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IBM develops new chips to speed up AI: eliminate off chip memory, inspired by the brain

Date: 2023-10-24 (Source: Internet)

IBM recently announced that they are developing a new FDC6330L The chip aims to improve the speed and efficiency of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The design inspiration of this chip comes from the working mode of human brain, and by eliminating the dependence on external memory, AI system can calculate and process more quickly.

This new chip is called "TrueNorth". It adopts a design different from the traditional computer architecture. Traditional computers use the high-speed data bus between the central processing unit (CPU) and the memory for data transmission and computing operations. However, TrueNorth chip adopts a structure called "neuron", which transmits information through low-power electronic communication.

The design inspiration of TrueNorth chip comes from the neural network of human brain. Neurons in the human brain connect through synapses, and transmit and process information through electrical signals. Similarly, neurons in TrueNorth chips transmit and calculate information through electronic communication. This design enables TrueNorth chips to perform parallel computing more quickly without relying on external memory.

Traditional computers need to load data from memory to CPU for calculation, and then store the results back to memory. This process requires a lot of time and energy. The TrueNorth chip eliminates the dependence on external memory by computing and storing inside the chip. This enables the TrueNorth chip to calculate more efficiently and process a large amount of data in a shorter time.

The TrueNorth chip also has some other unique features, making it an ideal choice for AI systems. First, TrueNorth chips have very low power consumption. Because its design uses low-power electronic communication and internal storage, TrueNorth chip consumes much less energy than traditional computers. This is particularly important for large-scale AI systems because they need to process large amounts of data and perform complex calculations.

Secondly, TrueNorth chip has high fault tolerance. Because its design mimics the neural network of human brain, TrueNorth chip can automatically adapt and correct some errors. This enables TrueNorth chips to maintain stable performance in the face of hardware failures or noise interference.

Finally, TrueNorth chips are highly scalable. Because of its simple design and modularization, it can easily connect multiple TrueNorth chips together to form a larger AI system. This scalability enables TrueNorth chips to cope with growing computing needs.

Although the TrueNorth chip has many advantages, it also faces some challenges. First of all, the design and programming of TrueNorth chips require some special knowledge and skills. Different from the traditional computer architecture, TrueNorth chips need to develop new algorithms and programming models to work.

Secondly, because TrueNorth chips adopt different architectures and designs, they are incompatible with existing software and hardware ecosystems. This means that for AI systems already built on traditional computer architecture, migrating to TrueNorth chips may require a lot of rewriting and modification.

Despite some challenges, the potential of TrueNorth chips is still huge. It provides a new computing and processing method, which can bring faster and more efficient performance to AI system. With the growing demand for AI technology, TrueNorth chips are expected to become an important part of the future AI system.

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