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    Clipping International CapCut
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    Clipping International CapCut

    Smart Moffett · original ·
    computer · Video Tools
    1017 words in total· About 1 minute· six hundred and ninety-eight

    CapCut is a professional video editing software launched by Scissor Image for overseas Tiktok user groups, also known as Scissor Image Foreign Edition or Scissor Image International Edition! The interface is basically the same as that of the domestic version!

    Software features

    • Simple: The interface layout is clear and intuitive - simplify the interface layout of the timeline, material library, player, etc., so that you can easily edit wonderful videos.
    • Efficient: multi track editing - powerful multi track editing function, orderly track layout, and the ability to display the main video track in a fixed way, accurately positioning various material clips; Through common keyboard and mouse operations, it can help you easily complete all kinds of clips.
    • Specialty: advanced functions - powerful functions such as curve speed change, mask, mixing mode, color adjustment, etc. cover the whole scene of editing; Music spotting function helps you quickly create rhythmic shots; With voice recognition function, you can add subtitles and lyrics with one key, save time, focus on editing, and enjoy your creativity.
    • Abundant: Massive materials - the material library meticulously collects all kinds of popular music, and provides exquisite special effects, transitions, stickers, flower characters and other creative tools; Whether small and fresh, or tall, a large amount of materials can meet your various needs, making your works full of aesthetic collision.

    Update to the latest version

    Download address

    enclosure: Quark disk

    enclosure: Blue disc

    enclosure: Thunderbolt Disk

    enclosure: 123 discs

    enclosure: Download locally

    Declaration: This article is written by Smart Moffett (Blogger) Original, based on CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 License Agreement Please indicate the source of authorization and reprint.

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