Welcome to the Mars Age CG Design Vocational Education and Training Institution
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 Haidong bim promotion class
Course Details Issued on: June 17, 2024

What is bim technology?

BIM is the abbreviation of Building Information Modeling. This technology mainly simulates the actual building on the computer through virtual construction. The advantage of this is that possible construction coordination problems and project management problems can be found before the project implementation, and they can be predicted and solved in a timely manner. In this way, the project design can be better optimized, the construction efficiency can be improved, errors and rework can be reduced, so as to reduce costs, shorten the construction period and improve the overall quality of the project. BIM technology has a wide range of applications, including architectural design, construction management, operation and maintenance management and other fields.

What does bim learn about technology?
Mars bim full course reveals secrets for you!
 Bim general course

Bim full course - 8 weeks

Course description:

Learn Autodesk Revit modeling software, and master modeling skills in combination with case practice. At the same time, learn Navisworks collision detection, construction drawing plotting and other technologies, use Lumion 8.0 for rendering and roaming experience, and use Fuzor 2016 to achieve more scene applications. Let's easily master BIM skills and make a comprehensive breakthrough from basic operation to practical application.

Course content:

This week's course will take you to understand the foundation of Revit building structure, learn to start from CAD drawings, and easily create a consistent structural model! The course content will cover the basic operation of Revit, building and structure creation tools, and CAD drawing import and conversion skills. Through learning, you will master how to accurately convert architectural elements and structural information in CAD drawings into elements in Revit models. At the same time, we will also discuss in depth the problems and solutions that may be encountered in the modeling process to ensure that you can independently complete the structural modeling work from CAD to Revit. Work together to meet the modeling challenge!

The second week of the course will learn the basic operation of water, heating and electricity in Revit software. Through learning and practice, you will master the skills from basic to complex operation, and eventually be able to independently complete the construction of electromechanical models. The course will focus on practical application, so that you can consolidate your skills through practical operation while mastering theoretical knowledge.

The third week of the course focuses on the basic knowledge of families and masses. Through learning and practice, the students will finally master the ability to complete the project with the cooperation of families and masses. In the learning process, we will have a deep understanding of the concept, creation methods and application skills of families, and grasp the basic composition and representation of massing. Through continuous practice and practice, you will be able to skillfully use families and massing for architectural design to achieve the integrity and high-quality presentation of the project. Let's work together to reach a higher level of architectural design!

Week 4: Revit Space Modeling and Application Practice This week, we will comprehensively contact and learn the space modeling and application of Revit software. Through a series of courses and practices, we will let you master the process of Revit modeling and application, so that you can easily control this powerful tool. Course outline: 1、 Introduction to Revit Basic Operation and Interface 1. Introduction to the basic operation interface of Revit 2. Creation and saving of files 3. Use of basic tools, such as selection, moving, copying, etc 2、 Fundamentals of Spatial Modeling 1. Basic concept and process of modeling 2. Creation and editing of walls, floors and roofs 3. Insertion and parameter setting of doors and windows 3、 Family and Parametric Design in Revit 1. Creating and editing families 2. Concept and practice of parametric design 3. Instance application of family 4、 Detail design and modeling optimization 1. Creation and editing of details 2. Application of detail mark 3. Model beautification and optimization 5、 Application of Revit in Engineering Projects 1. Application in the planning and design phase of the project 2. Application of project construction and management stage 3. Collaboration between Revit and other software 6、 Course Practice and Project Operation 1. Complete the modeling task of a small project 2. Solve problems and puzzles encountered in actual operation 3. Share learning experience and learn from each other. Through this week's study and practice, you will master the spatial modeling and application of Revit software, and be able to independently complete the modeling task of an engineering project. Let's look forward to your progress!

