Welcome to the Mars Age CG Design Vocational Education and Training Institution
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 Deyang maya training
Course Details Issued on: June 16, 2024
Deyang maya training institution
Recommended: Deyang Mars Age
The reasons for recommendation are:
  • Various courses

    In Deyang Mars Age education, you will find that our Maya courses are rich and diverse, covering seven different types of courses, allowing you to choose freely according to your interests and career development plans. Here, there are many choices of courses, which can meet the needs of different students. Whether you are a beginner or a student with a certain foundation, we have corresponding courses for you to challenge. Join us and start your Maya learning journey!
  • Lecturer specialty

    Our lecturers are all experts from the film and television industry. Their teaching level is very high and their professionalism is very deep.
  • New teaching content

    With the continuous development of technology and design, our Maya courses are also constantly innovating, keeping up with the latest trends in Maya. We pay attention to practical operation, combine market demand and industry trend, constantly optimize course content, so that students can truly master cutting-edge Maya skills. We believe that only by constantly updating R&D courses can we cultivate professionals who are more in line with market demand.
  • project training

    Learning Maya requires practical operation and project training to accumulate experience. We provide real Maya project training opportunities for you to learn and grow in practice. By joining us, you will have the opportunity to participate in actual projects, improve your skills and lay a solid foundation for your future career.
  • Interview guidance

    Interview is a key link, and many job seekers have encountered difficulties in this stage. Mars Age Education has specially prepared interview training for students, so that everyone can show their best in the interview and successfully enter the company they want. Take part in our interview training to teach you how to show your professional skills and communication skills and greatly improve the success rate of the interview. Let you calmly face the interviewer and show your best!
  • Employment resources

    Good news! Mars Age Education has cooperated with many well-known enterprises to jointly hold large-scale job fairs. There will be plenty of job recruitment opportunities on site, whether in game design, animation production or other digital art fields, there are a lot of jobs for you to challenge. Take action quickly, find your favorite job and start your career journey!
  •  Maybe you don't know much about maya
    Maybe you don't know much about maya:

    Maya is a top 3D animation production software developed by Autodesk Company in the United States. It is famous for its powerful functions and efficient production process. Maya's rendering effect is very realistic and widely used in high-end film and television production. It is also an essential tool for game design and production. Many film and animation works are made with Maya, such as the acclaimed "Crazy Animal City" and "Finding Nemo". Mastering Maya skills will help you make outstanding achievements in animation, game design and other related fields!

Deyang Mars maya class includes:
  •  Maya 3D Animation Crash Course

    Maya 3D animation

    Crash course

    The steps of learning movie model production specifications and Maya usage methods mainly include understanding basic knowledge, mastering software operation, learning production specifications and accumulating practical experience. The following are details about the process and techniques of making material lights: 1、 Overview of film and television model production specifications 1. Understand industry standards and norms, and follow common production processes and norms to ensure that works meet industry requirements. 2. Master the basic principles of model making, such as keeping the model simple and paying attention to details. 2、 How to use Maya software 1. Introduction to interface and tools: Be familiar with Maya's interface layout, and understand the functions and usage of various tools. 2. Basic operation tutorial: learn the basic operation of creating, editing and exporting models, and master basic modeling skills. 3、 Material and light production process 1. Material production: *Learn about the attributes and representations of different materials, and learn how to create and edit materials in Maya. *Master the application of material mapping, and learn how to adjust material parameters to show different textures. 2. Light setting: *Learn about different types of lights and their functions, and how to arrange lights in the scene to create an appropriate atmosphere. *Master the setting and adjustment of light parameters, and learn how to optimize light effects to improve rendering speed. 4、 Tips and best practices 1. Material production skills: *Use Maya's material editor to adjust materials and try different material combinations to enrich the expressiveness of the model. *Learn to use texture maps to increase detail and improve the fidelity of the model. 2. Lighting production skills: *Different types of lights, such as point lights, directional lights and spotlights, are used to create different atmospheres and effects. *Learn to use shadows and reflections to represent the reality and stereoscopic sense of the scene. *Pay attention to the level and brightness of the light to avoid over illumination or over darkness. 5、 Practical experience and case analysis 1. Participate in actual projects, apply the knowledge learned to practice, and accumulate project experience. 2. Analyze successful cases and learn the skills and ideas of using materials and lights to improve their production level. In a word, learning the film and television model production specifications and Maya use methods requires continuous accumulation and practice. By mastering the production process and skills of materials and lights, you can better use Maya software to create excellent film and television model works.
  •  Maya High Precision Prop Model Designer Class

