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Introduction to the powerful search functions of AVADA4.0 and 5.0

Although the AVADA5.0 series has been released, the AVADA4.0 series is still an excellent version; Compared with the AVADAQ3.0 series, 4.0 adds the most powerful function: search function.

Because AVADA has powerful functions and a large number of settings, it is not easy to remember. Therefore, the powerful search function can help save time and effort when building a website. Moreover, the search function has continued in the 5.0 version. Today, let's briefly talk about the use of the search function.

Search function location

As shown in the figure below, it is located at the top of theme options. Here is search for options

 AVADA 4.0 Powerful Search Function Introduction 1

Use of search function

Enter the items or parameters you want to set, The principle is that the shorter the better, the finer the better

For example, if you enter a map, you can automatically search for all settings related to the map without entering, and then directly set them in the corresponding settings. After setting, click save changes to save,

 AVADA 4.0 Powerful Search Function Introduction 2

For example, if you want to set comments, you can enter comments to display all comments related content

 AVADA 4.0 Powerful Search Function Introduction 3

For example, button can display all settings related to button, and then select the corresponding settings. Is it very convenient?

 AVADA 4.0 Powerful Search Function Introduction 4 AVADA 4.0 Powerful Search Function Introduction 5

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 Introduction to the powerful search functions of AVADA4.0 and 5.0

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