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How to establish multiple websites in Bluehost

Both PLUS and business Pro PLAN in the shared hosting package in Bluehost support the creation of multiple websites. The following uses PLUS as an example to explain how to establish multiple websites in Bluehost (how to establish multiple domain names in bluehost space, and BH adds domain names)

1. Premises

must Only PLUS or Busines Pro can add multiple websites. If you purchase STARTER space, you can only add it after upgrading to PLUS or PRO.

in addition Each Bluehost space has a primary domain. This domain is the domain name you use when you purchase the space. You can use it without the operation in this article. This article is about you adding the 2nd, 3rd, 4th.. The operation method used by domain names.

2. First bind the domain name to the Bluehost space

Enter the BLUEHOST background, click assign under domains, and enter the website domain name you want to add in the box in the second line. BH will verify your domain name, sometimes for a long time. In this case, you can refresh it several times, as shown below:

 Bluehost installs multiple websites 1

3. Modify the A record of the domain name and verify the ownership

After verifying the domain, you need to perform the following operations to verify that the domain name belongs to you. There are several options below:

The first is to change your domain name NS to Bluehost (the domain name uses the corporate email Be careful This operation), refer to Methods of modifying NS for Namesilo, godaddy and HiChina domain names ;

The second is to set the A record. You may also set the DNS "A" record... Just add the A record. In my other article Method of adding A record to domain name , after adding A record, you may need to Wait for 1 hour Can be verified. As shown below

 Bluehost installs multiple websites2

As for EPP CODE, this is the transfer code of the domain name. In fact, if you fill in the transfer code, you can't verify it, so don't worry about it.

4. Fill in the root directory path of the website and assign

After verifying the ownership, select the ADDON mode, and select create new directory in the following website file path selection. Generally, it will automatically select and fill in the corresponding path name for you. In addition, fill in the name in the sub domain space, and finally click assign this domain, as shown below


5. View the assigned domain name

After ASSIGN is completed, you can check the status of this domain name in the BH background - domains domain list. If it is in the ADDON mode, ASSIGN is successful


 Bluehost installs multiple websites 4

6. Install wordpress

The next step is to build the station. Taking the WORDPRESS program as an example, go to the BH background Hosting website, enter intoall now, enter the installation page, and click INSTALL Bluehost installs multiple websites 6

Select your domain name with www and click NEXT

 Bluehost installation wp 2017 1

In the page that appears, the system will automatically fill in the Admin information, and each item will be copied and saved, especially the account password of the WP background, which will be used for later login

 Bluehost installation wp 2017 2



After tens of seconds of installation, you can click view credentials to view your background account and password information. Next, you can build a website.

 Bluehost installation wp 2017 3

After the installation is successful, enter the website, and the following content will appear on the home page. This is the effect of blocking the website caused by automatically installing a mojo marketplace plug-in during the installation of WP. Just click ADMIN LOGIN or Domain name/wp admin/ You can enter the background. If you don't want this effect, you can enter the background and delete the mojo marketplace to restore it to normal. bluehost wordpress

7. Installation theme

After installing WP, the following is the installation theme, which can be referred to How to install Avada themes and subthemes

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 How to establish multiple websites in Bluehost

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Hunk has entered the foreign trade industry for 10 years, engaged in foreign trade business, and transformed technology for 12 years, engaged in foreign trade station building marketing. If you are going to build an independent foreign trade station, we have many professional technical articles for your reference. Hunk recommends Purchase domain name on namesilo , on siteground or cloudways Buy space on and use Google email. Of course, if you are not good at technology and have no time to study, you can find Hunk outsource to build a website or pay for solving problems

32 replies on "How to establish multiple websites in Bluehost"

There has been a website before. Now add a new website. When installing WORDPRESS on the new website, the following prompt will appear:
Select domain for installation

Install directory exists and is not empty. Please confirm that it is safe to overwrite any content in this directory.

()I confirm that it is safe to overwrite any content in this directory
I don't see this prompt in your shared content above, so I'm afraid to check the following item and continue the installation, or to create a new folder instead of leaving it blank (the default directory is selected)?
Request advice from HUNK, thanks!

