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Activity line members - discover wonderful city life - activity release and live broadcast platform!

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Activity line, providing one-stop activity management tools such as activity creation, promotion, list management, live interaction, data analysis, etc;
More than 600000 sponsors and 46 million users are using it.

One stop online activity registration, promotion, live interaction, playback, participation list management and live data analysis

Not included
Certified version

Applicable to basic activity management needs, release audit acceleration and paid ticket sales guarantee

¥ three hundred /Year

Includes free features, as well as:

Event release audit acceleration

Activity refresh function: 1 time/day

The audit ticket can be set

Multiple calendar tickets for the next day can be set

Support PayPal payment

Support sending marketing SMS

Support mass e-ticket&activity notification

You can set discount code and member discount price

Support export of single event list and batch import of list

Enhanced Edition

Applicable to the needs of promotional activities, more marketing tools and data analysis

¥ eight thousand and eight hundred /Year

Complimentary: 2 top cards/month

Includes all features of the certified version, as well as:

Activity refresh function: promoted to 5 times/day

Priority presentation weight of activities increased by 400%

Can remove campaign recommendation ads

Support page advanced template and hide active line LOGO (4 times/year)

Channel code can be set to analyze channel source

The sharing list can be opened to encourage sharing fission

Support 5 sub accounts and 3 activity numbers

Acceleration of ticket withdrawal

User comments can be hidden

2 hours of live broadcast, 100 people online at the same time, live broadcast playback, live broadcast data analysis

100G material library

professional edition

Applicable to the need for more promotion resources and online activities

¥ fifteen thousand and eight hundred /Year

Complimentary: 4 top cards/month

Includes all features of the enhanced version, as well as:

Activity refresh function: increased to 10 times/day

Priority presentation weight of activities increased by 800%

Support the advanced template of the page and hide the LOGO of the active line (increased to 8 games/year)

User defined enrollment pop-up, private domain diversion

Support multiple check-in with one ticket

User management supports export of all users

Support 10 sub accounts and 10 activity numbers

Provide API interface for activity data

Support online live broadcast of events, and include all live version functions


For the need to hold online activities only

¥ four thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight /Year

The following online broadcast functions are included:

Live broadcast duration: 48 hours/event

10 channels, 100 hours/year

Up to 1000 people can be online at the same time

Live video resolution increased to 1080P

Support warm-up video and decoration of live broadcast room

Private domain diversion of live broadcast room can be set

Support simultaneous live broadcast of 5 branch venues

Communication room can be set (during the meeting)

Support live room interaction (voting/lottery/online connection)

Support live playback and live data analysis

300G material library

Not included
Enhanced Edition

Unlock the basic version of the live broadcast and enjoy the privileges of the enhanced version

¥ eight thousand and eight hundred /Year

Project customization

Customized live broadcast of large-scale event projects and enterprise live broadcast

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frequently asked questions

You can create activities for free by registering the activity line, and you can use most of the activity management functions;
Due to relevant policies and regulatory requirements, if you need to publicly promote or publish paid activities on the activity line platform, you need to complete real name certification.

We support corporate transfer purchase. You can click "Activate Now" to view corporate transfer information. After completing the payment, please contact customer service to check the collection record and open the service for you. Customer service hotline: 010-86395931
After the service is opened, you can go to "Financial Center - Invoice" to apply for issuing invoices for corresponding orders online.

Since the account version belongs to a virtual product and enjoys various rights and interests immediately after opening, it does not support refund. Please understand. If you choose the wrong package version or want to upgrade the package version, please contact the customer service matching professional consultant for assistance.

You can choose the package version that is suitable for you according to the core function differences and needs of each package version. If you have questions, please contact customer service to match professional consultants for you to help you choose. Relatively speaking, we recommend that you choose [Professional Version] with more powerful functions and higher cost performance.

If you want to purchase a single function privilege, or your needs are not included in each package version, you can submit your needs in the "Cooperation Inquiry" form below or contact online customer service consultants. We will match professional consultants to serve you as soon as we receive your needs.

After purchasing the package, we will arrange the Customer Success Manager to contact you as soon as possible for detailed introduction of product functions and operation training. Please pay attention to the phone or WeChat information. If you have any questions during the use, you can contact the Customer Success Manager at any time for assistance.

Function and equity comparison of each version

Personalized customization development

Customized electronic ticket style

Customizing conference websites, applets, and apps

Custom data API interface

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Digital intelligence sign in service

Provide code scanning gun, ID card, bracelet, face recognition and other check-in equipment

On site quick printing badge and personalized badge design

Sub forum and booth data collection

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Cloud photography and live broadcast service

Take photos at the event site to obtain real-time refined photos

Live shooting, multi slot navigation, live streaming platform and other services

Provide post subtitle, video clip and other services

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1on1 Meeting

Provide reservation period, reservation authority and guest list management

Provide guest networking and meeting appointment functions

Provide automatic seat arrangement and flexible table adjustment function

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Digital Cloud Exhibition Hall

Customized digital exhibition hall homepage and exhibitor details page

Customized metauniverse exhibition hall and booth details page

Provide exhibitors with business opportunity clue collection and appointment meeting function

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Free release