    Maya High Precision Prop Model

    Designer class

    Master the production of sophisticated prop models, easily control Maya software, and create top product level model works! Are you interested in making high-precision prop models? With Maya software, you can easily realize this dream. This article will reveal the ideas and skills of making high-precision product level model works for you. 1、 Understand the production idea 1. Determine the design concept: before starting the production, first clarify your design concept, which will help you better grasp the style and details of the model. 2. Collection of reference materials: collect relevant reference materials, such as physical photos, other excellent model works, etc., to provide inspiration for production. 3. Establish the basic shape: use the modeling tools in Maya to establish the basic shape of the prop model according to the reference materials. 4. Refine details: on the basis of basic shapes, gradually add and refine the details of the prop model, such as texture, sculpture, etc. 5. Adjustment and optimization: adjust and optimize the model to ensure the accuracy and texture of the model. 2、 Master Maya software skills 1. Be familiar with the interface and tools: understand the interface layout of Maya software and the functions of each toolbar, which is the basis for making high-precision models. 2. Learning shortcut keys: master common shortcut keys in Maya to improve operation efficiency. 3. Learn modeling skills: learn to use various modeling skills in Maya, such as extrusion, cutting, welding, etc., to make complex prop models. 4. Master materials and textures: learn to give materials and textures to the model to make it more realistic. 3、 Practice and make high-precision product level model 1. Select a theme: select a theme of props you are interested in, such as weapons, equipment or machinery. 2. Hands on practice: according to the production ideas and Maya software skills mentioned above, we can make high-precision production models by hands. 3. Constantly try and optimize: During the production process, constantly try new techniques and methods to optimize the model. 4. Display your works: share your works with friends or online communities, accept others' comments and suggestions, and constantly improve. Now, you have mastered the basic ideas and skills of making high-precision prop models. Let's practice quickly and use Maya software to create your top product level model works! Keep trying and optimizing to make your model work better!
  •  Maya Movie Prop Model Boutique Class

    Maya movie prop model

    Quality class

    Learning and mastering the production specifications and wiring requirements of film and television models is a key step in using Maya to make movie prop models. The following are some core steps and suggestions: 1、 Understand the production specifications of film and television models Film and television model production needs to follow certain norms to ensure the accuracy, realism and reusability of the model. This includes the specifications of the topology, UV mapping, materials and mapping of the model. Before starting to use Maya to make movie prop models, you need to have a clear understanding of these specifications. 2、 Understand cabling requirements Wiring is a very important part in making movie prop models. Reasonable wiring can not only improve the rendering efficiency of the model, but also make the model cleaner. You need to know which parts are the main structural lines of the model, which parts are detail lines, and how to arrange wiring according to the shape and texture of the model. At the same time, you also need to pay attention to avoid too complex wiring, so as not to affect the rendering speed and optimization effect of the model. 3、 Learn to use Maya to make movie prop models 1. Create basic shapes: In Maya, you can use basic geometry to create the basic shapes of props. By adjusting vertices, edges, and faces, you can gradually build a model that meets the requirements. 2. Detail carving: With Maya's carving tools, you can carve details on the surface of the model. This allows you to control the shape and texture of the model more accurately. 3. Optimize the topology: When making the movie prop model, you need to pay attention to the topology of the model at all times. By optimizing the topology, you can improve the rendering efficiency of the model and reduce the difficulty of post optimization. 4. Maps and materials: In Maya, you can use materials and maps to increase the details and realism of the model. By adjusting the material parameters and map position, you can make the model look more realistic. 5. Export and import: Finally, you need to export the prepared model to a format that can be recognized by other software (such as OBJ or FBX) for post-processing and rendering in other software. When importing models, you need to pay attention to the integrity and compatibility of the files. If there are import problems, you may need to adjust the export settings or recheck the format requirements of the model. In addition, we also need to understand the latest production technology trends in the film industry, understand the usage of other production tools and software, and coordinate maya and other tools to more effectively conduct film and television modeling production. We also need to learn how to cooperate with other team members, such as designers Animators and others communicate effectively to ensure that the final movie prop model meets the project needs and integrates seamlessly with other elements. In addition, practice is the best teacher. More practical project operations can help you quickly master the skills and specifications of Maya in making movie prop models and constantly accumulate experience and improve your skills. In a word, mastering the production specifications and wiring requirements of movie and television models is the basis for using Maya to produce movie prop models. Through continuous learning and practice, you will gradually master these skills and be able to play an important role in the production of film props.
  •  Maya High Precision Scene Model Design Class

