Hunk » Foreign trade station construction » Wordpress Plug in » Useful website backup plug-in - Introduction and use of the Duplicator plug-in

Useful website backup plug-in - Introduction and use of the Duplicator plug-in

The Duplicator plug-in is known from TUDOU. It is very useful after using it once, especially the website backup function. It can be done in a few steps. Today, I will tell you how to use the Duplicator plug-in for website backup

1. In the background of the website, click plugins – add new, and then search for the replicator. The first search result is, and then install and activate it

 Tutorial 1  Tutorial 2

2. Click Duplicator – packages on the left side of the WP website background to enter the backup interface, and click create new on the upper right corner

 Duplicator plug-in 2

 Duplicator plug-in 3

3. Click NEXT in the next steps Duplicator plug-in 4

If When encountering the red warn, all can be ignored, because it only prompts that your system file is a bit large, and tick in front of the following prompt, and click BUILD

 Duplicator plug-in 5


 Duplicator plug-in 6

4. Next, the plug-in will establish a backup. If it is a website in Bluehost space, it will be slower, which may take tens of seconds to several minutes, LINODE space 's website is faster Duplicator plug-in 7

After completion, there will be a prompt. Click ARCHIVE to download the backup.

 Duplicator plug-in 8

The backup includes all backups of system files and database, which is the whole content of website backup. It is very convenient and simple.

Of course, the following errors may also be prompted


Don't worry about it at this time. The backup is still running in the background. You can go to the replicator - packages to view the generated backup after a period of time!

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 Useful website backup plug-in - Introduction and use of the Duplicator plug-in

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Hunk has entered the foreign trade industry for 10 years, engaged in foreign trade business, and transformed technology for 12 years, engaged in foreign trade station building marketing. If you are going to build an independent foreign trade station, we have many professional technical articles for your reference. Hunk recommends Purchase domain name on namesilo , on siteground or cloudways Buy space on and use Google email. Of course, if you are not good at technology and have no time to study, you can find Hunk outsource to build a website or pay for solving problems

7 replies on "Useful website backup plug-in - Introduction and use of the Duplicator plug-in"

Thanks to Hunk for his patient guidance. No matter during the cooperation period of building the station or during the later maintenance, the consultation is so nice and professional. He always helps me quickly.

Hello, if there is 504 error, does it matter
Server Status: 504 -Gateway Timeout
Error Message:
Gateway Timeout
The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application.

I've been working hard hunk, and I haven't had a rest during the September 16 holiday. I'm absolutely dry, and I'm embarrassed when I set up a website to harass you. I ran to the group for help, and then sent a link that was really humiliating. In the future, I will first Google, then hunk blog, and then meters, and then go to the group for help if I can't find an answer.

Thank you again!

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