traffic of a specific country/region, or compare the traffic of different countries/regions.

 Google GSC Effect Menu Country

Webpage It refers to the traffic data of a certain page of your website, and then you can compare the traffic data of several pages.

 Google GSC Effect Menu Page 1

equipment Which devices are the main sources of your website traffic? Is it a computer tablet or a mobile phone? You can also compare the flow data between these devices.

 Google GSC Effect Menu Device 1

Search Results Rendering It refers to your traffic, mainly from which search. For general websites, AMP non vice media search results are the most.

For AMP's search on mobile web pages, Weblight generally refers to the search in Google's APP.

 Google GSC effect menu's search result presentation

For the above filters, you can set different conditions here to obtain data under the corresponding conditions. There are many options for conditions, which can basically cover all common conditions.

Overall data of PART 2 website

This is the overall traffic data of the website after the above filter conditions are executed. It is divided into four types.

Total hits It is the data that all pages of your website have been clicked by people in the search engine for a period of time.

Total exposure times Is the number of times all pages of your website are seen by users. This data must be greater than the number of clicks, because you may not click it when you see it, but you will see it when you click it.

Average click through rate, It is the total number of hits of the website divided by the total number of exposures. This click rate is related to the ranking. The higher the ranking, the higher the click rate. Of course, there are other factors, such as whether the title and description are well written to attract users to click. The specific click through rate varies according to different search keywords. See PART4 for details.

Average ranking Is the ranking data of all your pages under a certain keyword search in the search engine. The higher the ranking, the higher the relative click rate and the more clicks. The specific ranking varies with different search keywords, which can be viewed in PART 4.

PART 3 Flow Data Curve

This is corresponding to the data filtered out in Part 2. It is a curve graph of website data, which mainly looks at the trend of data from the past to the present under some filtering conditions. If the trend of your website data has been rising, it means that the traffic has been growing, and optimization has also been effective.

PART 4 Data related to specific search keywords

Here you can find all the search keywords, which pages of the website have more traffic, which countries the traffic of the traffic websites come from, and the proportion of customers' devices browsing the website, whether the mobile terminal or the computer terminal is more

In addition, it depends on whether there are search results of AMP secondary media, because secondary media is some data such as pictures, videos, comments, etc. in addition to the normal search results, which are easier to attract users to click.

Then you can check how many search traffic data the website has each month.

In addition, you can click a certain search keyword It is very convenient to view the traffic, ranking, click rate and other data of this keyword.

 Google GSC effect menu specific keyword 1

 Google GSC effect menu specific keywords 2

PART 5 Data Download Menu

Export menu in the upper right corner, where you can download the data of the website under the current filter conditions. Click directly to select an Excel document to download it.

4. Google GSC's URL inspection

Link checking is to check the data of a page on your website.

Directly enter your link in the search box, and then click Enter to display some data on this page.

 Google GSC link check 1

If it is all normal green, don't worry about it. If there is a red or yellow prompt, just go in and check the reason.

For example, on my page, it shows that there are some problems with amp. Click it and the message is that the image is smaller than the recommended value. Click the following menu to find relevant information.

It can be repaired according to the relevant information provided by him.

 Google GSC link check 2

 Google GSC link check 4

5. Coverage of Google GSC

This is mainly to check the collection of your website pages.

Generally, there are three statuses of web pages. The first is all the pages of your website, the second is all the pages you submit, and the third is all the pages included in your site map.

You can view the data of these three web pages separately.

Under normal circumstances, it is normal without errors or warnings.

Of course, you can also view which pages have been excluded If a normal page is excluded, you should take a look at it, analyze the reason and repair it.

According to experience, these excluded pages have more or less problems.

 Google GSC coverage 1

 Google GSC coverage 3

Then there is a download button in the upper right corner to download some data under the current conditions.

 Google GSC coverage 2

6. Sitemaps of Google GSC)

Under this menu, you can submit a website map, which can speed up the collection, especially for new websites.

The method is also very simple, just put Suffix of website map in XML format Input into the box, if you use Yoast seo plug-in The input in this box is sitemap_index.xml, and then click Submit.

Of course, the premise of your submission is that your website has been released, otherwise it will be useless if you submit it.

In addition, do not submit specific pages or pages with HTML suffixes here. You will be prompted with errors if you submit them!

 Google GSC website map

7. Google GSC Removal

This menu is mainly used to temporarily delete a page or all pages of your website, and can be used under certain conditions.

The method is also relatively simple. First, click Add New Request, then enter your page, choose to temporarily remove or clear the cache, choose to clear this page or all websites, and then click Next to finish.

 Google GSC Delete Menu 1

8. Core web witals of Google GSC

This menu is mainly used to check the loading speed of your website on the mobile and computer terminals. The data here is consistent with the page speed Insight data.

Personally, as long as there is no red prompt on your website, that is, the situation is not good. It is basically OK, and there is no need to obsess over the data, because his requirements are relatively high.

 Google GSC Network Core Element 1

Of course, you can also try to repair the areas that need improvement. If there is a page that needs to be improved, click the menu to see what needs to be improved on your website. Click on the page to be improved, and then you can view a specific page and related reasons, and then modify it.

9. Mobile usability of Google GSC

This menu is to check the display of the website on the mobile terminal

If there is an error prompt, click it, and the following will prompt the specific error. Then click the specific error to view the official information and repair it. Sometimes these errors may disappear automatically after a period of time. Google also has a bug.

