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 Bazhong Home Decoration Designer Training
Course Details Issued on: June 13, 2024
Bazhong Home Decoration Designer Training

In Bazhong, there are several key factors to consider when choosing a training course for home decoration designers. If you want to become a home decoration designer who understands life, collocation and art, and is more popular, then I recommend to consider the Mars era home decoration designer training class. The home decoration designer training class in the Mars era focuses on practice and application, and emphasizes the teaching method of combining theory with practice. Compared with other training institutions, the characteristics of Mars era training are: 1. Practice oriented: In the Mars era training class, students can not only learn theoretical knowledge, but also access to real project production. This practice opportunity allows students to find and solve problems in practical operation, so as to better master design skills. 2. Real case study: The content of the Mars era training course is closely linked to the actual project, so students can learn the latest design concepts and technologies and apply them to the actual project. This kind of learning method can help students grasp the industry trend and market demand more quickly. 3. Comprehensive curriculum design: The Mars era training courses cover all aspects of home decoration design, including space planning, color matching, material selection, etc. This comprehensive curriculum design enables students to master basic skills, and at the same time, they can also deeply understand the industry trends and development trends. In addition, when choosing a training class for home decoration designers, the following points should also be noted: 1. Teachers: A good training class needs an experienced team of teachers who can provide professional guidance and suggestions to help students better master skills. 2. Course setting: learn whether the course setting of the training class is comprehensive and systematic, and whether it meets your needs. 3. Training environment: whether the training environment is good and the facilities are complete is also one of the factors to be considered when selecting training courses. In short, education and training institutions in the Mars era can be considered when choosing home decoration designer training courses in Bazhong. Their comprehensive curriculum design, focusing on practical application, can help students better master the skills of home decoration design and lay a solid foundation for future career development.

 Bazhong Home Decoration Designer Training
 Bazhong Home Decoration Designer Training
Teaching by practitioners for many years in the industry

Our teachers are all senior practitioners in the industry, not only experienced, but also good at teaching. They are well aware of the latest trends and trends in the industry and can provide you with the most valuable courses and guidance, making your learning more smooth and less detours!

  •  Miss Zhang Qing
    Miss Zhang Qing
    10 years of experience
  •  Miss Liu Qiang
    Miss Liu Qiang
    12 years of experience
  •  Teacher Wang Yang
    Teacher Wang Yang
    11 years of experience
Mars course recommendation

Our curriculum research and development strength is strong, keeping up with the industry's cutting-edge trends, and updating the curriculum every quarter to ensure that students learn the latest and most practical skills!

