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How to add Google translation on Avada website

Google Translate is the simplest way to realize multilingual websites. Just add some code, you can easily realize the function of multilingual and small language online translation. The cost is very low. Today, let's talk about how to add Google Translate to Avada website

Case subject: AVADA 5.14, all versions of avada5 series should be universal

1. Code for applying for Google translation

get into Google Translation Application Page , click to add GG code to your website immediately

 How to add Google Translation1 on Avada website

(Next probably Jump to the login page of the gmail account. Since my gmail account has already logged on to Chrome, I did not encounter this step.) Instead, I directly enter the following page, fill in the URL according to the above requirements, select your website language, and click the next page

 How to add Google Translation2 on Avada website

The next step is to make some simple settings,

Translation language : Set the translation language. You can select all languages or some languages

display mode : Keep the default

senior : Select as needed

Click to get the code after setting

 How to add Google Translation4 on Avada website

Next, you will jump to the code page and copy all the code in the text box

 How to add Google Translation5 on Avada website

2. Add Google translation code to the AVADA theme

Enter the WP background – AVADA – theme options – header – header content, and you must select several modes with top menu for the header style of the website to add Google translation, as shown below

 How to add Google Translation6 on Avada website

Then pull down to find the phone number for contact info box, and paste the copied Google translation code into call us Before this sentence, click save changes to save

 How to add Google Translation7 on Avada website

Refresh the foreground, and you can see that the Google translation has come out, but the layout is not good. Then, the following CSS code

 How to add Google Translation8 on Avada website

.goog-te-gadget-simple{float:left; border:none!important;}

Paste it into the box of theme options – custom css, then save it, and refresh the foreground to see that Google Translate has been added to the location


 How to add Google Translation9 on Avada website

When it's done, some people will ask why they click on it. The language on it is Chinese. That's because my browser is Chinese. When your customer sees your website, it will change into his language, not Chinese!

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 How to add Google translation on Avada website

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Hunk has entered the foreign trade industry for 10 years, engaged in foreign trade business, and transformed technology for 12 years, engaged in foreign trade station building marketing. If you are going to build an independent foreign trade station, we have many professional technical articles for your reference. Hunk recommends Purchase domain name on namesilo , on siteground or cloudways Buy space on and use Google email. Of course, if you are not good at technology and have no time to study, you can find Hunk outsource to build a website or pay for solving problems

10 replies on "How to add Google translation to Avada website"

Today, we clicked the link and said: "We no longer provide additional access to Google Translate's website translator. This change does not affect the current use of the website translator. We recommend that users use the webpage translation function when using native browsers that support translation."
Translation API charges.

Thanks to Hunk, the operation was successful according to the steps. The problem is that after adding CSS, the icon of the selected language is still not perfectly aligned. The content of the following top menu is lower than that of the following top menu, and the entire top menu becomes wider and more blank, which is a bit unsightly. Is there any way to adjust this?

I'm going to hide the header and footer of goolge translation, pretending to be the website in the target language, but the problem is that the original language will be displayed before the translation is completed

Hunk, Recently, I have been particularly troubled about whether to do secondary domain names and then do small language websites. Just think about it. I think this method is very good Thank you! Now that the customer's language is displayed directly in this way, can I also be a small language when I do adwords?

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