[Fujian's first] New Horizon Exploring Gold, Wandian Sailing - 2024 The First Amazon Global New Website Summit - Online Booking - Interactive Bar

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9:00-18:00 Monday to Friday

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Xiamen Interactive Bar  Interact Xiamen Internet  Interact Xiamen Internet  Interact [Fujian's First] New Horizon Exploring Gold, Wandian Sailing - 2024 The First Amazon Global Emerging Site Summit
The number of visitors to the event was too large. As the sponsor did not have real name authentication, {{visitLimitDateShow}} Then limit the flow of this page. Please contact the sponsor for authentication to unlock access restrictions.
Dear merchants, the number of visitors to your event has reached the warning line. As you have not been authenticated by your real name, you should meet the relevant requirements, {{visitLimitDateShow}} Access to the page will be stopped after. In order not to affect the enrollment, please authenticate to unlock the access restriction. Certify Now>>
The number of visitors to the event "[Fujian First] New Domain Gold Exploration, Wandian Sailing - 2024 First Amazon Global New Site Summit" has reached the warning line. Since the sponsor has not been certified by his real name, the flow has been restricted according to relevant requirements, and access to this page has been stopped.
Please contact the sponsor for authentication to unlock the access restriction.
Dear merchants, the number of visitors to your event "[Fujian's First] New Domain Gold Exploration, Wandian Qihang - 2024 The First Amazon Global Emerging Site Summit" has reached the warning line. Since you have not been authenticated by your real name, your access to this page has been restricted as required.
In order not to affect the enrollment, please authenticate to unlock the access restrictions.
Certify Now>>
 Interactive Bar - [Fujian's First] New Horizon Exploring Gold, Wandian Sailing - 2024 The First Amazon Global New Website Summit

[Fujian's First] New Horizon Exploring Gold, Wandian Sailing - 2024 The First Amazon Global Emerging Site Summit


The sponsor is not certified, please pay attention to risk prevention!

The sponsor has completed the interaction Personal certification Enterprise certification Organization certification
Real name
Identification Number
Certification time
{{authTime}} has completed the certification, and the interactive bar will review its data every year
Interactive Bar Certification Statement
Personal authentication refers to the authentication of the real identity of the operation subject behind the sponsor's account by Interact Bar, which does not mean that Interact Bar authenticates the name, introduction and real business situation of the sponsor.
Full name of enterprise
Unified social credit code/registration number of business license
Certification time
{{authTime}} has completed the certification, and the interactive bar will review its data every year
Interactive Bar Certification Statement
Enterprise authentication refers to the authentication of the real identity of the operation subject behind the sponsor's account by Interact Bar, which does not mean that Interact Bar authenticates the name, introduction and real business situation of the sponsor.
Name of organization
Unified social credit code/organization code
Certification time
{{authTime}} has completed the certification, and the interactive bar will review its data every year
Interactive Bar Certification Statement
Organizational authentication refers to the authentication of the real identity of the operation subject behind the sponsor's account by Interact Bar, which does not mean that Interact Bar authenticates the name, introduction and real business situation of the sponsor.
I also want to certify>
{{info_hits}} {{info_share}} {{favorite_count}}

{{list.startDate}} ~ {{list.overDate}}

{{list. overDate}} ends

{{list. startDate}} Start

More sessions

This activity {{partyStateMark}}

follow The sponsor shall not miss any of the activities of the sponsor.

Event guests ({{guestCount}}) View all guests
"I'm looking forward to your participation"
{{tag}} Unlabeled content

The sponsor is not certified, please pay attention to risk prevention!

The sponsor has completed
Interact Personal certification Enterprise certification Organization certification
Real name
Identification Number
Certification time
{{authTime}} has completed the certification, and the interactive bar will review its data every year
Interactive Bar Certification Statement
Personal authentication refers to the authentication of the real identity of the operation subject behind the sponsor's account by Interact Bar, which does not mean that Interact Bar authenticates the name, introduction and real business situation of the sponsor.
Full name of enterprise
Unified social credit code/registration number of business license
Certification time
{{authTime}} has completed the certification, and the interactive bar will review its data every year
Interactive Bar Certification Statement
Enterprise authentication refers to the authentication of the real identity of the operation subject behind the sponsor's account by Interact Bar, which does not mean that Interact Bar authenticates the name, introduction and real business situation of the sponsor.
Name of organization
Unified social credit code/organization code
Certification time
{{authTime}} has completed the certification, and the interactive bar will review its data every year
Interactive Bar Certification Statement
Organizational authentication refers to the authentication of the real identity of the operation subject behind the sponsor's account by Interact Bar, which does not mean that Interact Bar authenticates the name, introduction and real business situation of the sponsor.
I also want to certify>





{{shopDesc|html}} Entering the store>

Ta is too busy organizing activities and hasn't made room to write a brief introduction Entering the store>

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Statement: The content and services of the event are provided by the organizer itself. The Interactive Bar only provides technical support. Please read the rules of the event carefully to protect your legitimate rights and interests; Interact Bar does not own the ownership of the activity and relevant intellectual property rights, nor bear legal responsibility. If you find any content suspected of infringement, please send an email to hudongba@jootun.com Once verified, the suspected infringing content will be deleted immediately.