Luxury house space designer class
 Luxury house space designer class
Interior Decoration Design
 Interior Decoration Design
 Interior Senior Designer Class
Interior Senior Designer Class Next, you will further study CAD drawing, master different styles of design, study SU process material design skills, explore MAX space design and other interior design skills. These contents are essential for creating a comfortable, practical and distinctive indoor space. You will learn to use CAD software to accurately draw interior design drawings, master the essence of modern, simple, Chinese style and other styles, skillfully use SketchUp to design process materials, and use 3ds Max to design space. Learning these skills will enable you to understand the interior design process more comprehensively, so as to better realize the design concept and meet customer needs.
 Soft Decoration Design Seminar
Soft Decoration Design Seminar **Integration strategy of in-depth analysis of eight elements of soft decoration and customer demand analysis** The eight elements of soft decoration include furniture, lamps, fabric, wallpaper, ornaments, paintings, flowers and works of art. In order to perfectly combine the customer's preferences, culture and lifestyle with these elements, we need to deeply understand the customer's background and formulate corresponding strategies. The following is the in-depth analysis of the elements of soft decoration and the proposed strategy for integration with customer needs. **1、 Furniture** Understand customers' life preferences and activity rules, and select furniture that pays equal attention to comfort and function according to the practical needs of space. For the selection of furniture style, material and color, customers' aesthetic preferences and overall design style need to be considered. **2、 Lamps** Lamps are not only lighting tools, but also masters of creating atmosphere. According to the customers' visual habits and space functions, select the appropriate lamp type and brightness. At the same time, the style of lamps should also be coordinated with the overall style of the space to meet the aesthetic needs of customers. **3、 Fabric and Wallpaper** Fabric and wallpaper play a vital role in the warmth and visual sense of space. When selecting, we should consider the coordination and unity with the overall space style. At the same time, by understanding customers' preferences and color preferences, select colors and patterns that can reflect their personality. **4、 Ornaments, Paintings and Artworks** The addition of ornaments, paintings and artworks can make the space more cultural and artistic. By analyzing customers' cultural background and artistic preferences, select works that can reflect their cultural connotation and artistic accomplishment. **5、 Flowers and Plants** Flowers and green plants can bring vitality and vigor to the space. When selecting, we should consider customers' preferences and the overall style of the space, and select plants and flowers that can not only integrate into the overall design but also bring pleasure to customers. **Customer demand analysis integration strategy * *: 1. Deeply understand the customer's background: conduct in-depth communication with customers to understand their life habits, aesthetic preferences, cultural background and other information. 2. Space function positioning: define the main functions of each space, so as to provide customers with a design scheme that better meets their needs. 3. Design style customization: determine the overall design style according to customers' preferences and needs, and ensure that the soft decoration elements are coordinated with them. 4. Customized services: provide customized services, such as customized furniture and artwork, according to the special needs of customers. At the same time, you can customize the decoration content according to your personal interests to make the space more suitable for your personal characteristics. 5. Overall adjustment and optimization: In the process of matching soft decoration elements, constantly adjust and optimize the design scheme to ensure the harmony and unity of customer needs and overall design. At the same time, we should constantly push through the old and bring forth the new, follow the aesthetic trend of the times, maintain the cutting-edge design scheme, and always maintain the attention to details, improve customers' sense of quality of life, create a more comfortable and livable environment, let customers feel the warmth and comfort of real home, which is also the core value of our soft decoration design. Through the above strategies and methods, we can better integrate the eight elements of soft decoration with customer needs to create a beautiful and practical living environment to meet customer needs and expectations.
Advantages of Mars

You will never regret choosing the Mars Age! We not only have a rich selection of courses and a strong teaching team, but also the following exciting advantages: 1、 Professional course design We have an in-depth understanding of the needs and trends of the industry and have customized a series of cutting-edge and practical courses for you. Whether you are a beginner or a senior practitioner, you can find your own learning path here. 2、 Senior teaching team We have gathered many industry elites who not only have rich teaching experience, but also can provide you with valuable industry insights and cutting-edge information. Here, you can not only learn knowledge, but also expand your contacts and understand industry trends. 3、 Flexible learning style We provide a variety of learning methods so that you can learn anytime, anywhere. Whether you are at home or in the office, as long as you have the Internet, you can easily start the learning journey. 4、 Perfect employment service We have established cooperative relationships with many enterprises to provide you with employment guidance and recommendations. After graduation, don't worry about finding a job. We will help you with every step. 5、 Good learning environment We focus on creating a good learning atmosphere and interactive environment, so that you can learn and grow in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Here, you can not only learn knowledge, but also make friends with like-minded people. Therefore, to choose the Mars era is to choose quality, profession and future! Join us and let us soar together on the road of digital art!

learning system
That sounds cool. This Mars ME intelligent learning system covers the whole process of students from curriculum planning to learning feedback, which is really like having a "learning assistant". To be specific, the trainees can clearly know the daily learning tasks through the course planning module; Replay the video so that the classroom content will not be missed; The daily key points are clear at a glance, and the review is efficient; Job reminders will not forget any task; Learning assessment can test learning achievements in real time; Online question answering enables questions to be solved quickly; Finally, through the ability assessment, students can also understand their own room for progress. Such a system makes people more directional and confident in learning. Not afraid to learn, but afraid not to learn!
 learning system
  •  Free trial icon

    I'll know if it's good or not

  •  project training icon

    Combination of theory and practice

  •  Case teaching icon

    Analyze real cases

  •  Celebrity Lecture icon

    Share cutting-edge knowledge in the industry

  • Resource allocation

    This training institution has really achieved all-round teaching support. There are more than 400 modern multimedia classrooms, more than 4000 Apple all-in-one computers and 10000 high-performance computers, which are fully equipped, so that students have no obstacles in learning. In addition, there are VR technology, high-end editing classrooms, movie studios and other advanced facilities, which are really powerful hardware. Not only that, but also experienced industry practitioners give lectures, both software and hardware, so that students can get the best learning experience.

     Resource allocation
 Teacher Liu from the Academy of Education, Film and Television in the Mars Age

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