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  • The electric servo drive consists of direct Servo and AC servo

    The electric servo drive device is a key component of modern automatic control system, which can control the mechanical movement with high precision and fast response. According to the different working principles and power supply types, the electric servo drive devices are mainly divided into two categories: direct DC Servo Drive and AC Servo Drive. These two types of servo drives will be described in detail below. direct DC Servo direct The servo drive system is composed of direct Motor, FCPF400N80Z speed controller, position detector, etc. Its working principle is based on the change applied to the straight

    Date: June 6, 2024 Reading: 746
  • Fudan Microelectronics Launches Low Voltage Based on Car Gauge MCU Chip direct Brushless motor drive control development board

    Fudan Microelectronics Group recently launched a low-voltage device based on vehicle specification level MCU (micro control unit) chip direct Brushless motor drive control development board. This development board not only shows the latest progress of Fudan Microelectronics in the field of semiconductor technology, but also provides an efficient and reliable solution for automotive electronics, industrial automation and other applications. Fudan Microelectronics and its vehicle specification MCU chip Fudan Microelectronics is one of the leading integrated circuit design companies in China, committed to providing high-performance and low-power solutions for various electronic systems. Its products cover smart card chips, non-volatile memory

    Date: May 31, 2024 Reading: 740
  • Melexis Releases New Single Coil Brushless direct Fan driver chip

    Recently, Melexis, the world's leading semiconductor solution provider in the automotive, industrial and consumer electronics fields, announced the launch of its latest single coil brushless direct (BLDC) fan drive chip. This new driver chip is designed to meet the growing demand for high efficiency, low noise and high reliability fan applications, especially in applications with limited space and strict energy efficiency requirements. Technical Background With the continuous miniaturization of electronic equipment and the improvement of functional integration, heat dissipation has increasingly become a key challenge in design. Traditional DTC114YET1G brush direct The motor is gradually brushless due to mechanical wear, loud noise, low efficiency and other problems direct Motor taken

    Date: May 30, 2024 Reading: 738
  • direct Difference between resistance and loop resistance

    direct The concept of resistance and loop resistance is an important part of electrical foundation. Although they are related in some aspects, there are obvious differences in their definition, application and measurement methods. In order to deeply understand these two concepts, we will start from their definitions and gradually explore the differences between them and their respective importance. direct resistance direct DC Resistance refers to direct The resistance characteristics of both ends of conductor under the action of voltage. It is a scalar quantity, which represents the resistance encountered by the current flowing through the conductor, and the unit is ohm (Ω). direct The resistance depends not only on the nature of the material, such as the type and temperature of the material, but also on the conductor

    Date: May 7, 2024 Reading: 709
  • Inductive element in direct What state is equivalent to in the circuit

    Inductive element in direct The circuit plays the role of energy storage and filtering, which is equivalent to the combination of a dsp56f805fv80e resistor, a capacitor and a switch. stay direct In the circuit, the characteristics of inductive elements will lead to some unique phenomena. direct Inductive element in the circuit: Inductive element is a passvie element composed of coils or spiral coils, and its unit is Henry (H). stay direct In the circuit, the main function of inductance element is to generate magnetic field and block the change of current, so as to store electric energy. Characteristic of inductive element: self induction: self induction in inductive element will hinder current change, even when direct Reverse electromotive force will also be generated in the circuit. Inductive element

    Date: 2024-2-27 Reading: 769
  • intelligence direct Special chip for frequency conversion floor fan - DAC7554IDGSR

    intelligence direct The special chip DAC7554IDGSR for frequency conversion floor fan is used to drive direct Special chip for frequency conversion floor fan. It adopts digital to analog converter (DAC) technology, which can convert digital signals into analog output signals to control direct Speed and operation status of frequency conversion floor fan. The chip has the characteristics of high precision, high speed and low power consumption, and can provide stable and efficient driving capability to meet direct Requirements of variable frequency floor fan on motor control. Features: 1. High precision: The DAC7554IDGSR chip has 16 bit digital conversion precision, can provide accurate analog output signals, and achieve accurate motor control. 2、...

