Edge acceleration, security, and serverless
Edge cloud infrastructure services
IaaS service with high availability, high performance and high scalability.
Low network latency and high service availability
Intelligent routing and instant cleaning
Service quality data analysis
Content Distribution Network
Dynamic routing CDN
Security Access Service
Unified security protection and management of customers' networks, applications and data at the edge.
Enabling digital transformation
SASE Solution Based on Zero Trust Security Architecture
WAF, Anti DDoS and Bot management
web application firewall
Anti DDoS
Robot management
Developer Services
A set of PaaS services for developers, supporting CI/CD, and requiring minimal programming and maintenance.
Application orchestration using edge containers
Reduce development overhead
Improve development efficiency
API gateway
China Cloud Storage
China function @ edge
Network Snapshot
Global presence
Requests processed daily
50+ Tbps
Redundant bandwidth
Daily CC attack rejection
Real results
Top technology companies
Top e-commerce platform
Global top short video platform
Top game platform
Product characteristics involved
Solutions involved
Credential filling, third-party plug-in
Origin overload
DDoS attacks
End to end security protection
Back to source management
DDoS protection
Enterprise Intelligence Acceleration
9 million
Intercept credential filling and scanning attacks
Protect unknown attacks from the source
Security alerts reduced
9 million
Intercept credential filling and scanning attacks
Protect unknown attacks from the source
Security alerts reduced
Global Edge Cloud Network Footprint
The development of the past six years has been a great journey for the incoming water of iKECDN. Without our reliable alliance, we cannot reach the current level
Wang Wei
Senior Operation Director of New Oriental Education Technology Group
IKECDN is committed to providing technical solutions that meet and exceed customer needs. We have always maintained close cooperation to jointly expand the global market and provide safe and efficient network services for each terminal.
Qiao Zhu
Founder and CEO of Zenlayer
Edge cloud technology is the dividend of 5G and LT technology, and a new paradigm for enterprise data transformation. We look forward to iKECDN continuing on an exciting journey.
Xu Siqing
Founding Partner of Alpha Startups
Our society faces great uncertainty, but I firmly believe that technology provides certainty. Geek Gang and iKECDN work together to face these uncertainties bravely.
Huo Taiwen
InfoQ China Geek Gang Technology Partner