Publish Purchase
Location: model: accurate
  • Batch RFQ
  • supplier
  • model
  • number
  • manufacturer
  • encapsulation
  • Batch No
  • Transaction description
  • inquiry
  • Shenzhen Xinfulin Electronics Co., Ltd

         This member has used this website for more than 15 years

  • UA7818
  • number -
  • manufactor -
  • encapsulation -
  • Batch No -
  • -
  •  QQ:2881495808 QQ:2881495808 copy
     QQ:308365177 QQ:308365177 copy
  • thirteen billion four hundred and eighteen million five hundred and sixty-four thousand three hundred and thirty-seven  QQ:2881495808 QQ:308365177
  •  UA7818CK Diagram
  • Shenzhen Xinfulin Electronics Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 15 years
  • UA7818CK
  • number 98500 
  • manufactor ST/NS 
  • encapsulation TO-3 
  • Batch No 23+ 
  • Real stock brand new genuine! Agent this model
  •  QQ:2881495751 QQ:2881495751 copy
  • 0755-88917743  QQ:2881495751
  •  UA7818CK Diagram
  • Shenzhen Hengdayi Technology Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 16 years
  • UA7818CK
  • number 3500 
  • manufactor ST 
  • encapsulation DIP 
  • Batch No 23+ 
  • Brand new original spot special price!
  •  QQ:867789136 QQ:867789136 copy
     QQ:1245773710 QQ:1245773710 copy
  • 0755-82723761  QQ:867789136 QQ:1245773710
  •  UA7818CK Diagram
  • Beijing Naixinwei Technology Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 12 years
  • UA7818CK
  • number 4000 
  • manufactor ST 
  • encapsulation DIP 
  • Batch No 21+ 
  • Genuine products from the company
  •  QQ:2880824479 QQ:2880824479 copy
     QQ:1344056792 QQ:1344056792 copy
  • 010-62104931  QQ:2880824479 QQ:1344056792
  •  UA7818UC Diagram
  • Gather the core city

