Hunk » Foreign trade station construction » Only 8 steps are needed to understand the process of foreign trade station construction in detail (explanation with pictures and text)

It only takes 8 steps to understand the process of foreign trade station construction in detail (explanation with pictures and text)

Many foreign trade friends are not familiar with the process of foreign trade station construction, especially some novices. Today Hunk will sort out the process of foreign trade station construction

First, look at the flow chart of foreign trade station building

Note: Although it is the flow chart of foreign trade station building, the Chinese website building can also be used as a reference. In addition, this article takes the B2B website building of foreign trade wordpress enterprises as an example to explain that the general process of B2C website building is the same.

 Foreign trade station construction process 1

Secondly, let's take a step-by-step view of each step of the process of building a foreign trade station

1. Prepare the materials required by the website

Website materials are the core content of the website. Rich website materials can help customers quickly understand your enterprise and products and generate trust.

The website materials include BANNER pictures, company introduction, product classification, product pictures, contact information, company pictures, factory pictures, team photos, picture albums, certificates and a series of materials that need to show the company image, company strength and products. Information is the core of the website

The following screenshot is the information Hunk provided to customers to prepare when helping them build their foreign trade enterprises. You can refer to it

 List of materials prepared for foreign trade website

It can also be downloaded if necessary List of website materials

The following details each part of the website material preparation list


Logo is the representative of enterprises and websites. A good LOGO can leave a deep impression on users and is conducive to the spread of enterprise brands.

Personally, I suggest to find a professional person to outsource a LOGO. Professional people do professional things. Now the outsourcing price of TAOBAO has risen by several hundred yuan, so it is recommended to outsource a professional logo on the foreign outsourcing platform fiverr, which is only about 6USD. The outsourcing method can be referred to How to outsource logos on fiverr

Factory pictures

Factory pictures or office pictures can reflect the company's internal production and living environment, and increase the website users' understanding and trust in your enterprise. It is best to provide a copy of each process of product production, so that website users can understand more, including packaging, shipping and other details.

Customer evaluation

The customer evaluation can be the customer's email evaluation or report, or the chat screenshot of whatsapp or skype, or it can increase the website visitors' trust in your company

Enterprise certification and product album

You can prepare certification for enterprises, such as ISO, or product certification certificates, such as CE, ROHS, SGS certificates, to improve the image and professionalism of enterprises

The product album can be placed on the website for customers to download and view, so that customers can clearly know what your company's products are.

Homepage Banner

The website usually puts on the home page, with three pieces of suggestions, mainly including some hot selling products, exhibitions and other information, so that the website users can know what products you do at a glance and quickly attract customers.

Banner suggests being pragmatic and simple. There are generally two sizes of Banner. One is full screen size, with a width of 1920px and a height of 700-800px. The other is a non full screen size, with a width of 1100px or the same as your page width, and a height of 500-600px.

If you don't have an art designer, you can't do it yourself. It's better to outsource. It's recommended to outsource on fiverr. Please refer to the method How to outsource on fiverr

Representative pictures of product classification on the home page

For each product category, select one of the most representative and best looking pictures to display on the home page or navigation to attract users and let them know what your main products are. The requirement for pictures is that the pictures should be the best to look at, with the same size, and the pictures should be named after the classification name.


The common question and answer summary, about the company, about products, about payment, often asked by customers can be written on. Users can learn a lot of details about your company and products through this content.

GG stationmaster tools and GA code

Google webmaster tool and GA analysis are the most widely used statistics and analysis tools for foreign trade websites, which are necessary for foreign trade stations. Specific method reference Installation of Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics

Purechat account password

Purechat is a chat tool I have used for a long time. It has a big CHAT as the CTA, which has a good effect. After the previous website used Purechat, inquiries increased by 20-30%, so I have been using it all the time. See Purechat installation and usage

Of course, besides purechat, I believe there are other good chat tools. If Hunk encounters such a good tool, he will share it later.

Product Classification Table

Product classification constitutes the main framework of a website. This classification should not only describe your company's product range, but also express it accurately, including common keywords, so that it can have a double good effect on user use and SEO optimization.

Product classification is not recommended to exceed Level 2. For example, mobile phones, computers, cameras and tablets can be divided into one level, and the corresponding second level is Apple mobile phones, Huawei mobile phones, Xiaomi mobile phones, Apple computers, Huawei computers, Lenovo computers, sony cameras, canon cameras, nikon cameras, Apple tablets, Xiaomi tablets, etc.

