Multi dimensional analysis of registration conditions

Fresh graduates refer to students who are about to graduate or have graduated in the year they should graduate. What career choices are available when you are about to enter the society or have already entered the society? The national civil servant exam is the first choice of the golden rice bowl that will remain unchanged for thousands of years, but you don't know whether you meet the registration conditions. Click the module to enter and learn about it.

Since the beginning of the national examination, we have collected the common problems in the application conditions, and sorted out the representative topics. Through the live broadcast of Huatu teacher, we can help candidates quickly identify the application.

Differentiation of application conditions

For some positions in difficult and remote areas, the National Examination has taken measures such as lowering the educational requirements and relaxing professional conditions to lower the threshold for entry, and further policy preference has been given when determining the score line for passing the written examination. See more>>

Application conditions are limited to how to understand

Judging from the recruitment conditions of the national civil servant examination over the years, most positions require candidates to have college education or above. Huatu Education reminds you that you must pay attention to the word "limited" in the position list. See more>>

 Multidimensional Analysis of Age and Conditions for Enrollment

How is the age for general staff to apply for the examination stipulated?

The age requirements for the recruitment of people's policemen by public security organs at or above the provincial level, prisons, and compulsory isolation drug rehabilitation administrative organs shall be subject to the current age provisions for civil servants.

The age requirement for the public security organs at prefecture level and below to apply for the examination of the people's police is generally not more than 30 years old, and in 2022, the age of the new graduate students for master's degree, doctor's degree (not on the job) and for the position of forensic medicine is generally not more than 35 years old.

The applicants for the special police examination are generally not more than 25 years old.

The front-line police of the prison and compulsory isolation drug rehabilitation center of the judicial administration department are generally not more than 30 years old. In 2022, the recruitment age of the new graduate students for master's degree, doctoral degree (non in-service), prison doctor, psychological correction and other special positions is generally not more than 35 years old.

How is the age set for the recruitment of police officers?

Persons over the age of 18 and under the age of 35 meet the age requirements for applying for the examination.

In 2022, the application age of the new graduate students for master's degree and doctoral degree (non in-service) can be relaxed to below 40 years old.

One year old
According to what standards

 Multi dimensional view of enrollment conditions based on educational requirements
education Number of positions
two thousand and twenty-one two thousand and twenty two thousand and nineteen two thousand and eighteen
Junior college (junior college only) nine twenty-two fifty-one fifty-four
Diploma or undergraduate fourteen twenty-five one hundred and thirteen one hundred and fifty-seven
College degree or above three hundred and ten three hundred and fifteen one hundred and fifty-six five hundred and seventeen
Undergraduate (undergraduate only) two thousand three hundred and ninety-four two thousand five hundred and twenty-two two thousand eight hundred and ninety-three four thousand three hundred and fifty-five
Undergraduate or postgraduate (master) four hundred and eighty-two three hundred and seventy-three one hundred and ninety-seven four hundred and forty-four
Bachelor degree or above eight thousand nine hundred and forty-four nine thousand three hundred and sixty-six five thousand three hundred and fifty nine thousand five hundred and four
Postgraduate (Master only) two hundred and ninety-seven three hundred and twenty-nine three hundred and eight three hundred and seventy-two
Postgraduate (Master) or above seven hundred and seven eight hundred and seventy-nine five hundred and eighty-three seven hundred and twenty-six
Postgraduate students (only for doctors) fifteen eighteen six fifteen
total thirteen thousand one hundred and seventy-two thirteen thousand eight hundred and forty-nine nine thousand six hundred and fifty-seven sixteen thousand one hundred and forty-four

How to understand the educational background required in the job recruitment form?

The education required in the recruitment position table is the highest education obtained by the applicants. Social in-service personnel shall apply for the exam with the highest degree they have already obtained, and fresh college graduates shall apply for the exam with the highest degree they will soon obtain. For example, if it is required in the recruitment position table that the degree is limited to undergraduate degree, master and doctoral graduates cannot apply for the examination with undergraduate degree.


See the requirements of educational background distribution based on last year's job table

According to the data of last year, the 2021 National Entrance Examination requires that the number of positions that can apply for undergraduate education is the largest, accounting for the largest proportion. There are 12144 and 24223 undergraduates who can apply for the examination, 92% of the total number of positions, up 4 percentage points from last year, and 94% of the total number, up 4.5 percentage points from last year. This year's opportunities for junior college students are relatively "shrinking", while the recruitment demand for undergraduate degrees is rising as a whole. This shows that the threshold for taking the national examination is rising. See more>>

 A multi-dimensional view of registration conditions based on the restrictions of grass-roots work experience

What is "grassroots work experience"?

Grass roots work experience refers to the work experience in party and government organs, state-owned enterprises and institutions, village (community) organizations, other economic organizations and social organizations at county level and below. The experience of working in the army regiment and the unit below the regiment level, and the experience of ex soldiers serving in the army can be regarded as grass-roots work experience. Those who apply for the central government office and have worked in the municipal (prefectural) directly subordinate organs can also be regarded as grass-roots work experience. See more>>

Is full-time study time included in grass-roots work experience?

For those who have obtained full-time education after work, full-time study time shall not be included in grass-roots work experience.

What is the identity of the new graduates with grass-roots work experience?

New graduates with grassroots work experience can apply for the exam as new graduates. If the number of years of grass-roots work meets the requirements of the position, you can also apply for the position with grass-roots work experience. See more>>

The on-the-job personnel have experienced social trials and become more calm and mature in their work process, which is incomparable to the fresh graduates. See more>>

Every year, there will be a group of positions that require people with grass-roots work experience to apply for the national examination. More than 16.4% of the positions in the 2021 national examination only recruit candidates with work experience. See more>>