    Class 5:

    **Maya High Precision Scene Model Design Course Outline** 1、 Scene model making skills *Getting Started Guide: Learn the basic operation of Maya software from scratch, and quickly master the use of modeling tools. *Basic knowledge: learn the basic principle of point, line and face composition and its application in the scene model. *Advanced skills: learn advanced modeling techniques such as polygon modeling and NURBS modeling to improve model details and realism. 2、 Scene model production specification *Standardized process: learn professional scene model production process to improve production efficiency. *Detail processing: master how to refine the model to make it more realistic and visual impact. *Case analysis: analyze professional scene model cases in real combat to understand the high standard production specifications in the industry. 3、 Scene UV editing techniques *UV basics: understand the principle of UV mapping and its application in the scene model. *Practical operation: learn how to use UV editing tools and master efficient UV layout techniques. *Common problem handling: Solve the common stretching, deformation and other problems in UV editing, and optimize the model surface texture mapping. 4、 Scene UV editing specifications *Standard setting: learn the general specifications of UV editing in the industry to ensure seamless splicing of texture maps. *Optimization strategy: master the optimization skills of UV editing to improve the efficiency of texture rendering. *Project practice: practical drill, apply the knowledge learned to the actual project, and improve the practical ability. By learning this course, you will fully master Maya's high precision scene model design skills, and lay a solid foundation for future games, movies and other visual projects. Now join us to explore the mystery of high-precision scene model!

  •  Maya High Precision Character Model Design Class

    Class 6:

    ? The role model design course takes you into the role creation journey of the virtual world! ? Program highlights: ? Comprehensively covering character modeling and character model carving skills ? In depth analysis of character fur production to make your character more realistic ? Learn character mapping and painting to give the character a unique appearance ? Course content: Basics of character modeling: start from the basic geometry, and gradually learn to build all parts of the character body. Character model carving: master the use of carving tools to fine portray character details. Fur production: learn to use professional tools and techniques to simulate real fur effects. Character mapping: learn to paint materials and maps to add unique style and personality to the character. ? ‍?? ‍? The course is suitable for people: Beginner: learn role model design from scratch, without basic requirements. Advanced: Improve carving and mapping skills, and better understand the character design process. ? Course features: ? Driven by practical projects, you can learn while doing to consolidate your skills. ? ♀️ Famous teachers guide you, share industry experience, and help you learn. ? Provide rich materials and materials to help you master the key points of the course easily. Join us to create your own virtual character world!?

