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Asia's leading event social platform and event technology service provider
46 million urban elites, trusted by 600000 organizers
Company Profile
The activity line is committed to providing users with "wonderful city life" and the main organizer with "one-stop event management SaaS tools and activity resources".
The activity bank is headquartered in Beijing, and has offices in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Taipei. It is invested by DCM, Qualcomm Capital, Softbank Saifu and other internationally renowned investment institutions. In 2017, it won the A+round investment of Tencent Incubation, Recruit and Youke Workshop.
The event line has served more than 600000 event sponsors, providing one-stop event technology services such as event release, enrollment promotion, ticket check, online summit/seminar, online exhibition, finding venues, finding service providers, and private deployment.
By 2022, the activity line has gathered more than 46 million urban elites and more than 50 types of activities, including entrepreneurship, Internet, technology, investment roadshows, medical care, design, sharing, parent-child, outdoor, TEDx, talk shows, music performances, etc. It is the preferred platform for white-collar workers to improve their skills, expand their contacts, and meet and make friends.
Development history
Product and service system
Corporate culture and philosophy
Make the event more successful and life more exciting
Become the largest event platform and the most trusted service provider in Asia
sense of worth
Responsible, efficient, enterprising and innovative
Team style
Office location
Beijing Headquarters
Address: Floor 5, Building 12, Chuangye Street, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing
Shanghai Office
Address: Room 3160, Bund Center, No. 222, Yan'an East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
Shenzhen Office
Address: Room 703, Building 6, Software Industry Base, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Taipei Office
Address: Floor 6, No. 106-2, Section 2, North Zhongshan Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
Customer service hotline
contact us
Event promotion and business cooperation
Online solutions
Enter Treasure Chest

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