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Innovation of chip materials under heterogeneous integrated XOI technology, and LTOI helps optical chips achieve low-cost scale

Issued on: May 16, 2024

With the rapid development of information technology, chips, as the core devices of information processing and transmission, their performance and cost directly affect the progress of various industries. The emergence of Heterogeneous Integration (XOI) technology marks a new stage of chip material innovation. Especially in the field of optical chips, the application of low temperature oxide integration (LTOI) technology not only improves the performance of optical chips, but also greatly reduces the production cost, realizing low-cost large-scale production. This paper will discuss in detail the application of XOI and LTOI technologies in chip material innovation and their impact on the optical chip industry.

1、 Overview of Heterogeneous Integration (XOI) Technology

1. Basic principles of XOI technology

Heterogeneous integration technology refers to the integration of components with different materials and functions in a single chip or package to achieve higher performance, lower power consumption and smaller size. The core of XOI technology is to integrate materials with different physical characteristics and functions through advanced manufacturing processes, thus breaking the performance bottleneck of traditional single material chips.

2. Advantages of XOI technology

◆ Multi function integration: XOI technology can integrate components with different functions on the same chip, such as logic circuit CD74HC4060M96 Memory, sensors and optoelectronic devices are integrated together to achieve multi-functional integration.

◆ Performance improvement: Heterogeneous integration can give full play to the advantages of different materials and improve the overall performance of the chip, such as improving the operation speed and reducing power consumption.

◆ Size reduction: XOI technology can integrate multiple components on a chip, reducing the size of the chip, and is suitable for small and portable devices.

◆ Cost reduction: Heterogeneous integration can simplify the manufacturing process, reduce production costs and improve production efficiency.

2、 Overview of Low Temperature Oxide Integration (LTOI) Technology

1. Basic principle of LTOI technology

Low temperature oxide integration technology refers to the technology of using oxide materials for integration in low temperature environment. The core of LTOI technology is to use low-temperature oxide materials, such as indium gallium zinc oxide (IGZO), zinc oxide (ZnO), etc. These materials have excellent photoelectric properties and low-temperature deposition characteristics, which are suitable for the manufacture of optical chips.

2. Advantages of LTOI technology

◆ Low temperature deposition: LTOI technology can deposit materials in a low temperature environment, avoiding damage to substrates and other components caused by high temperature processes, and improving the reliability of chips.

◆ Excellent photoelectric properties: oxide materials have excellent photoelectric properties, such as high electron mobility, high transparency and broadband gap, which are suitable for the manufacture of optical chips.

◆ Cost reduction: LTOI technology can simplify the manufacturing process, reduce production costs, improve production efficiency, and achieve low-cost large-scale production.

3、 Application of XOI and LTOI technologies in the field of optical chips

1. Development background of optical chips

Optical chip refers to the chip that uses photons for information processing and transmission. With the development of information technology, the demand for high-speed, high-capacity and low-power information processing and transmission is increasing, and optical chips have gradually become a research hotspot. Traditional optical chip manufacturing technology is complex and costly, which limits its large-scale application.

2. Application of XOI technology in optical chips

The application of heterostructure integration technology in optical chips is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

◆ Multi material integration: Through XOI technology, optoelectronic devices of different materials can be integrated on the same chip. For example, silicon based optoelectronic devices and III-V compound semiconductor optoelectronic devices can be integrated together to give full play to the advantages of different materials and improve the performance of optical chips.

◆ Multi function integration: Through XOI technology, multiple functions such as light source, photodetector, optical modulator and optical waveguide can be integrated on the same chip to achieve integrated design and improve the integration and performance of optical chips.

◆ Size reduction: Through XOI technology, multiple optoelectronic devices can be integrated on a chip, reducing the size of the chip, which is suitable for miniaturization and portable devices.

3. Application of LTOI technology in optical chips

The application of low-temperature oxide integration technology in optical chips is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

◆ Low temperature deposition: LTOI technology can deposit materials in a low temperature environment, avoiding damage to substrates and other components caused by high temperature processes, and improving the reliability of optical chips.

◆ Application of oxide materials: through LTOI technology, oxide materials can be applied to the manufacture of optical chips, such as using IGZO materials to manufacture high-performance optoelectronic devices to improve the performance of optical chips.