Key points of the fifth week: master the basic operation of Fuzor software, and easily master practical skills such as animation production, scene setting and conflict detection Dear students, this week we will learn the basic operation of Fuzor software in depth. Through this week's study, you will be able to skillfully master key application methods such as animation production, scene setting and conflict detection, which will help you to show your skills in the design field! 1、 Overview of Basic Operation of Fuzor Software First, we will start with the basic interface of the Fuzor software, and explain the installation and startup of the software and the use of each functional module in detail. Through practical operation, you can quickly master the basic operating skills of the software. 2、 Animation production In animation production, we will teach you how to create animation sequences, set keyframes, adjust animation attributes, etc. Through learning, you will be able to easily produce smooth and vivid animation effects, adding more highlights to your design works. 3、 Scene Settings Scene setting is a key link to improve the quality of design works. This week we will show you how to import models, adjust scene lighting, add backgrounds, and set camera angles. Through practice, you can master how to create an atmosphere scene effect. 4、 Conflict detection In the design process, conflict detection is very important. We will teach you how to use the conflict detection function of Fuzor software to check the collision problems in the design and make timely adjustments. This link will help you avoid potential problems in design and improve the quality of your work. 5、 Practical application Finally, we will organize the practice link and let the students do it by themselves to consolidate the knowledge they have learned. Through practical operation, you can master the application skills of Fuzor software more skillfully and lay a solid foundation for future design. This week's course will enable you to fully master the basic operation of Fuzor software and easily master practical skills such as animation production, scene setting and conflict detection. I believe that through hard study, you will be able to achieve outstanding achievements in the field of design! Let's look forward to your wonderful performance!

Learning content of this week: Navisworks software basic operation practice This week we will learn more about the basic operation of Navisworks software. Navisworks is a powerful BIM collaboration tool, which is widely used in the management and simulation of building information models. This week we will master the operation methods of node animation, construction progress simulation, script animation and collision detection. 1、 Node Animation Operation Guide Node animation is a very practical function in Navisworks, which can help us understand the structure and dynamic performance of the model more intuitively. The specific operation steps are as follows: 1. Select nodes or components in the model; 2. Create node animation with Navisworks animation tools; 3. Adjust animation parameters, such as speed, direction, etc., to obtain satisfactory animation effect. 2、 Construction progress simulation practice The construction progress simulation can help us predict the project duration and progress more accurately. In Navisworks, we can do the following: 1. Import construction progress data; 2. Associate the progress data with the BIM model; 3. Use the simulation function of Navisworks to show the construction progress. 3、 Script animation production skills Script animation allows us to display specific scenes in the model more flexibly. When making script animation, you should pay attention to the following points: 1. Clarify animation requirements and determine scenes and actions; 2. Use the script function of Navisworks to write animation script; 3. Adjust the script parameters to ensure that the animation effect meets the expectations. 4、 Collision Test Operation Tutorial Collision detection is an important function of Navisworks, which can help us find potential conflicts and problems in models. The specific operations are as follows: 1. Set collision detection parameters; 2. Run collision detection and view the results; 3. Adjust the model according to the test results to avoid collision. This week we will master the basic operation of Navisworks software through practice, laying a solid foundation for subsequent BIM applications. I hope you can study hard, practice actively, and constantly improve your skills.

This week we learned the basic operation of Lumion software. Through this week's study, we can master the skills of animation production and picture output! As we know, Lumion is a software that produces high-quality rendering animations and still images. This study focuses on its basic operations. We learned how to create scenes, import models, adjust materials and light effects, and so on. Through practice, everyone can easily make their own animation and picture works. In addition, we also learned about the settings and adjustments of the output to ensure that our works can be well displayed on various platforms.