If the depth of product classification is too deep, it will affect the user experience.

In addition to listing the product categories, we also need to write a text description for each category, mainly including the characteristics and advantages of the product, which can help optimize.

Company Profile

This is the essential content of each website. The company's introduction, advantages, history, etc. are displayed in simple language, concise and illustrated.

In addition to the text introduction of the enterprise, relevant certificate pictures, factory office pictures, team pictures, quality management and other contents can also be added to fully display the image and strength of the company.

Domain name and space

Whether you are building your own website or looking for someone to outsource it, you are strongly recommended to buy your own domain name and space. Domain name and space are described below ↓

Enterprise advantages

Highlight your company's special advantages over other companies, such as warranty. If someone else provides a two-year warranty, you can provide a three-year warranty, which will be a special competitive advantage.

Of course, there are many other advantages that can be written out.


The video introduced by the company suggested one, because the video conveys the largest amount of information. If you have the opportunity, you'd better shoot a live video, such as those produced in the factory, those in the office, and those visited by customers.

Of course, if there is no condition to shoot on site, you can also make a cartoon style hand drawn video, which can also be outsourced on fiverr. It only costs tens of USD to make one, which is better than nothing. Please refer to the specific method How to outsource hand-painted videos on fiverr

In addition to videos introduced by the company, videos of product operations can also be taken and uploaded to YouTube, which is also very helpful for website promotion and product promotion.

Full contact information

This is also an essential content for every website, such as company name, address, landline, fax, whatsapp, and email.

Title and description of the front page

The title and description shall be written separately on the homepage of the website.

The title contains 2-3 keywords, with the company logo or brand.

The description also includes 1-2 keywords, plus the advantages of the enterprise.

In addition to the home page, All other pages should have a description, but no title, because the title is the same as your page title. The format is the same as the home page description, including the keywords of the page 1-2 times and the description of advantages.

This is an SEO related content, where to write the title and description, you can refer to Use of yoast seo plug-in

Product Details Page

The product details page is a very important page for enterprise websites. A product detail page needs to prepare the following contents:

  • The characteristic pictures of the product are generally 3-5 pictures of the product from all angles and colors. The size is uniform, the width is 500px~750px, and the height is proportional. After processing the size, upload it to Compress it
  • The product description, advantages, packaging, shipment and other details are concise and clear, and the layout is in the way of title+paragraph. Each paragraph should not be too long. 2-3 sentences should be divided into one paragraph. In addition to text, you can also insert pictures into the content, such as packaging pictures, certification pictures, shipping pictures, etc. But don't like alibaba, where every page has a large section of duplicate content
  • Video, if the product has related demonstration video or operation video, you can upload it to YouTube and then link the video to the page
  • CTA, That is, call to action. The main purpose is to send an inquiry to you in time after the customer has learned about your product and is interested in it, so as to improve the conversion rate.

Other contents

The above content is helpful to the website accumulated by Hunk in the marketing process. In addition to these contents, if your company has other materials that can show your enterprise strength, you can also be ready to put them on the website.

In a word, rich information is the core of the website.

2. Purchase domain name and space

After the materials are ready, it is time to purchase the domain name and space, which are the two elements of the website.

The principle is that the domain names and spaces of Chinese websites are purchased on domestic platforms, and the domain names and spaces of foreign trade websites are purchased on foreign platforms

domain name

Domain name is the most important element, which has uniqueness. The domain name determines not only the website, but also your corporate email. So how does the domain name start?

For corporate websites, the preferred domain name is brand or keyword, for example,,, Of course, this kind of domain name may have been registered. You can consider the format of brand/company name+product keywords, for example, Note that the middle of the domain name should not be "medium", and the suffix of the domain name should preferably use com.

Where can I buy domain names?

If you want to build a foreign trade website, you can buy the domain name platform on a foreign platform. Hunk recommends the namesilo domain name platform, which is cheap and provides free domain name privacy protection, which is very convenient Foreign trade domain name purchase tutorial (including discount code)


Space is where website information is stored. If the domain name is a mobile phone card, space is a mobile phone. The mobile phone card must be installed on the mobile phone to make calls and send messages to the Internet. The domain name must also be resolved to the space before it can become an accessible website.