Please carefully check the qualification and service ability of the organizer before paying for registration. Some organizers will privately communicate with the applicants to promise their rights and interests after participating in the event, and exaggerate the profit effect after participating in the event, in order to collect high registration fees. Such activities usually include promotion, agency joining, and cash flow based on platforms such as Tiaoyin and Taobao.

In order to protect your rights and interests and avoid relevant economic losses, the interactive bar platform hereby states that the platform only provides relevant technical support, and does not bear the relevant disputes between the participants and the sponsor in the course of the event. If there are relevant disputes, the platform will actively assist in handling them.

One click "Event Reminder Assistant" has been launched nationwide 10 million Opening of event talent One button activation
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The sponsor is not certified, please pay attention to risk prevention!

The sponsor has completed the interaction Personal certification Enterprise certification Organization certification
Real name
Identification Number
Certification time
{{authTime}} has completed the certification, and the interactive bar will review its data every year
Interactive Bar Certification Statement
Personal authentication refers to the authentication of the real identity of the operation subject behind the sponsor's account by Interact Bar, which does not mean that Interact Bar authenticates the name, introduction and real business situation of the sponsor.
Full name of enterprise
Unified social credit code/registration number of business license
Certification time
{{authTime}} has completed the certification, and the interactive bar will review its data every year
Interactive Bar Certification Statement
Enterprise authentication refers to the authentication of the real identity of the operation subject behind the sponsor's account by Interact Bar, which does not mean that Interact Bar authenticates the name, introduction and real business situation of the sponsor.
Name of organization
Unified social credit code/organization code
Certification time
{{authTime}} has completed the certification, and the interactive bar will review its data every year
Interactive Bar Certification Statement
Organizational authentication refers to the authentication of the real identity of the operation subject behind the sponsor's account by Interact Bar, which does not mean that Interact Bar authenticates the name, introduction and real business situation of the sponsor.
I also want to certify >





{{shopDesc|html}} Entering the store>

Ta is too busy organizing activities and hasn't made room to write a brief introduction Entering the store>

Other ongoing activities of the sponsor
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Selected Activities
  • {{selectlist.title}}
    {{selectlist.priceWithSign}} {{selectlist.plusDiscountPriceRange}} {{selectlist.highlight}}
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  • {{list.shortName}} day
Merchant member Free access to advertising benefit package And enjoy traffic support, one-on-one service, exclusive functions and other surprises Learn more>
Select payment method
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Invoices can be issued at the organizer's center

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  • Value added services seven thirty ninety Day {{functionName}}
  • term of validity {{effectDate}} to {{expiryDate}}
  • Payment amount {{price}} yuan

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  • High end invitation poster

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  • Priority review of activities

    Quick people go on the shelves in one step

  • Large amount withdrawal

    Limit increased by 4 times

  • Registration channel monitoring

    Master the performance of each channel

  • Publish multiple events

    Release once and for all

  • Certification free service

    Free 99 yuan audit service fee

  • More privileges
    Coming soon

Open now

Learn more>

Please select the advanced certification sponsor service package View Privileges>
  • {{item.type}}

    ¥ {{item.price}} /{{item.viewType}}

    ¥ {{item.oriPrice}} /{{item.viewType}}

Quarterly card, semi annual card and annual card have all included certification audit service fees, which supports invoicing

Complete payment by scanning WeChat or Alipay

Payment amount: ¥ {{selectGrItem.price}} /{{selectGrItem.viewType}} (Saved ¥ {{selectGrItem. oriPrice - selectGrItem. price}})

Purchase succeeded

{{orderName}} has been purchased

Payment amount: ¥{{payMoney}}

Purchase goods: {{orderName}}

It is easier to scan code for payment

Purchase succeeded

{{orderName}} has been purchased

  • {{item.name}}

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See more benefits>


  • {{temp.text}}

Purchase succeeded

You have successfully purchased {{checkMemberData. name}}

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"Smart Reminder Assistant"
Event registration reminder, itinerary reminder
Welfare reminder, ticket grabbing reminder
10 million people have launched activities nationwide
Customer service consultation
WeChat code scanning to contact customer service
Working hours: Monday to Friday 09:00~18:00
Advertising cooperation
Hello, I'm the sales manager of Interactive Bar
Scan the code and add me WeChat, Communicate and cooperate immediately
wechat number: five hundred and seven million three thousand seven hundred and forty-two
Brand cooperation
Hello, I'm the Marketing Manager of Interactive Bar
Scan the code and add WeChat to communicate and cooperate immediately
Working hours: 09:00~18:00 from Monday to Friday
This event invited {{guestCount} guests, looking forward to meeting with you
Guest introduction
Guest introduction