Hunk » Foreign trade station construction » Avada Theme » How to update Avada4.0 free version to 5.0

How to update Avada4.0 free version to 5.0

The latest version of AVADA theme AVADA5.0 and 5.01 has been released! This is a major change in 2016. After experiencing it, I just added a fusion builder function, and there are some changes in the code of SHORTCODE. Other operations have not changed much from 4.0. I will share any new findings later.

The release of AVADA5.0 caused two problems

1. Can AVADA4.0 still be used?

At least in the short term, because this is a major update and covers a wide range of areas, it is impossible to stop 4.0 and older versions immediately.

However, with the update of wp over time, there will be more and more incompatibilities in AVADA4, so it is recommended to keep upgrading.

2. Can AVADA5.0 continue to be used for free?

Most functions can be used for free with some restrictions

The slider can't be used for free. You need to purchase a VIP to register an account before you can install it online. However, you can continue to use it by uploading plug-ins. The download address of the layerslider plug-in is: Free resources – The layerslider plug-in program can be found in the AVADA theme download

DEMO cannot be installed for free. You need to purchase a VIP and register before you can install it online.

If you have a budget, you'd better buy an AVADA theme. After all, it's not expensive Three step purchase of AVADA theme

However, I still write the method of free upgrade, from AVADA4.0 to 5.0 One step is critical , the method is as follows

1. Back up the website first, use Duplicator plug-in backup website

2. Delete the current theme

Then upload AVADA5.01 (if the current theme is 3.9 series or earlier, it is recommended to upgrade to 4.03 step by step. The smaller the distance between the two versions, the smaller the risk. I only have 5.01, so I will directly upgrade to 5.01)

 avada upgrade 9

 avada upgrade 10

 avada upgrade 11

If you are prompted that the space cannot be deleted and bluehost is used, you need to enter the file manager of bluehost to delete the theme folder. If you are using VPS, you can directly delete the avada folder with the command. Avada theme cannot be deleted

3. Install the AVADA5.01 theme

After deleting the old version of AVADA, click Add theme in APPEARANCE THEME, click upload theme, and then select your new version of avada theme file( The name must be Avada in zip format )Click Install, and the upload can be completed in about 5 minutes. The most important step is coming. After uploading, don't click other menus. Be sure to be ACTIVATE. Remember!


After clicking ACTIVAE, it will jump to the code conversion page, pull to the bottom, select I have read the above, and click start conversion. After that, click update required plugins, and then upgrade fusion core and install fusion builder in sequence. Other plug-ins like layerslider cannot be updated because they are free versions. Remember, this step is very important. Without this step, there will be a pile of code on the website that cannot be displayed normally.


If this step is omitted, you can also go to the background AVADA system status and click the conversion code menu. You can also perform conversion

 avada 4 upgrade

After the code conversion is completed, you will be prompted to update the fusion core plug-in, and update as prompted



After updating the fusion core plug-in, you can install the fusion builder plug-in. Both plug-ins are mandatory

 avada-5-0-upgrade-4  avada-5-0-upgrade-5

4. Upgrade completed

It can be used normally after upgrading

5. Problems you may encounter after upgrading

The background editor has no fusion builder button

 Avada upgrade question 1

Solution - Go to the background fusion builder – settings and check the post types


 Avada upgrade problem

After saving and refreshing, it will be normal.


If you have more findings to share in the future, you can also leave a message for feedback if you have questions.

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 How to update Avada4.0 free version to 5.0

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14 replies on "How to Upgrade Avada4.0 Free Version to 5.0"

Hello, Hunk, where can I download the latest theme pack of free AVADA? Is it convenient to share? thank you

Hello Hunk, please ask me, my previous version was 5.0.3, and I upgraded to avada 5.3. After the activity, the line of the conversion code menu was not displayed. I tried from version 5.2.0 to version 5.2.0, but the line was not displayed. What do I need to do next? thank you


The FUSION BUILDER plug-in always prompts for updating, but it cannot be updated. How to solve it. thank you.

There are 5 in FUSION PATCHES, but the STATUS is blank.

It has been backed up according to your steps. What should I do if I want to restore it to the backup. thank you.

Are you building a local website or a space? If you are building a local website, you'd better give up and buy a domain name and space to build a website. This rarely happens when you build a website online.


Hello Hunk, I want to ask, my version is still 3.91. If I don't upgrade, can I always use this version? Because my other website was upgraded from 3.9.1 to the latest version of more than 5. It was found that all the codes were garbled

If you don't upgrade, problems will occur later, so you should upgrade in a timely manner.

Upgrading needs to be done step by step. My blog has written. Even for the paid version, I also recommend manual operation, step by step, which is not easy to cause problems


In the past two days, I encountered a lot of problems in updating. First, after I installed it, I didn't see "Click ACTIVAE and it will jump to the code conversion page". Instead, I had to go to the status to find the code conversion page. Then, many pages appeared 404 pages, no longer existed. After two days of struggle, I found that the original version was still returned, but I could not find delete in the app themes. I deleted the folder in the wp themes theme folder. After the original version of avada is uploaded again, the new version is displayed in the application themes. The current situation is that the new version cannot be installed, nor can the original version be replaced. Do you need to reinstall WordPress? thank you!

Hello Hunk, I want to ask you, I want to use avada theme in a new website now. I found many versions in your shared resources, which one should I use? A 5.01 full package is super large.

The latest one is enough, and the complete package is not required. The contents of the complete package are not useful


Hunk, hello!
I have a question for you:
Now my topic is avada5.0.3. I want to upgrade to 5.0.5, but it cannot be upgraded automatically. How can I set the automatic upgrade? Upgrading manually is a bit troublesome.
PS: I have purchased avada theme.
You have been invited Please

Fill the key into the background to register the AVADA theme, and you will generally be prompted that there is a new version. If there is no prompt, just refresh several times or wait.

BTW, Didn't receive your coffee


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