      This member has used this website for more than 13 years
  • UA7818UC
  • number 6218 
  • manufactor FAIRCHILD
  • encapsulation TO220 
  • Batch No Latest batch
  • Original factory and original company
  •  QQ:3008092965 QQ:3008092965 copy
     QQ:3008092965 QQ:3008092965 copy
  • 0755-83239307  QQ:3008092965 QQ:3008092965
  •  UA7818KC Diagram
  • Shenzhen Sinuo Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 8 years
  • UA7818KC
  • number 14148 
  • manufactor FSC 
  • encapsulation TO-3 
  • Batch No 17+ 
  • Distributor designated by the original factory, please call or QQ to discuss
  •  QQ:1091796029 QQ:1091796029 copy
     QQ:916896414 QQ:916896414 copy
  • 0755-82772151  QQ:1091796029 QQ:916896414
  •  UA7818KC Diagram
  • Shenzhen Ouli Modern Technology Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 12 years
  • UA7818KC
  • number 2113 
  • manufactor FSC 
  • encapsulation TO-3 
  • Batch No 24+ 
  • ★ Brand new spot goods, honest operation, low price sale, welcome to inquire ★
  •  QQ:1950791264 QQ:1950791264 copy
     QQ:2216987084 QQ:2216987084 copy
  • 0755-83222787  QQ:1950791264 QQ:2216987084
  •  UA7818CV Diagram
  • Beijing Zhongqi Weiye Technology Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 16 years
  • UA7818CV
  • number 365 
  • manufactor tsl 
  • encapsulation IN STOCK!PACK: 50/bulk/to220 
  • Batch No 16+ 
  • Special price, original genuine, absolute company stock, original special price!
  •  QQ:2880824479 QQ:2880824479 copy
  • 010-66001621  QQ:2880824479
  •  Figure of UA7818
  • Beijing Zhongqi Weiye Technology Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 16 years
  • UA7818
  • number 350 
  • manufactor FAIRCHILD 
  • encapsulation TO 
  • Batch No 16+ 
  • Special price, original genuine, absolute company stock, original special price!
  •  QQ:2880824479 QQ:2880824479 copy
  • 010-66001623  QQ:2880824479
  •  UA7818CKC Diagram
  • Shenzhen Zhengxinxin Technology Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 12 years
  • UA7818CKC
  • number 11396 
  • manufactor TI 
  • encapsulation Original packaging
  • Batch No 22+ 
  • Original genuine ★ Real inventory ★ Price advantage ★ Welcome to call for discussion
  •  QQ:1686616797 QQ:1686616797 copy
     QQ:2440138151 QQ:2440138151 copy
  • 0755-22655674  QQ:1686616797 QQ:2440138151
  •  UA7818CKC Diagram
  • Wansan Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 2 years
  • UA7818CKC
  • number 660000 
  • manufactor Texas Instruments
  • encapsulation
  • Batch No 23+ 
  • Support actual orders/only original packaging
  •  QQ:3008961398 QQ:3008961398 copy
  • 0755-21006672  QQ:3008961398
  •  Figure of UA7818
  • Shenzhen Huaxin Shengshi Technology Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 13 years
  • UA7818
  • number 865000 
  • manufactor FSC 
  • encapsulation Original packaging
  • Batch No Latest batch number
  • First class agent, original special spot!
  •  QQ:800882895 QQ:800882895 copy
  • 0755-23941632  QQ:800882895
  •  UA7818KC Diagram
  • Shanghai Yifu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 15 years
  • UA7818KC
  • number 138 
  • manufactor FSC 
  • encapsulation CAN/TO-3 
  • Batch No 2023 
  • Shanghai original spot stock, welcome to inquire!
  •  QQ:2719079875 QQ:2719079875 copy
     QQ:2300949663 QQ:2300949663 copy
  • fifteen billion eight hundred and twenty-one million two hundred and twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and forty-seven  QQ:2719079875 QQ:2300949663
  •  UA7818CKC Diagram
  • Shenzhen Core Boran Technology Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 7 years
  • UA7818CKC
  • number 23480 
  • manufactor TI 
  • encapsulation  
  • Batch No 21+ 
  • Newly arrived spot goods, first-hand supply, same day delivery, price lower than the market
  •  QQ:287673858 QQ:287673858 copy
  • 0755-82533534  QQ:287673858
  •  UA7818CK Diagram
  • Shenzhen Jiexingsheng Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 13 years
  • UA7818CK
  • number 1000 
  • manufactor ST 
  • encapsulation DIP 
  • Batch No 8826 
  • Original off the shelf professional ST supplier advantage inventory hot!
  •  QQ:838417624 QQ:838417624 copy
     QQ:929605236 QQ:929605236 copy
  • 0755-23997656 (one-stop purchase and BOM optimization of spot inventory)  QQ:838417624 QQ:929605236
  •  Ua7818kc diagram
  • Shenzhen Quanyuantong Electronics Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 16 years
  • ua7818kc
  • number 83 
  • manufactor fsc 
  • encapsulation  
  • Batch No 2010+ 
  • Original genuine products in stock
  •  QQ:2880072535 QQ:2880072535 copy
  • thirteen billion four hundred and thirty million six hundred and seventy-four thousand five hundred and seventy-seven  QQ:2880072535
  •  UA7818CKC Diagram
  • Wansan Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 2 years
  • UA7818CKC
  • number 6500000 
  • manufactor TI 
  • encapsulation Original factory
  • Batch No 22+ 
  • Wansan Technology adhering to the original packaging
  •  QQ:3008962483 QQ:3008962483 copy
  • 0755-23763516  QQ:3008962483
  •  UA7818CT Diagram
  • Xinde Microlink (Shenzhen) Electronics Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 2 years
  • UA7818CT
  • number 9800 
  • manufactor ti 
  • encapsulation Original packaging
  • Batch No 21+ 
  • Original factory channel, brand new original stock, welcome to inquire!
  •  QQ:979645034 QQ:979645034 copy
  • 0755-83505154  QQ:979645034
  •  UA7818CK Diagram
  • Shenzhen Fortune Electronic Technology Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 4 years
  • UA7818CK
  • number 2500 
  • manufactor  
  • encapsulation DIP 
  • Batch No 22+ 
  • Original spot goods can be viewed to support actual orders
  •  QQ:2168183613 QQ:2168183613 copy
  • thirteen billion seven hundred and fourteen million six hundred and twenty-six thousand six hundred and twenty  QQ:2168183613
  •  UA7818CK Diagram
  • Shenzhen First Line Semiconductor Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 11 years
  • UA7818CK
  • number 21000 
  • manufactor Original brand
  • encapsulation Original factory appearance
  • Batch No  
  • New and original parts of the stock and other orders
  •  QQ:2881493920 QQ:2881493920 copy
     QQ:2881493921 QQ:2881493921 copy
  • 0755-88608801 multi line  QQ:2881493920 QQ:2881493921
  •  UA7818CSP Diagram
  • Shenzhen First Line Semiconductor Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 11 years
  • UA7818CSP
  • number 21000 
  • manufactor Original brand
  • encapsulation Original factory appearance
  • Batch No  
  • New and original parts of the stock and other orders
  •  QQ:2881493920 QQ:2881493920 copy
     QQ:2881493921 QQ:2881493921 copy
  • 0755-88608801 multi line  QQ:2881493920 QQ:2881493921
  •  UA7818CKC Diagram
  • Shenzhen First Line Semiconductor Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 15 years
  • UA7818CKC
  • number 21000 
  • manufactor Original brand
  • encapsulation Original factory appearance
  • Batch No  
  • New and original parts of the stock and other orders
  •  QQ:2881493920 QQ:2881493920 copy
     QQ:2881493921 QQ:2881493921 copy
  • 0755-88608801 multi line  QQ:2881493920 QQ:2881493921
  •  UA7818C Diagram
  • Shenzhen First Line Semiconductor Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 16 years
  • UA7818C
  • number 21000 
  • manufactor Original brand
  • encapsulation Original factory appearance
  • Batch No  
  • New and original parts of the stock and other orders
  •  QQ:2881493920 QQ:2881493920 copy
     QQ:2881493921 QQ:2881493921 copy
  • 0755-88608801 multi line  QQ:2881493920 QQ:2881493921
  •  UA7818/C figure
  • Shenzhen First Line Semiconductor Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 11 years
  • UA7818/C
  • number 21000 
  • manufactor Original brand
  • encapsulation Original factory appearance
  • Batch No  
  • New and original parts of the stock and other orders
  •  QQ:2881493920 QQ:2881493920 copy
     QQ:2881493921 QQ:2881493921 copy
  • 0755-88608801 multi line  QQ:2881493920 QQ:2881493921
  •  Figure of UA7818
  • Shenzhen First Line Semiconductor Co., Ltd

