Welcome to the Mars Age CG Design Vocational Education and Training Institution
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 Shanwei Game Special Effects Designer Class
Course Details Issued on: June 17, 2024
Game visual effects designer: ingenuity behind cool works When it comes to visual effects designers, you may think of those cool game pictures, gorgeous special effects, and eye-catching designs. But do you know that behind every amazing work are countless explorations and attempts of designers. They not only create beautiful pictures, but also create an imaginative world for players through visual language. From the action of the character to the details of the scene, from the processing of light and shadow to the presentation of special effects, every detail embodies the painstaking efforts and wisdom of the designer. They not only need to master professional design software, but also need to have a deep understanding of color, composition and modeling. They need to constantly pay attention to industry trends, learn the latest technology and keep pace with the times. Their works not only show their skills, but also interpret and interpret the game world again and again. So, when you are attracted by the pictures in the game, you might as well know more about the designers behind. Their efforts and efforts are to make the world more colorful and bring you a better game experience. Respect their work and appreciate their works. Let's praise their ingenuity!

With the rapid progress of technology, the game industry is extremely hot. In particular, the rapid development of Internet technology, mobile terminal technology and e-sports have made this industry increasingly prosperous. During the epidemic period, the industry was even more powerful and won many eyes. As creators of game visual effects, special effects masters play an indispensable role. These special effects masters not only master the magic of game vision, but also are valuable resources pursued by major game companies. They injected cool visual effects into the game, making players get an unparalleled immersive experience in the game. Their every stroke and painting is adding color and vitality to the game world. Every shock that players can feel is inseparable from the careful design and production of these special effects masters. Therefore, the game special effects teacher has become one of the most popular and popular professions.

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    mobile game

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    PC Games

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    VR games

That sounds cool. "Salary" skill sounds like a new generation of technology, and you may already know the reputation of Mars era education. This is really a great place to master cutting-edge skills. Whether it's game design, animation production or other digital art education fields, the Mars Age can make you fruitful. Here, you can not only learn professional knowledge, but also meet like-minded partners to grow and progress together. Come to the age of Mars and start your skill journey!
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Game special effects designer class
Want to learn PS AE、3dsMax、Unity3D、 Illusion 4 and other software, as well as mastering VR, end game, mobile game, online game, and page game full platform game special effects skills, you can follow the steps below: 1、 Understand basic software operation 1. Learn the interfaces and basic operations of PS, AE, 3ds Max and other software from official tutorials, online video courses or professional books. 2. Master the collaborative workflow between software, such as how to process images in PS and then make special effects in AE. 2、 Practice game special effect skills 1. Collect game special effect cases for practical practice, including scene rendering, role special effects, etc. 2. Learn to use professional tools to design special effects, such as particle systems, light and shadow effects, etc. 3、 Full coverage of game platform 1. Learn the development process and special effects production requirements of different game platforms, such as VR games, end games, mobile games, online games, and web games. 2. Master the best practices and technical difficulties of special effects production on each platform. 4、 Keep abreast of industry trends and continuously learn and update skills 1. Pay attention to the latest trends and technical trends in the game special effects industry, such as new software tools and technical methods. 2. Participate in online or offline training courses, seminars and exhibitions, and exchange and learn with industry experts. 5、 Prepare to meet recruitment requirements Through comprehensive learning and practical practice, you will master the core skills of game special effects production and meet the recruitment requirements of most industries. In the process of job hunting, you can prepare relevant portfolios and project experience to show your skills. At the same time, pay attention to the recruitment information on recruitment websites and social media to understand the needs and trends of the industry. In short, it takes time and effort to fully learn software and master game special effects skills. Through systematic learning, practical practice and continuous attention to industry trends, you will constantly improve your skills and lay a solid foundation for future career development. Make an appointment for on-site audition (free)
Game special effects&animation master class
While learning the game special effect design, we should also master the game animation design skills. It helps students grow into versatile game special effects animators who understand the mainstream engine, with more employment options, more income and broader career prospects. Make an appointment for on-site audition (free)
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Want to participate in special effects training, but don't know which one is better? Don't worry, I have compiled a ranking list of game special effects training institutions and a list of courses for you to help you make a quick choice: 1. Game special effects all-around class The course covers the introduction to game special effects to mastering the required knowledge, covering the production process and skills of various special effects to ensure success. In the hot enrollment, both beginners and advanced students can sign up. The highlight of our training is to comprehensively cover all aspects of the game special effects, so that you can truly master the essence of the production of game special effects. 2. Game CG art training class This course aims to cultivate professional game visual design talents, covering the creation of original paintings, conceptual design and scene atmosphere creation. The course content is rich and diverse, allowing you to easily master the core skills of game visual design. Our teaching feature is to combine actual project cases, so that you can accumulate practical experience in learning. Graduates' works are widely praised and have broad employment prospects. The above is the ranking list of game special effects training institutions and the list of courses we recommend for you. Whether you want to become a professional game special effects teacher or improve your skills, here can meet your needs. Come and join us to add infinite charm to the game world! Please contact us directly for the latest information on course fees, class time and location. We look forward to your joining!
  • 2D game special effect production
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    • Weapon special effects

    • UI special effects

    • BUFF special effect

    • Scene/login interface special effects

  • U3D special effect production
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    • Scene special effects

    • Weapon special effects

    • Special effects of comprehensive skills

    • Quadratic special effect

  • UE4 Special Effect Production
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    • Scene special effects

    • Weapon special effects

    • VR/war special effects

    • Special effects of comprehensive skills

  • project training
    • Project incubation

    • Trimming of works

    • Collection of production works

    • Employment Guidance Course

Want to learn game special effects design, but do not know which training institutions are good? Don't worry, in fact, don't pay too much attention to the so-called "ranking list of game special effects training institutions". The information of these rankings may not be authoritative, and you need to know the real quality personally. As an old digital art education and training institution, the Mars Age has been providing high-quality game special effects design courses for students. Our courses are employment oriented, closely combined with industry development trends and technical requirements, so that you can really learn practical skills. Here, you will be exposed to the latest game special effects technology, and help you gradually grow into a game special effects design expert through professional teacher guidance and practical project training. Whether you want to enter the game industry or improve your skills, the Mars Age is your best choice. Join us to create a wonderful game world!

Learn from the Mars era and enjoy a comprehensive professional training system! The course content is rich and colorful, which will comprehensively help your digital art journey. We have everything from game design to late film and television, from illustration to UI design. Join us and start your creative life!
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    Full platform game take all

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    Art Foundation Course

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    Enrich project training

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    Multiple employment services

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    Full scene learning

For more questions, please consult online

 Teacher Liu from the Academy of Education, Film and Television in the Mars Age

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