Overall strategy of project presentation: how to master the reporting process and document production within eight weeks? Entering the eighth week, you must have a good understanding of the project. Next, we will discuss the project reporting process in depth, prepare reporting documents, and sort out more complete project processes to help you master them. Don't believe it? Look at it! 1、 Project reporting process 1. Preparation in advance: clarify the purpose, content and time of the report, and sort out the key nodes and highlights of the project. 2. Opening remarks: briefly introduce yourself and the project background to quickly enter the theme. 3. Content presentation: show the project progress, achievements and problems in a logical order. 4. Interactive communication: Be prepared to answer questions that may be raised by teachers or leaders, and communicate effectively. 5. Summary and thanks: Review the highlights of the project and express gratitude for the team's support. 2、 Prepare report documents 1. Concise and clear: avoid redundancy and highlight key information. 2. Illustrated: use charts, pictures, etc. to visually display data and information. 3. Clear structure: classify, so that teachers or leaders can grasp the key points at a glance. 4. Friendly interaction: preset common questions and answers to ensure smooth reporting. 3、 Sort out more complete project process 1. Project launch: define the objectives and scope, and allocate resources. 2. Demand analysis: deeply understand the demand to ensure the correct project direction. 3. Scheme design: brainstorm and develop a variety of alternatives. 4. Implementation: push forward as planned to ensure quality and timeliness. 5. Monitoring and adjustment: track the progress and make timely adjustment. 6. Project closing: summarize the gains and losses and prepare for the next project. 4、 How to master 1. Do more exercises: practice gives true knowledge, and more simulation exercises improve confidence. 2. Ask others: ask experienced colleagues or teachers to learn from them. 3. Continuous summary: summarize experience and lessons after each project, and constantly optimize the process. In the ninth week, it is recommended that you actually use the above knowledge in project management and implementation, test your learning achievements, find and fill gaps, and further optimize your project management and implementation ability. come on. I believe you can do better and better!

If you choose Mars, you will enjoy the services with six advantages, making your learning trip more smooth and pleasant! 1. Rich courses: We provide a variety of courses covering game design, animation, UI design and other fields to meet your different learning needs. 2. Professional teaching team: We have a senior teaching team with rich teaching experience and professional skills, and can provide you with high-quality teaching services. 3. Focus on practical training: we focus on practical training, so that you can master real skills in learning and improve your employment competitiveness. 4. Flexible learning methods: We provide flexible and diverse learning methods, so that you can learn according to your own time and progress, and easily master the knowledge you have learned. 5. Intimate learning support: We provide all-round learning support, including course consultation, learning guidance, career planning, etc., so that you can have no worries in your study. 6. Good learning environment: We have advanced learning facilities and good learning environment to provide you with a good learning experience. In the Martian era of education, we are committed to providing students with the best quality education and training services, so that you can learn more easily. Choose Mars era education, let's start your learning journey together!
  • Small class teaching

    Small class size, teaching students according to their aptitude, and giving consideration to all staff
  • Face to face courses

    The teaching team's teachers are really strong. The teachers are highly professional and loved by students. The courses here are very popular with students, who are interested in learning and actively involved.
  • Employment security

    The recommended employment is guaranteed, and there are many cooperative enterprises, so students can find good jobs after graduation. Here, we not only teach you skills, but also ensure that your future employment path is unimpeded!
  • Flexible time

    AI intelligent teaching enables you to start your learning journey anytime and anywhere!
  • In class video recording

    We provide thoughtful classroom recording services, so that every moment of learning can be fully recorded. Students, you can review the course video anytime and anywhere, regardless of time and place. Since then, learning has become easy and efficient, and your efficiency will be greatly improved!
  • Free relearning

    For students who are absent from classes due to business trips or special circumstances, we provide opportunities to relearn to ensure that you can keep up with the learning progress and easily master the learning content. Whether you missed the course due to business trip or other reasons, we welcome you to come back anytime to study again. Our goal is to let you really learn until, without any restrictions. Please rest assured that your learning journey will never end here.
Ai full scene, one tuition and three experiences!
Whether you choose online learning or face-to-face learning, we can provide you with flexible and diverse learning experiences. For users who like online learning, you have up to one year of online learning assistance and extension courses. You can learn freely 24 hours a day, regardless of time and location. Our offline system allows you to continue learning anytime, anywhere, and maintain the pace of learning no matter where you are. If you prefer face-to-face learning, you will also have the opportunity to participate in our face-to-face courses. One year after taking the online course, you can take part in our face-to-face learning at any time to deepen your understanding and improve your skills. We are committed to providing high-quality education and training services, so that each student can learn according to their own pace and needs, improve themselves and achieve growth.
  •  Face to face teaching scene

    Face to face teaching scene

    If you want to learn a professional skill quickly in a short time, we provide customized solutions! It only takes three to eight months of full-time teaching to let you experience a compact and efficient curriculum. We deeply meet the needs of industry positions, launch targeted courses, and carry out practical training in combination with business cases to ensure the seamless connection between the skills learned and the actual work. What's more exciting is that our courses are taught by front-line directors who have rich experience in the industry and can bring you cutting-edge industry knowledge and practical experience. At the same time, we have also established targeted training partnerships with many enterprises to protect your employment. Join us and you will get double protection of skills and opportunities!