This prompt means that the domain name above you has been installed on the website, so there are files on it. If you are sure to reinstall it, check it.

So you just need to check whether the domain name needs to be reinstalled, do not make a mistake about the domain name, and then tick to continue.


Thanks for HUNK's timely reply
But this domain name is new and has never been installed. It was previously installed on another domain name.
Will different domains in the same BLUEHOST account still be installed in the same folder?

It is possible that you have misoperated, causing different domain names to be installed in the same folder. It may also be the BUG of BLUEHOST

As long as you confirm that the domain name is correct, install it directly. If you are afraid of problems, first back up the website that has been put on it, and then install a new website. Website backup method reference


Hello, hunk. I am a student of Rice Course. I bought the space of bluehost (from the link recommended by Rice Course). The interface is all Chinese (cn. bluehost. com). However, the above article describes how to establish multiple websites with bluehost. It is from the English interface. I try to switch from the Chinese interface to the English interface to log in (if the account number remains unchanged) The webpage prompts that the failed account cannot be logged in?? Could you tell me if the account registered on the Chinese website can not be used on the English website?? How to establish multiple websites under the Chinese bluehost website??
thank you

My article is about the operation method of BLUEHOST space in the United States. It is different from cn - bluehost.

But the general method is the same. A records the IP address of the space, binds it to the space, installs WP, and then builds the site.

In addition, it is recommended to change the siteground space for faster speed and better service. Please refer to


Please consult Hunk

I registered cnbluehost with Considering that it may be necessary to establish multiple websites and prevent the backup and restore of Wordpress from affecting other websites, I want to separate the websites with folders at the beginning. I hope this is the case. I create two folders in public_html:
1. - Website 1
2. -- put on website 2

How to set it if you want to achieve this effect

Hello, I bought the Hong Kong host, planB, but the background loading of wordpress is very slow, and the website loading is also very slow. After foreign trade is launched on the Internet, it is also very slow, and the delay is very high. It takes almost half a minute or more to open the web page each time. Is this normal?

Ask BH customer service, the user experience of BLUEHOST in China is very poor, and it will take a long time to find it.


Sorry, it looks like we can’t create a database for this script. You’ll need to manually create a database and enter your credentials This is displayed when uploading. What is the situation...

2, 3, 4.. The root directory files of websites are under the root directory of the first website
The first is, its root directory is public_html, the second website is, its root directory is public_html/xyz, and so on


Thank you very much for your professional reply. There is still a headache. The bluehost space is very slow to open. How can I crack it?

The only way to fundamentally solve this problem is to change the space to vps, which will significantly improve the speed. reference resources

Because bluehost is a shared space, which is equivalent to a group dormitory in a university. The comfort level and other aspects are not very good, while the VPS like linode is a separate room, which is good in all aspects.


How many seconds does it take to switch the space to the Linode host? Is the conversion program complex?

There is no absolute value, but it is definitely much faster than BLUEHOST in the same situation.

You can buy LINODE, and then spend a little money to configure and move, in exchange for a good user experience, which is worth the investment and effort

After I click WordPress, I can't access wp admin. The following contents are displayed:
Cannot access this website

can't find
The server DNS address of.

What's the reason?

You only made the A record of, not the A record of, so you can't open it.

Just add this record


"Be careful when using the corporate mailbox for the domain name". Is there any specific operation method? The domain name is in HiChina, the space is in Bluehost, and the enterprise mailbox of HiChina is used. (In other words, Bluehost also gave corporate mailboxes, but the two accounts are not interconnected, and Bluehost mailboxes are difficult to use)

The domain name NS is set to BLUEHOST, and ASSIGN will be set back immediately after success to minimize the impact


Step 6 and the following contents have changed. When I installed it, I was also prompted that the installation failed. As a result, after the domain name refresh, I arrived at the website coming soon interface of marketplace and logged in to the WordPress background

Basically, as long as I learn the method, the manual transmission and automatic transmission are the same


Hunk, Hello.
Thanks for sharing. Another thing is unclear:
When you select install wp, my products are all without www. What's the difference? If so, where will it be changed?
Thanks for your advice.

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