◆ Low cost large-scale production: LTOI technology can simplify the manufacturing process, reduce production costs, improve production efficiency, and achieve low-cost large-scale production of optical chips.

4、 Impact of XOI and LTOI technology on optical chip industry

1. Improve optical chip performance

Through the application of XOI and LTOI technologies, the performance of optical chips has been significantly improved. XOI technology can realize multi material and multi-function integration, give full play to the advantages of different materials, improve the operation speed of optical chips, reduce power consumption and improve integration; LTOI technology can make use of the excellent photoelectric properties of oxide materials to improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency and stability of optical chips.

2. Reduce the cost of optical chips

The application of XOI and LTOI technology has greatly reduced the production cost of optical chips. Through XOI technology, manufacturing process can be simplified, process steps can be reduced, and production efficiency can be improved; With LTOI technology, materials can be deposited in low temperature environment, reducing the requirements of high temperature process on equipment and materials, and reducing production costs. Low cost optical chips will help promote their large-scale applications in various fields.

3. Promote large-scale production of optical chips

The application of XOI and LTOI technology has realized the low-cost large-scale production of optical chips. Through XOI technology, multiple optoelectronic devices can be integrated on a chip, which improves the integration degree and production efficiency of the chip; With LTOI technology, large area of material deposition can be carried out under low temperature environment, which improves the stability and consistency of production. The low-cost large-scale production of optical chips will promote their wide application in communication, computing, sensing, medical and other fields.

4. Promote industrial chain upgrading

The application of XOI and LTOI technologies has promoted the upgrading of the optical chip industry chain. Through XOI technology, multi material and multi-function integration can be realized, which improves the technical content and added value of optical chips; LTOI technology can reduce production costs and improve the market competitiveness of products. The upgrading of the optical chip industry chain will drive the development of related materials, equipment and processes, and promote the prosperity of the entire industrial ecology.

5、 Future Outlook

1. Technological innovation

In the future, XOI and LTOI technologies will continue to innovate and develop in the field of optical chips. For example, in terms of XOI technology, we can explore the integration of more new materials and new processes, such as two-dimensional materials, topological insulators, etc; In the aspect of LTOI technology, more low-temperature oxide materials can be studied, such as perovskite oxide materials, titanium oxide, etc. These technological innovations will further improve the performance and integration of optical chips.

2. Application extension

With the development of XOI and LTOI technology, the application range of optical chips will continue to expand. For example, in the communication field, optical chips can be used for high-speed optical fiber communication, optical interconnection and data center; In the field of computing, optical chips can be used for optical computing and optical storage; In the sensing field, optical chips can be used for environmental monitoring, biosensors and medical diagnosis. The wide application of optical chips will promote the informatization and intelligent development of various industries.

3. Industrial cooperation

The development of XOI and LTOI technologies requires close cooperation among all links of the industrial chain. For example, material suppliers, equipment manufacturers and chip design companies need to jointly develop new materials, new processes and new devices; Scientific research institutions and enterprises need to strengthen industry university research cooperation and accelerate technology transformation and industrialization. Through industrial cooperation, a virtuous circle of technological innovation and market application can be formed to promote the rapid development of the optical chip industry.

4. Standardization and normalization

With the wide application of optical chips, standardization and normalization will become more and more important. For example, technical standards, test specifications and quality certification system for optical chips need to be formulated to improve product consistency and reliability; It is necessary to establish an intellectual property protection mechanism for optical chips to promote technological innovation and fair competition. The standardization and normalization work will provide a strong guarantee for the healthy development of the optical chip industry.


The application of heterogeneous integration (XOI) technology and low-temperature oxide integration (LTOI) technology marks a new stage in the innovation of optical chip materials. Through XOI technology, multi material and multi-function integration can be realized, and the performance and integration of optical chips can be improved; Through LTOI technology, the excellent photoelectric properties of oxide materials can be used to realize the low-cost large-scale production of optical chips. The application of XOI and LTOI technology will promote the rapid development of the optical chip industry and promote the informatization and intellectualization process of various industries. In the future, with the continuous advancement of technological innovation, application expansion, industrial cooperation and standardization, optical chips will usher in a broader development prospect.

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