  •  Maya Advanced Film Scene Model Class

    Maya movie scenes

    Model class

    To master the baking skills of normal map and AO (ambient occlusion) map, as well as the production skills of color map, highlight and glow map, and comprehensively master the production ideas and specifications of high-precision prop models, you can refer to the following steps and points: 1、 Baking techniques for normal and AO maps 1. Normal map baking: -Understand the purpose of normal mapping: Normal mapping is mainly used to simulate the surface details and bump effects of objects. -Select appropriate baking software, such as Blender, 3ds Max, and set baking according to model requirements. -Adjust the normal details: pay attention to the direction and smoothing group settings of the normal map to ensure that the baked map has rich details. 2. AO map baking: -Understand the meaning of AO map: AO map is used to simulate the shadow effect under global lighting, and enhance the volume and hierarchy of the model. -Use appropriate baking parameters: adjust the light color, intensity and other parameters to achieve the ideal AO effect. -Attention to detail performance: make sure that the AO map can reflect the subtle bumps and details of the model surface. 2、 Techniques for making color maps, highlights, and glow maps 1. Color map: -Select the appropriate color: select the appropriate color according to the characteristics of the props and the scene atmosphere. -Texture expression: by adjusting the parameters such as color saturation and lightness, it shows the texture of the props. 2. Highlight map: -Understand the highlight effect: the highlight map is used to simulate the reflection effect of light on the object surface. -Make specular details: according to the material properties of the props, make corresponding specular details, such as metallic specular reflections. 3. Glow map (if necessary): -Clear glow effect: The glow map is used to simulate the glow effect around the light source and enhance the light and shadow hierarchy of the props. -Reasonable use of glow: according to the material of the props and the needs of the scene, the glow effect should be properly used to avoid the image distortion caused by excessive use. 3、 Production ideas and specifications of high-precision props model 1. Production idea: -Define the function of props: understand the role and positioning of props in the scene. -Research target style: according to the needs of the game or film, study the corresponding style and design elements. -Step by step modeling: gradually complete the modeling of props from the general to the details. 2. Manufacturing specification: -Standardized naming: give each model, material, etc. a clear and definite name for easy management and searching. -Uniform style: ensure that all prop models are consistent in style and avoid visual disharmony. -Optimization performance: pay attention to the performance optimization of the number of vertices and faces of the model to ensure smooth and stable operation in the game. -Detail processing: pay attention to the processing and performance of details, such as texture, light and shadow, materials, etc., to improve the realism and texture of props. -Test and adjustment: conduct comprehensive test after completion of production, and adjust and optimize according to the test results. Following the above steps and key points, you can gradually master the baking skills of normal and AO maps, as well as the production skills of color maps, highlights, and glow maps, and comprehensively master the production ideas and specifications of high-precision prop models.

Teaching advantages:
Another highlight of our Maya teaching is that we have introduced the top course teaching content in North America. Not only that, many of our R&D team members are professionals from big names in the industry, such as Disney, Pixar, Ubisoft and other companies. They participate in the course R&D with rich practical experience. The headmaster will also visit overseas film and animation companies in person to communicate with the world's top experts and bring the most cutting-edge teaching content and information to students. In this way, our students can enjoy international educational resources and learn the most advanced technologies and concepts without going abroad.

Deyang Mars Campus Information:

Mars Times Building, 81 Xingshikou Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Maybe you have some questions:

Question 1: When is the course time?

Question 2: How much is the course tuition?

The educational cooperation enterprises in the Mars era are very extensive, including many well-known top enterprises in game design, animation production, digital art education and other fields. Our partners are strictly screened to ensure that they can provide students with the best educational resources and practical opportunities. If you want to know the specific information of the cooperative enterprise, you can visit our official website or contact our customer service team, and we will provide you with more detailed answers. At the same time, Mars era education is also constantly exploring new cooperation models and technologies, and is committed to providing students with better learning experience and development opportunities.

The employment of Maya course students in Mars Age education is quite good. Our course content is closely linked to the needs of the industry, and students can quickly adapt to their jobs after graduation. We have established cooperative relations with many enterprises, providing rich employment opportunities for students. In addition, the reputation and strength of the trainees also played an important role in the employment process. You can choose our Maya courses with confidence. I believe your learning achievements will bring more opportunities for your career.

You can contact customer service for more information!

 Teacher Liu from the Academy of Education, Film and Television in the Mars Age

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