    Date: April 4, 2024 Reading: 794
  • Intelligent motor driver| direct Motor hall drive: FD0251F, with embedded hall sensor

    Intelligent motor driver is used to drive direct The device of motor, which can realize accurate control and movement of motor by controlling current and voltage. Among them, FD0251F is an intelligent motor driver with embedded Hall sensor, which uses Hall sensor technology to achieve more accurate and stable motor control. Embedded Hall sensor is a P6KE200A sensor based on Hall effect, which is used to measure the strength and direction of magnetic field. In the motor driver, the embedded Hall sensor is installed inside the motor, which can detect the magnetic field change when the motor rotates in real time. By analyzing and processing these changes, the driver can accurately

    Date: November 13, 2023 Reading: 806
  • Applied in valve control direct Brushed driver chip

    direct The brush drive chip is used to control direct IPB072N15N3G integrated circuit chip of motor. It can generate driving voltage and current suitable for motor speed and steering according to the input control signal. In valve control, direct Brushless drive chips are widely used to control the switching and adjustment of electric valves. direct The brush drive chip is usually composed of multiple functional modules, including circuit protection, current control, speed control, PWM modulation, etc. These function modules can ensure the stable operation of the motor and provide accurate control performance. In valve control, direct The application of the brush drive chip mainly includes the following aspects: 1. Switch control of the electric valve: straight

    Date: 2023-11-2 Reading: 616
  • Applied in PTZ camera direct Brushless driver chip

    FDS4559 direct Brushless driver chip is used for control direct Brushless motor integrated circuit chip. In the PTZ camera, direct The brushless drive chip can be used to control the movement of the PTZ so that the camera can rotate horizontally and vertically. direct The brushless drive chip mainly includes two parts: power drive circuit and control logic circuit. The power drive circuit is mainly responsible for driving the motor, and the control logic circuit is responsible for receiving external control signals and controlling the motor movement according to the signals. The following will describe in detail direct The application of brushless driver chip in PTZ camera. 1. Power drive circuit direct The power driving circuit in the brushless driving chip is mainly composed of power MOSFET and

    Date: 2023-10-26 Reading: 611
  • AC transfer direct Converter buck chip AC-DC220V to 12V buck chip

    AC transfer direct IS62WV51216BLL-55TLI converter buck chip is an electronic component used to convert AC power (such as 220V AC) into direct Voltage (e.g. 12V direct Electricity). This chip is usually widely used in various electronic devices, such as power adapter, power module of electronic devices, etc. AC transfer direct The basic principle of the converter buck chip is to convert the input AC power supply into a stable one through the internal electronic components and circuits direct Voltage output. In this process, the chip will conduct rectification, filtering, voltage stabilization and other processing on the input AC power supply to ensure that the output direct The voltage amplitude and stability meet the

    Date: August 31, 2023 Reading: 232
  • Stabilizer of power system, core Senhall current sensor direct Application in screen

    The power system stabilizer is a kind of equipment used to stabilize the operation of the power system. It maintains the stability and reliability of the system by controlling and adjusting the current, voltage, frequency and other parameters in the system. The core Senhall current sensor is a commonly used current measuring device, which uses the Hall effect principle to measure the current and converts it into voltage signal output. The core Senhall current sensor is in the direct The application in the screen mainly includes the following aspects: 1. Current measurement: the current sensor passes the direct The current in the screen is introduced into the Hall element inside the SN74AHC1G32DCKR sensor for measurement, and the current is converted into a proportional voltage signal for output. This can make

    Date: August 8, 2023 Reading: 189
  • direct What are the differences between power supply and AC power supply

    direct Power supply and AC power supply are two common types of power supply. They have some differences in current direction, voltage waveform, application fields, etc. Here is direct Main differences between power supply and AC power supply: 1. Current direction: direct Power supply: the current direction remains unchanged from positive to negative. AC power supply: the current direction changes periodically with a certain frequency, that is, the current direction between the positive and negative poles alternates. 2. Voltage waveform: direct Power supply: the voltage waveform is stable and keeps a fixed value. AC power supply: voltage waveform changes with time, usually sine waveform, and its amplitude, frequency and phase will change. 3. Transmission distance: direct Power Supply: direct Voltage

    Date: July 25, 2023 Reading: 1186
  • 300W brushless based on STM32 direct Motor drive scheme

    Brushless direct Motor (BLDC) is an efficient and high-performance motor, which is widely used in industrial automation, medical equipment, MBR0530T1G robot and other fields. Brushless direct Motor is a common type of motor, which has the advantages of high efficiency, high speed and long life. STM32 is a series of 32-bit microcontrollers launched by STMicroelectronics, which has the characteristics of high performance, low power consumption and powerful peripheral integration. This article will introduce a 300W brushless based on STM32 direct Motor drive scheme. 1、 Hardware design 1. First of all, choose a suitable brushless motor direct electric machinery. 300W brushless direct ...