      This member has used this website for more than 16 years
  • UA7818
  • number 21000 
  • manufactor Original brand
  • encapsulation Original factory appearance
  • Batch No  
  • New and original parts of the stock and other orders
  •  QQ:2881493920 QQ:2881493920 copy
     QQ:2881493921 QQ:2881493921 copy
  • 0755-88608801 multi line  QQ:2881493920 QQ:2881493921

Product parameters of product model UA7818 and instructions for use of UA7818

Direct train with order
UA7818CDA Product Parameters
model: UA7818CDA
Lifecycle: Obsolete
Packing instructions: TO-3, 2 PIN
Reach Compliance Code: unknown
ECCN code: EAR99
HTS Code: 8542.39.00.01
Risk level: five point seven
Maximum input voltage: 33 V
Minimum input voltage: 21 V
JESD-30 code: E-MBFM-P2
Number of functions: one
Number of terminals: two
Maximum output current 1: 1 A
Maximum output voltage 1: 18.9 V
Minimum output voltage 1: 17.1 V
Nominal output voltage 1: 18 V
Packaging body material: METAL
Package shape: ELLIPTICAL
Packaging form: FLANGE MOUNT
Certification status: Not Qualified
Surface mounting: NO
Technology: BIPOLAR
Terminal type: PIN/PEG
Terminal location: BOTTOM
Base Number Matches: one
  • supplier
  • model *
  • number *
  • manufacturer
  • encapsulation
  • Batch No
  • Transaction description
  • inquiry
Records selected for batch RFQ Selected zero 15 at most each time.
  Copy succeeded!