University of China MOOC is an online education platform jointly launched by NetEase and the Higher Education Society, which undertakes the task of national high-quality open courses of the Ministry of Education and provides MOOC courses from well-known Chinese universities to the public. Here, everyone who is willing to improve himself can get higher quality higher education for free.

Rich courses of famous teachers and universities

High quality courses from many 985 colleges and universities, better and more comprehensive university courses, and no distance from famous teachers.

Widely recognized certificate support

When you complete the course, you can obtain the instructor's signature certificate. These certificates are not only a kind of honor, but also a milestone for your growth.

Amazing teaching experience

New and complete online teaching mode, regular classes, short videos, homework submission, and communication with students and teachers. Whether at home or in a coffee shop, the progress is up to you!

MOOC is the abbreviation of Massive Open Online Course. It is an online education mode that anyone can register for free. MOOC has a set of homework evaluation system and assessment methods similar to offline courses. Each course starts regularly, and the whole learning process includes multiple links: watching videos, participating in discussions, submitting homework, interspersed with questions and final exams of the course.

Peking University teachers take you to see MOOC from the perspective of learning -- excerpted from the course Teach you how to do MOOC

The curriculum is managed and operated by the academic affairs offices of all schools. The university creates the curriculum and appoints the teachers who are responsible for the curriculum. The teachers make and release the curriculum. All teachers must be certified by their real names on the Higher Education Community Love Curriculum Network. When a teacher creates a new MOOC course, it needs 9 links, including course topic selection, knowledge point design, course shooting, recording and editing. After the course is released, the teacher will participate in online tutorship, such as answering questions on the forum, correcting homework, and so on, until the end of the course, the certificate will be issued.

Each course has an assessment standard set by the teacher. When the final score of students reaches the teacher's assessment score standard, they can apply for a certification certificate (electronic version). Obtaining the certificate means that the students have met the learning requirements, and their understanding and mastery of the course content have met the requirements of the corresponding university. He or she can also proudly write the fact that he or she has passed the course in his or her resume.


MOOC official certification of University of China, electronic signature of lecturer, showing the logo of the school. Irreplaceable authority and commemoration


Each certificate will be bound with the learner's real identity, and the uniqueness of ID card number and name can be checked. You can enter the certificate number and QR code for verification and query


Each certificate proves the ability and level of learners, which is helpful for learners to enter higher education, find jobs, and improve their careers. The certificate has been recognized by Liepin, Linkedin, Zhou Botong and other recruitment channels. After obtaining the certificate, you can add your resume to these websites with one click.

In 2014, the MOOC of Chinese universities was launched, and the complete online teaching mode supports the construction of online open courses in colleges and universities, realizing personalized learning for students and social students.
In 2013, the Ministry of Education launched the construction of "national high-quality resource sharing courses", focusing on promoting the transformation and upgrading of previous national high-quality courses, improving functions and providing better teaching experience.
In 2012, the "high-quality video open class" project was launched, focusing on the popularization of courses to improve cultural quality, shaping a number of teaching celebrities, and fully demonstrating the style of lectures in colleges and universities.
In 2003, the Ministry of Education launched the "National Excellent Course" project to promote the application of modern information technology in teaching and create the first batch of first-class demonstration courses.

Our goal in online education is not to make money. Why did you do this project at that time? I think that the global education resources are unequal, East and West, urban and rural are unequal. We very much hope that we can break down all kinds of barriers through the Internet, so that everyone can have equal access to education.

——Ding Lei