
  • Centralized Account Management

    Quickly add multiple accounts to your organization and group them into organizational units (OUs) for easier management.

    Quickly add multiple accounts to your organization and group them into organizational units (OUs) for easier management.

  • Unified Permissions Control

    Use service control policies (SCPs) to create permission boundaries for your accounts, OUs, and organization. SCPs ensure your member accounts stay within targeted governance boundaries. 

    Use service control policies (SCPs) to create permission boundaries for your accounts, OUs, and organization. SCPs ensure your member accounts stay within targeted governance boundaries. 

  • Trusted Access

    Enable Huawei Cloud services integrated with Organizations to perform operations across all of the accounts in your organization.

    Enable Huawei Cloud services integrated with Organizations to perform operations across all of the accounts in your organization.

Organizations Advantages

Easy Account Management

Easy Account Management

Organizing your scattered accounts in a functional hierarchy allows you to adapt to your organizational structure.

Refined Access Control

Refined Access Control

Applying SCPs helps you keep your member accounts within targeted permission boundaries for more secure services.

Quick Organizational Access

Quick Organizational Access

Integrating Huawei Cloud services (such as Config ) with Organizations brings you the benefit of enterprise-class resource auditing and sharing across accounts in your organization.

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