Where can I buy the space of foreign trade website?

Foreign trade space is generally divided into two types, one is shared space, and the other is VPS.

Shared space is equivalent to sharing with people. Its IP address is shared, and the access speed is good. Generally, it has CPANEL. The background operation of the space is relatively simple. For example, it is suitable for beginners without foundation Recommend siteground American space, which is very fast, Purchase and use of excellent foreign trade space siteground

VPS is equivalent to your own house. It is usually an independent IP with fast access speed, but the environment needs to be configured before use, High requirements for foundation Recommended LINODE, purchase reference Three step purchase of Linode tutorial (including discount code)

3. Domain name is resolved to space IP through website

After buying the domain name and space, we should link them to realize the website. The process of this connection is website parsing.

If the domain name is purchased on namesilo, the website resolution method can refer to Namesilo, Godaddy, The Domain Name Resolution Method of the World Wide Web

It usually takes 30 minutes to take effect after the analysis

4. Install Wordpress

If it is a siteground space, for the first domain name, you only need to install wordpress directly in the background.

If you want to do the second one, the third one.. You need to bind the domain name to the siteground space before you can install wordpress. In this case, you can refer to How does siteground install multiple websites

If it is a LINODE, you need to configure the environment of the space first (equivalent to installing a system on a newly purchased computer), and then install wordpress.

5. Install WP theme and close robots collection

In the wordpress program, we use the wp theme to build the website. If WP is human, the wp theme is human clothes. People can't go without clothes, so WordPress must install themes.

So what theme should we choose?

I strongly recommend the avada theme for foreign trade website building, especially for beginners. It is powerful, simple to set up and easy to use. If you want to purchase an AVADA theme, refer to Three step purchase of avada theme

After installing the theme, the first thing is to close the website's robots collection.

Why close the recording?

Because the website has not yet started, it is a semi-finished product. If you do not close the inclusion, it means that you agree to search engines to include the website, which is not good. So be sure to close the recording.

Robots is a default agreement, which tells the search engine what the status of my website is, whether you want to include it or not, and what pages you want to include. So you only need to write the robots file of the website to close the collection.

Method reference for setting robots How to write robots on foreign trade website

6. Complete the construction of the entire website

Build the website

It is mainly about the establishment of pages, including home page, product classification page, product details page, company introduction, contact page, inquiry form page, blog page, company news, data download and other pages.

Installing plug-ins

Plug ins are a very important part of the wp website. Only install the necessary plug-ins. Please refer to the plug-in list for installation List of WP recommended and recommended plug-ins

Installation website GG webmaster tool and GA analysis

The method can be referred to Installation of Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics

SEO related settings and site

The title, description and keywords of each page are filled in using the yoast seo plug-in.

There is also a sitemap, which can help search engines collect your website more quickly

reference resources Introduction to Yoast seo plug-in

Site Backup Settings

After the website is completed or updated, the website should be backed up, so as to be prepared and refer to Introduction and use of the Duplicator plug-in

Speed optimization and safety settings

Website speed optimization reference N ways to speed up websites

Website Security Settings Reference How to prevent WordPress from being hacked

7. Release robots and submit them to Google

When all the work of the website has been completed, the robots can be released. The method is still for reference How to write robots on foreign trade website

Then submit it to Google for inclusion, for method reference How to use Google webmaster tool?

8. Continuously update the website and submit it to Google for inclusion

After the website is completed, you can't leave it alone. You need to constantly update the content. New products, company news, blogs, technical articles and other content can be updated to the website and submitted to Google for inclusion. This can increase the friendliness of the website to Google and help optimize the website.

The above eight steps are the main process of building a foreign trade station. I hope to help foreign trade friends, especially novices.

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 Only 8 steps are needed to understand the process of foreign trade station construction in detail (explanation with pictures and text)

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Hunk has entered the foreign trade industry for 10 years, engaged in foreign trade business, and transformed technology for 12 years, engaged in foreign trade station building marketing. If you are going to build an independent foreign trade station, we have many professional technical articles for your reference. Hunk recommends Purchase domain name on namesilo , on siteground or cloudways Buy space on and use Google email. Of course, if you are not good at technology and have no time to study, you can find Hunk outsource to build a website or pay for solving problems

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