  •  Online scene

    Online scene

    Live online teaching throughout the year, and on-demand course playback at any time. The expert team will answer questions online 24 hours a day, and provide guidance on homework comments, so that you can learn more directionally. We adopt a checkpoint learning path to let you gradually break through learning difficulties. The open classes of famous teachers are brilliant, allowing you to constantly improve your skills. We are committed to helping every student make progress in the field of digital art and realize their dreams.

  •  Offline scenario

    Offline scenario

    These contents are very critical in terms of personal skill advancement or enterprise training plans. Next, I will organize these contents for you in a more daily and friendly language: **Analysis of learning process** Before learning anything, it is very important to understand your current level. This stage will discuss in detail where your starting point is, what level you want to reach, and what stages you need to cross in this process. It's like climbing stairs. You need to know which floor you are on, which floor you are aiming for, and which steps are in the middle. Then make a study plan and move forward step by step. **Extended course learning** After mastering the basic knowledge, it is very exciting to explore a broader field. You may feel that your CG design is already handy, but learning more different design concepts and technologies can broaden your vision and bring new creative sparks. Expanding course learning is like opening a new window to let you see a different landscape. **Ability growth path** It takes time and effort to grow into an expert. It is very important to understand how to gradually improve skills and challenge more difficult tasks. As your skills grow, you may take on more complex tasks and face more advanced challenges. This requires continuous learning, paying attention to the development trend of the industry, and understanding the application of new technologies and tools. Every skill advancement is an opportunity for self transcendence. **Supporting internal teaching materials** Good textbooks are the key to learning. Internal textbooks are usually based on practical experience, which is more practical. Mars era education has rich teaching resources, including professional tutorials, case studies and other internal teaching materials, which are all designed to make your learning process more smooth. With these materials, it's like having a mentor to guide you at any time. With them, you can move forward confidently and boldly. Of course, there may be doubts or confusion in the learning process. It is advisable to leave contact information at the end of the textbook to facilitate teaching interaction. Don't worry about not knowing that you are "crossing the river by feeling the stones". We have a systematic learning content arrangement to help you understand where to go next, what to do and what to learn. This kind of guidance will help us grow and progress more efficiently! ​​ **Hardware system integration** Hardware support is essential for both CG design and other professional skills learning. Integrated hardware system means that you will use the latest and most efficient tools to support your learning and development. This is just as important as artists need good brushes and paints. Only with good tools can we maximize our potential. This is also a truth about "good horse with good saddle"! Both high-end computers and professional software tools need to be integrated to help you work and learn more efficiently! Of course, because of the high professionalism in this area, it is not easy to express too much specific information in daily words. You can learn more details through professional training! Because it involves many professional concepts and practical operation skills! We can acquire these skills through learning and practical operation to improve our professional ability. We can also interpret the details of these problems in detail! Make sure you can keep up with the times! I believe you will be able to successfully master these skills and knowledge Come on! Is there anything else I can do for you? I will try my best to answer your questions!

Well, no matter when, Mars teachers are here to answer your questions!
  • Q
    The training cost of BIM engineers varies according to the training organization, course content, duration and other factors. Generally speaking, the training cost of BIM engineers ranges from * * thousands to tens of thousands of yuan * *. The specific costs need to be determined according to the selected training courses and services. It is recommended to check the official website of each BIM training institution for the specific costs. When selecting training institutions, attention should be paid to selecting qualified institutions with good reputation to ensure the quality and effect of training.
    Ten thousand yuan to thirty thousand yuan.
  • Q
    Is the bim course difficult?
    We have professional teachers to guide you all the way. No matter you are a student with zero foundation or a certain foundation, you can learn something really useful here. Don't worry about learning. Follow the teacher step by step to master knowledge and skills easily.
  • Q
    Can I get a job after study?
    Yes, Mars provides employment services for students.
 Teacher Liu from the Academy of Education, Film and Television in the Mars Age

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