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Car scale power device market explodes, sintering silver becomes a new favorite

Date: July 5, 2023 (Source: Internet)

In recent years, with the rapid development of electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles, the market of vehicle specification level power devices has ushered in a wave of climax. In this market, sintered silver, as a new material, has gradually become a new favorite because of its excellent conductivity and thermal conductivity.

Sintered silver is a kind of silver powder material prepared by high temperature sintering technology. It has the characteristics of high conductivity and high thermal conductivity, making it an ideal material for manufacturing power devices. Compared with traditional copper materials, sintered silver has lower resistance and higher thermal conductivity, and can show better stability and reliability in high current and high temperature environments.

In electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles, power devices play a crucial role. NE556N power device is responsible for controlling the transmission of current and voltage, as well as regulating and converting electric energy. Therefore, the performance of power devices directly affects the driving efficiency and stability of the whole vehicle. Sintered silver, as a high-performance material, can meet the requirements of vehicle power devices for high current and high temperature environment, so it has attracted much attention.

First, sintered silver has excellent electrical conductivity. As sintered silver has a high purity crystal structure and smaller grain boundary impedance, its resistance is lower than that of traditional materials. This enables power devices to transmit electric energy more effectively under high current conditions, reduce energy loss, and improve the energy utilization rate of the whole vehicle.

Secondly, sintered silver has excellent thermal conductivity. In high power applications, power devices often generate a lot of heat. If the heat cannot be dissipated in time, the power device will overheat, affecting its performance and life. The high thermal conductivity of sintered silver can quickly transmit heat to the radiator or other cooling devices, maintain the normal operating temperature of devices, and improve the stability and reliability of power devices.

In addition, sintered silver also has good weldability and corrosion resistance. Sintered silver has compact crystal structure, smooth surface, good welding contact with other metal materials, and can realize reliable electrical connection. At the same time, sintered silver has high oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance, and can maintain stable performance in harsh working environment.

With the continuous expansion of the market for electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles, the demand for power devices at the vehicle specification level is also increasing. Sintered silver, as a material with excellent performance, is becoming the first choice for automobile manufacturers and power device manufacturers. It is expected that in the next few years, the share of sintered silver in the market of vehicle scale power devices will continue to increase.

However, sintering silver also faces some challenges. First of all, the cost of sintered silver is relatively high and the manufacturing process is relatively complex. This makes sintered silver difficult to compete in some low-cost applications. Secondly, the availability of sintered silver needs to be improved, and the stability and maturity of the supply chain need to be further strengthened.

To sum up, sintered silver, as a new material, has risen rapidly in the market of vehicle gauge power devices. Its excellent conductivity and thermal conductivity make it an ideal choice for manufacturing high-performance power devices. With the vigorous development of the electric vehicle and hybrid vehicle markets, the position of sintered silver in the vehicle specification level power device market will continue to improve. However, sintered silver also faces some challenges, which need to be further improved in terms of cost and supply chain stability.