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Achieve real intelligent driving! Lierda Joins Hands with ST to Launch ADAS Domain Controller Solution

Date: July 28, 2023 (Source: Internet)

In recent years, the development of intelligent driving technology has made great progress, and many automobile manufacturers and technology companies have accelerated their research, development and investment in this field. The core of intelligent driving is to enable cars to achieve automatic or semi-automatic driving through on-board sensors and algorithms, and improve driving safety and driving experience. With the support of intelligent driving, the future transportation system will be more efficient, safe and environmentally friendly.

In order to realize real intelligent driving, cars need to have strong computing power and highly reliable control systems. To this end, Lierda cooperated with ST (ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST. ST.

ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) is a system that integrates a variety of sensors and algorithms to assist drivers in driving decision-making and control. Lilda's ADAS domain controller is based on ST processors and chipsets, with high performance, low power consumption and reliability. It can collect environmental information around vehicles through multiple sensors (such as cameras, radars and laser radars), and use advanced algorithms to sense, identify and make decisions.

The ADAS domain controller solution consists of two main components: hardware and software. Hardware includes processor CC110LRGPR Memory, communication interface and sensor interface are used for real-time processing and data transmission. The software part includes algorithm library, operating system and driver, which are used to realize the functions of perception, recognition, decision-making and control.

The ADAS domain controller solution of Lilda and ST has the following characteristics and advantages:

1. High performance and low power consumption: Lilda's ADAS domain controller uses ST's high-performance processor and low-power chipset, which can process a large amount of sensor data and algorithm calculations in real time and provide stable and reliable control output.

2. Multi sensor fusion: ADAS domain controller can process the data of multiple sensors at the same time, and conduct environment awareness and target recognition through the fusion algorithm. This multi-sensor fusion capability can improve the accuracy and robustness of the system.

3. Flexible and scalable: ADAS domain controller solution supports various sensors and communication interfaces, and can adapt to different types and scales of vehicles and application scenarios. At the same time, it also supports remote software update and function expansion, and can be upgraded and customized as required.

4. Safe and reliable: ADAS domain controller adopts highly reliable hardware and software design, and has the ability to prevent failures and attacks. At the same time, it also supports security authentication and encryption technology to ensure the safety of vehicles and passengers.

The ADAS domain controller solution of Lilda and ST has been verified and validated in many practical applications. It is widely used in autonomous vehicles, intelligent transportation systems, vehicle control systems and other fields to provide users with a safer, more efficient and comfortable driving experience.

In the future, Lilda and ST will continue to strengthen cooperation, innovate and promote the development of ADAS domain controller solutions. They will be committed to providing more powerful, efficient and reliable intelligent driving technology to contribute to the development of the global automotive industry. At the same time, they will work with other partners to promote the popularization and application of intelligent driving technology and create a better transportation future for mankind.