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Method of font setting for AVADA website

Font is an important part of a website. Today, let's talk about the font setting method of AVADA website, including the setting of AVADA font style and size

AVADA website contains standard fonts such as arial, verdana and lucida commonly used on computers, and also uses them by default google font , you can set the desired font according to your needs.

In addition, I suggest that a website only use 1-2 fonts, with one font for the title and one font for the body. Too many fonts will be messy.

Many friends like to add some editor plug-ins, such as wp edit, to modify fonts in different places, which is also not recommended.

1. Avada menu font setting

 AVADA website font setting method 1

Enter the theme options – menu – main menu, find the Main Menu Typography, set the menu font in the Menu Typography, click font family, enter the font you want, suggest open sans or raleway, and leave the other settings alone, just keep the default

Then fill in 16px in the main menu font size

Main Menu Dropdown Font Size 13px

As shown below

 AVADA website font setting method 2

The other submenus under the menu also have corresponding font size settings. I usually do not set them separately. If necessary, you can also modify the font size of the corresponding menu

 AVADA website font setting method 2

2. Avada footer font setting

This menu is mainly used to set the font style and size of the Footer heading title, as shown in the following figure

 AVADA website font setting method 5

Enter theme options – footer and click footer learning

 AVADA website font setting method 3

Find the footer typography option and set the font style and size of the footer heading.

 AVADA website font setting method 4

3. Avada's body text and headers header font settings

The settings here are valid for the entire website

Body body font settings

The body font is the font of the website body content, and the part of the sidebar and other places where there is no special font

 AVADA website font setting method 6

To do this, enter theme options – typography – body typography to set the font style and size of the body, and the color of the linked text, and then save them. Leave the other options as default

 Method of font setting for AVADA website

Header label font settings

Headings are the fonts of labels h1, h2, h3... h6

Enter the theme options – typography – Headers Typography, where you can set the font style and size from H1 to H6. Generally, the raleway font is recommended

 AVADA website font setting method 8

4. Customized font at a detail of Avada website

If you need to use other fonts separately for a detail of the website, you can use CSS, as shown in the sidebar font below AVADA website font setting method 9

Find the corresponding CSS code first, refer to Simple CSS

or CSS Getting Started Video

 AVADA website font setting method 10

Add CSS of font style, as shown below, font style and size can be modified by yourself

.fusion-content-widget-area .widget li a{font-family:’open sans’! important;font-size:20px!important;}

Finally, put the CSS code into theme options – custom css, save and refresh it to see the font changes. The effect is as follows

 AVADA website font setting method 11

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 Method of font setting for AVADA website

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8 replies on "AVADA website font setting method"

Excuse me, why does the adava theme set the tabs on the Woocommerce product's inner page to h3 instead of h2? I think the storefront is h2. Thank you

hunk, For the AVADA theme, how can I adjust the font of my menu to be so small? Whether I adjust it to 15 or 25, how can the foreground display of the website be so small? The font size of FOOTER and BODY can be adjusted, and the website foreground display can be successfully resized.

Hello, I have to update wordpres to the latest version, and all settings for fonts have become unselectable. Can you solve this problem?

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