Hunk » Foreign trade station construction » Avada Theme » How to install Avada themes and subthemes?

How to install Avada themes and subthemes?

The installation of Avada themes and subthemes is similar to that of other wordpress themes. You must install the AVADA theme first and then the subthemes. Note that avada comes with two plug-ins that must be installed. One is fusion core, and the other is fusion builder. Today, I will tell you how to install the avada theme and subtheme

Note: The Avada theme in this article installs version 5.14, and the version method of the 5 series is universal

If your new version is Avada 7.3 or above, please refer to here Install avada theme and subtheme

Install the AVADA theme first

1. Upload avada theme in the background of wp and activate it

After entering the background of wp, place the cursor on appearance and click themes

 How to install Avada theme 1

Click add new again

 How to install Avada theme 2

Click upload theme again How to install Avada theme 3

Click to select the file, select the version to be installed in the pop-up window, and open How to install Avada theme 4  How to install Avada theme 5

Then click install now How to install Avada theme 6

Wait about 1 minute to see the successful installation prompt. Then click Activate to activate the theme.

 How to install Avada theme 7

2. Install and activate the required plug-ins - fusion core and fusion builder

After activating the theme, you will see a prompt to install plug-ins. Click go manage plugins

 How to install Avada theme 8

On the WP - AVADA – plugins page, you can see the fusion core and fusion builder, both of which are redundant, which means that plug-ins must be installed. Click Install to install and activate them

 How to install Avada theme 9

After installation, you can use the AVADA theme to build a website!

The free AVADA theme will have such hints. If you buy a theme, you can activate it. If you don't buy a theme, you can ignore it, without affecting the use of the main functions.

 How to install Avada theme 10

Reinstall the AVADA subtheme

You can also upload sub themes in the theme installation and activate them. Keep the subtheme ACTIVE

 AVADA Subtheme

Experiments show that when using subthemes, if AVADA is upgraded manually, it can effectively avoid the loss of FOOTER of SIDEBAR caused by AVADA upgrade. Therefore, it is necessary to install sub themes.

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 How to install Avada themes and subthemes?

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22 replies on "How to install Avada themes and subthemes?"

Hello, Mr. Hunk, please ask me a question. If you use WordPress as a retail website, which theme is better to buy? thank you.

Hi Hunk,

Follow your steps to install the AVADA theme. However, when I unpack the Avada and davada child theme packages, the compressed package Avada 5.1.4 does not appear. Instead, there are many packages like. cicleci, assets, bbpress, includes, languages, licensing, and many files with PHP suffixes. For your advice, is my AVADA theme pack downloaded incorrectly? Or which link is wrong?

Prompt after uploading to WORDPRESS:
The link you followed has expired.
Please try again.
What is this problem? Do you want to modify the restrictions of PHP? How to modify?

Teacher, why are the Avada themes downloaded from you always uploaded unsuccessfully? After uploading to about 50% of the website, I can't open the website. I tried several versions but failed

Yes, the theme files I uploaded are all used by myself, so there can be no problem. Change the space. It seems that there is no good comment on this space. I suggest changing it to this one,


Hello Hunk

After I installed this, this problem occurred:

HTTP 500 error
This is strange... the website can't display this page
The site may be under maintenance, or there may be programming errors.
Try this operation
Return to the previous page
Try to contact the site owner

1. Do not operate on the local computer 2 Exclude plug-in conflicts 3. Ensure that there are no problems with the installed theme source files


Teacher, I upgraded the Avada theme to 5.3.1 according to your method, and then installed the sub theme, but the theme Options could not be found. It only appeared for a while and then disappeared. Can you help me find out why?

Hello, Mr Hi Hunk,

I have a question for you.

In BLUEHOST, I uploaded and installed WORDPRESS, and also installed the AVADA theme. Later, when I clicked to install the FUSION CORE and FUSION BUILDER plug-ins, the following error message appeared:
“Something went wrong with the plugin API.”

Other plug-ins or themes cannot be installed online, but can only be installed by uploading.

How to solve this problem? thank you

For the first time, please provide the BLUEHOST account password and the website account password. I will check the reason.


Hello, I installed avada through your tutorial and the avada download link you provided. After it is enabled, the background of the wp and the foreground of my website have become blank pages, unable to operate. What is the matter?

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