 Mobile end availability of Google GSC

10. Amp of Google GSC

AMP is a special mobile page launched by Google. It is characterized by high speed, cutting off redundant js code and so on, making the page purely static.

At present, the WordPress website is only open for the post page. You only need to install an AMP plug-in to implement the amp page of the POST page of the WP website. The link is to add an amp after the website and the link, that is https://www. Domain name. com/post/amp/.

The AMP menu of Google GSC is to check the amp page of your website to see if there is a problem, then click on the specific problem to see which page has a problem, and then repair it according to the corresponding prompt.

 AMP 1 of Google GSC

 AMP 2 of Google GSC

11. Google GSC's Sitelinks search box

The site link search box is a search box in the search engine for some websites added by Google, which cannot be added by itself.

 Google GSC site search box 1

There are also some data in this menu. Check whether there are any errors. If there are no errors, don't worry about them.

 Google GSC site search box 1

12. Manual actions of Google GSC

This page prompts whether Google has conducted manual intervention on your website. If not, it is normal.

On the contrary, if your website violates the rules of some search engines, Google will have relevant manual operations and record them on this page.

 Manual actions of Google GSC

13. Security issues of Google GSC

 Security issues of Google GSC

When your website is hacked or poisoned, or there is a phishing link on the website that is found by Google, there will be a corresponding prompt here for security issues. If there is no prompt, your website is normal.

14. Links of Google GSC

 Google GSC Links 1

The link menu is mainly used to display the external links, gross text and internal link data of your website. This page also includes 5 parts.

PART 1 External Link

External links refer to the links to your website added to other people's websites, which is what we usually call external links.

In this section, the pages with the most external links on your website are displayed in turn.

Click Details to view all data

 Google GSC Links 3

Click to enter, you can see which pages have the most external links on your website, how many external links are on each page, and how many corresponding domain names are on the external links.

Click one of the links to continue to view the corresponding information

 Google GSC Links 4

Click one of your pages (landing page) to view all the external domain names on this page and how many links each domain name has to your website page.

We can also click the outer chain domain name to see all the links to your website under the outer chain domain name

 Google GSC Links 5

After clicking in, you can see which pages under this domain name add an external link to your domain name, which is very detailed.

 Google GSC Links 6

PART 2 internal link

Internal links are the links that the pages inside a website add to other pages. We usually call them internal links.

The internal link section shows the pages with the most internal links. Click the details below to view all the data.

You can also click a page link to view its internal link data

 Google GSC Links 7

After we click the home page to enter, we can see which pages have added internal links to the home page at a glance.

 Google GSC Links 8

PART 3 The most common referral website

Referral website means to give you the website of the external chain

This section shows which websites give you the most external links and how many external links there are. You can click an external link to view relevant data, or click Details to view all external link data.

 Google GSC Links 9

After clicking the details, you can see the total number of external links of the website, the most external link domain names, how many pages under the same external link domain name have added external links to your website, and how many pages of your website have been added external links by this domain name and other data.

 Google GSC Links 10

Click on an external link website above to enter, you can see which pages of your website have external links from this domain name, and how many external links each page has from this domain name.

 Google GSC Links 11

Click one of your web page links to see which pages of this external website add external links to your web page.

 Google GSC Links 12

PART 4 Most common introductions

Referral text means anchor text.

This section shows what anchor texts are linked to the outer chain of your website. Click Details to view all anchor text data

 Google GSC Links 13
 Google GSC Links 14
 Google GSC Links 14

PART 5 data download

There is still an export icon in the upper right corner, where you can download data under current conditions


 Google GSC Links 2

15. Google GSC settings

The setting page is about the account, Google spider crawling data, etc

Users and Permissions Here, you can manage a website with multiple accounts by clicking the current administrator, then clicking Add User, then entering the gmail account, setting permissions, and clicking Add.

 Google GSC settings 1
 Google GSC settings 2

Address change It is used to tell Google that your domain name has been switched after your website changes its domain name, so that it can migrate data and avoid the impact of changing the domain name as much as possible. The method is also simple. Click directly, select the bound website or add resources directly, and then verify and update.

 Google GSC settings 3
 Google GSC settings 4

Grab statistics You can open the report to check the activity of Google spiders on your website

 Google GSC settings 5
 Google GSC settings 7

It mainly checks how many data fetches are abnormal, but some are misjudged by Google and need to be checked. If there are problems, they need to be repaired

 Google GSC settings 7

16. Submit feedback of Google GSC

This page will not introduce it. If you have any good feedback on Google, you can put it here.

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 How to use Google GSC (the original Google webmaster tool)?

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7 replies on "How to use Google GSC (the original Google webmaster tool)?"

After the site map is uploaded, a warning is displayed, and the website is blocked by robots.txt. The site map contains web addresses that are blocked by robots.txt.
What's the reason? I have set the robot content to allow

I want to ask why it is wrong to display the sitemap after logging in to the GA tool, but it is displayed when I enter it. I checked the background of bulehost and found that the sitemap file is displayed. What is the reason?

Hunk, I have a question about sitemap. The website is open. After submitting robots, I created a sitemap using the online map xml sitemaps. I found that the generated sitemap.xml only captured part of the pages. For example, under a product a subdivision product page, only the first page of the page, product a1-a12, was captured, and a13-a20 was not captured. After several attempts, the a13-a20 page is still not crawled into sitemap.xml.
In this case, will products not in sitemap.xml (such as a13-a20) affect subsequent Google crawling and SEO?

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