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[Iranian specialty gifts/Iranian shopping] Must buy souvenirs to Iran

What are the souvenirs you must buy in Iran?


If you want to buy a small and exquisite souvenir that can represent Iranian characteristics, Khatamkari handicrafts will be your best choice.

If you go to the local market, especially the market in Isfahan or Shiraz, you will see jewelry boxes, decorative boxes, photo frames, vases, pens, etc. with exquisite patterns, which are shining and eye-catching, firmly attracting the eyes of every visitor.

The patterns on these articles are made by skilled Persian craftsmen with Khatamkari technology, and each pattern is filled with the painstaking efforts of the craftsmen. Khatamkari, also known as bone wood gold inlaying process, is a process of stacking and compressing bone, wood, metal and other materials into pieces of decorative materials. The patterns are usually triangular or diamond shaped geometric figures, and then the craftsmen will inlay these ornaments on the surface of other objects, such as utensils, one by one, to make practical and beautiful handicrafts.

These exquisite and beautiful Khatamkari handicrafts can provide you with an opportunity to share with those who have not witnessed the beauty of this country.

Persian traditional textiles

The Persian carpet enjoys a good reputation in the world. It seems that you have never bought a Persian carpet in Iran. It is reported that the carpets produced by Kazang, Yazid and Isfahan are the most recommended.
Persian carpets can be divided into two types: mechanical carpet and hand woven carpet. The mechanical carpet is cheaper. After all, it doesn't take long, and friends with low budget can choose the woven carpet.
In terms of fabrics, Persian carpets are mainly made of wool, silk, and wool silk blends. Among them, handmade carpets made of pure silk are the most expensive, often tens of thousands.

Persian carpets are famous for their unique and gorgeous design and incomparable craftsmanship. It can be seen that Iran's textile technology is also unique. After all, it is the same. Friends who cannot afford expensive Persian carpets can also go back and buy some Persian fabrics.

It can be seen from the gorgeous and exquisite headdresses worn by Persian beauties on the streets of Iran. The bold and gorgeous patterns and colors on these fabrics fully demonstrate part of Persian culture.

Among many fabrics, Termeh is outstanding for its delicacy, beauty and preciousness. It is an exquisite fabric hand woven from silk, cotton and wool, with gorgeous colors and unique design. It was once a symbol and symbol of wealth, power and social class.

Iranian dried fruits and desserts

Iran is a paradise for sweets and nut lovers.

Delicious candies and nuts are everywhere in Iran. If you don't know what to buy, these are the best gift choices. Even the most picky eaters can find something to their taste in Persian cakes and nuts.
Gaz is one of the best Persian candies to buy. It is soft and sweet with pistachio or almond crispness, creating an excellent delicious experience for you.

The Gaz purchased in Isfahan is the best. When you visit Isfahan, you can visit Kermani and Mozaffari Gaz stores, because they produce the best Gaz in Iran.

Yazdi sweet is a comprehensive Persian pastry gift box with delicious and exquisite packaging. You can find Loz's softness, Qottab's softness and Haji Badoom's crispness.

An all inclusive Persian pastry gift box as a gift will make you more proud.

Almond candy is a famous specialty of Shiraz. It looks like snowflakes, but tastes like heaven.

Iranians like to eat these soft and sweet sweets with a large cup of tea. In addition, almond candy is a frequent guest of Persian weddings. The bride and groom's family will throw almond candy on the couple's head to wish them sweet and happy life in the future.

Forman biscuit can make you forget the taste of all the biscuits you have eaten so far. It shines brightly in all Iranian hand gifts and provides you with unexpected new taste. When you travel to northern Iran, you can buy Fuman biscuits to taste.

Some people will think that Iranian candy and cakes are too sweet to accept. For those who don't like sweets, Iranian nuts can absolutely conquer them!

Iran is called "nut paradise". Here, you can buy all kinds of nuts, such as almonds, cashews and walnuts. But the most popular Persian nut is pistachio. As one of Iran's "five treasures", Iran's pistachio is famous far and wide.


No matter whether you know Iran or not, I believe you have heard the good name of Iranian saffron. As a "treasure" that has many benefits to the human body, saffron attracts many people.

As the country of origin of saffron, Iran's saffron is of good quality and cheap. It would be a great loss to come to Iran without bringing some saffron home. The price of saffron in domestic pharmacies is expensive, while in Iran, especially in Mashhad, the country of origin, the price is very attractive, which makes you feel sorry not to buy it at all.

However, there are fraudsters everywhere, so when buying saffron, you must be careful not to buy dyed fake and fake saffron or be fooled by bad businesses who use stale saffron as fresh.

In addition, it should be noted that the Iranian customs stipulates that a passenger can only carry 200 grams of saffron at most, which may be confiscated!


MinaKari is one of the most famous handicrafts in Iran, as well as Persian carpets and Khatamkari.

MinaKari is translated as "Mina", which is an elegant and beautiful artwork just from its name. Indeed, MinaKari's beauty is obvious to all, and it has conquered many people.

MinaKari is a unique enamel painting art. The unique dyes extracted from natural plants by the Iranians are dyed into white porcelain by Mina masters. The complex and gorgeous patterns have their own natural freshness. The incomparable Persian blue is like the Iranian sky. People can't help but get lost in it. It is retro and small and fresh.

Each Mina work is unique, because they are hand-painted by artists, time-consuming, laborious, colorful, complex patterns, and exquisite.

There are many Mina masters hidden in the narrow alleys of Naqsh-e Jahan Square in Isfahan, Iran's handicraft center, so the craft of Mina works in Isfahan is the most exquisite. The prices of works by different artists vary from tens to hundreds of yuan, and it is not impossible to buy thousands of pieces, mainly depending on the fame of the artists and the complexity of their craftsmanship.

Ghalam Zani

Ghalam Zani (Carving Metal) is an art of carving images or words on metal, which makes plain metal radiate new charm.

Ghalam Zani looks simple at first glance, but full marks for actual details. It was carved by craftsmen one hammer at a time, which cost countless efforts. The time and patience of artists make this gift more special.

Created: 2023-10-1 15:51:10
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