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STC and Sphere Studios jointly build the world's largest image sensor

Date: 2024-1-19 (Source: Internet)

STC and Sphere Studios jointly built the world's largest image sensor, known as "Big Sky Photography System". The system is based on the leading position of STC BQ24013DRCR It is developed by combining the image sensor technology with the photography synthesis technology of Sphere Studios.

The image sensor of Big Sky photography system has a large size, which can capture more light and details. It has high resolution and low noise level, and can provide impressive image quality in various scenes. The sensitivity and dynamic range of the sensor have also been greatly improved, enabling it to effectively cope with high contrast environments and maintain details in dark areas.

In addition to excellent performance features, the image sensor of Big Sky photography system also has advanced image processing functions. It can process a large amount of image data in real time, and perform efficient image denoising, color correction and enhancement operations, so as to obtain more realistic and detailed image effects.

The pixel layout of the sensor uses a unique technology that can minimize sensor noise reduction while providing rich details. It also adopts multi-level dynamic range expansion technology, which can capture more details and shadow details in the same image, and achieve better color restoration.

Big Sky's image sensor adopts advanced micro manufacturing technology, enabling it to integrate more pixels and signal processing functions. This large size sensor can capture more light and restore the details of the picture in detail, thus obtaining excellent image quality under a wide range of shooting conditions.

In addition, Big Sky photography system also has excellent low light performance and high-speed capture capability. Its high ISO performance makes it possible to obtain clear and low noise images under low light conditions. At the same time, its high-speed capture capability enables users to capture high-quality moving images and capture every detail and dynamic moment.

The world's largest image sensor is not only suitable for professional photography, film production, aerial photography, as well as military and security fields, but also widely used in other fields, such as aerospace, medical imaging, industrial detection, etc. Its large size and excellent performance enable it to meet the demand for high-precision image acquisition and analysis.

The development of Big Sky photography system not only changes the development direction of sensor technology, but also has important significance for photography and image applications in various fields. It will create more shooting possibilities for professional photographers, film producers, advertising companies, etc., and bring them a better visual experience.

To sum up, the Big Sky photography system jointly developed by STC and Sphere Studios is the largest image sensor in the world. Through innovative technical design and excellent performance, it has brought unprecedented breakthroughs and development opportunities to the photography industry.