    Date: July 6, 2023 Reading: 1012
  • Single-chip based direct Design of Servo Motor Control System

    direct Servo motor is a common motor, which is widely used in automatic control system. Based on ES1J MCU direct The servo motor control system can achieve accurate control of the motor and improve the performance and stability of the system. This article will introduce the direct The design of servo motor control system. 1、 System framework design: 1. System hardware design: single chip selection: select a single chip with sufficient computing power and IO port, such as STM32 series. Motor driver selection: select suitable direct Driver chip of servo motor, such as L298N. Sensor selection: select the appropriate feedback sensor, such as photoelectric encoder or hall sensor, to measure electricity

    Date: July 4, 2023 Reading: 851
  • direct How to make fuse UL certification?

    UL certification is a certification service provided by Underwriters Laboratories. UL certification is one of the most famous product safety certification in the world. It can better prove the quality and safety performance of products and improve the competitiveness of products in the market. direct Fuse LF347N is a safety device used to protect the circuit. It can automatically cut off the current when the circuit is overloaded or short circuited, so as to prevent the overload or short circuited circuit from causing fire and other safety accidents. UL certification is direct One of the certifications that must be passed for the export of fuses to the US market, let's take a look direct Fuse UL certification specific

    Date: June 21, 2023 Reading: 643
  • How does the inverter direct Conversion of electricity (DC) into electricity (AC)?

    Inverter is a type of inverter that can direct An electronic device that converts electricity (DC) to alternating current (AC). In modern power systems, inverters play a very important role, because most electronic devices need AC power to work properly. This paper will introduce the working principle and implementation of INA219AIDR inverter. 1、 Operating principle of inverter direct Electricity is converted to alternating current. In a nutshell, the power supply direct Electricity is converted to alternating current for use by electronic equipment. The working principle of inverter is based on two basic principles: electronic switch and AC signal control. Electronic switch Inverter passes electronic switch (such as transistor, diode, etc

    Date: June 9, 2023 Reading: 650
  • What is capacitive direct Bias characteristic

    Capacitive direct Bias characteristic refers to direct The change rule of capacitance value and loss factor of capacitor under voltage. It is a basic characteristic of capacitor, which is of great significance for the application of capacitor in circuit. 1、 Basic structure and working principle of capacitor LM339DR is a device for storing charge, which is composed of two conductor plates and the insulating material (dielectric) between them. When the capacitor is connected to the power supply, an electron stream flows from one plate to the dielectric, and it accumulates a certain amount of charge in the dielectric, and then returns to another plate. The dielectric blocks the flow of electrons, so it must store electric charges. The flow of electrons is very fast, so when

    Date: March 18th, 2023 Reading: 1227
  • DCDC direct Detailed explanation of step-down voltage conversion principle

    DCDC direct Step down voltage converter is a kind of voltage converter that can direct The electrical equipment for voltage conversion can convert the input voltage into the output voltage, and can also achieve the rise and fall of the current. It is one of the common power management devices in electronic equipment. In practical application, DCDC direct Buck voltage converters are widely used in electronic products, such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc. Its main function is to transform the voltage of high-voltage battery into a low voltage suitable for electronic equipment, so as to meet the demand of electronic equipment for power supply. DCDC direct Principle of buck voltage converter DCDC direct The working principle of buck voltage converter is based on inductive energy storage and switching circuit

    Date: March 18th, 2023 Reading: 1500
  • Why Inductive Sensing Narrow Band LC Sensor Is Not Affected direct Influence of magnetic field?

    Inductive sensing narrowband LC sensor is a commonly used IRFR5410TRPBF inductive sensor, which is commonly used to measure electromagnetic field or magnetic field strength. It consists of a coil and a capacitor. When the external alternating magnetic field acts on the coil, current will be generated inside the coil and a magnetic field will be formed. This magnetic field will produce the interaction between inductance and capacitance in the capacitor, which will lead to the change of the amount of charge inside the capacitor. The change of charge is proportional to the strength of external magnetic field, so the strength of external magnetic field can be determined by measuring the change of charge inside the capacitor. However, when direct When the magnetic field acts on the inductive sensor direct The magnetic field does not change

    Date: March 14, 2023 Reading: 1205
  • LM5148-Q1 is the 80V synchronous voltage reduction of automobiles with ultra-low IQ direct / direct controller

    Product details: LM5148-Q1 is an 80V, ultra-low IQ synchronous voltage drop direct / direct Controller for high current, single output applications. The AD7890AN-10 controller adopts a peak current mode control architecture, which can easily perform loop compensation, fast transient response, and excellent load and line regulation. LM5148-Q1 can be set to dual phase mode (parallel output) to provide accurate current sharing for high current applications. If required, it can operate at an input voltage as low as 3.5 V at a duty cycle of nearly 100%. LM5148-Q1 has a unique EMI reduction function called

    Date: 2023-2-20 Reading: 1232

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