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Yellow Pages 88 website registration/release standard

Chapter I General

  Article 1 Huangye88 adheres to the principles of integrity, security and openness. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of users of Huangye88 and maintain a harmonious network environment, the following information review (release) standards have been formulated.

  Article 2 The information review (release) standard of Huangye88 aims to improve the information quality of this platform, protect the fundamental interests of users of Huangye88, and optimize the service experience. It is applicable to all products or services of Huangye88. All users are equal in applying this standard.

Chapter II Definitions

  Article 3 Huangye88 is the Huangye88 PC station (www.huangye88. com), mobile station (m.huangye88. com/wap. huangye88. com), APP device (Huangye88), Huangye88 WeChat public account (huangye_88) and Huangye88 WeChat applet, as well as the provider of products and services and related product providers.

  Article 4 Users include registered users and non registered users. Registered users refer to users who use the services of the Yellow Pages 88 platform after completing the registration process through the official website of Yellow Pages 88; Non registered users refer to users who do not register, directly open the Yellow Pages 88 website (including all equipment platforms mentioned in Article 3 above) or access the Yellow Pages 88 website through other websites.

   Article 5 The paying user refers to the user who directly pays the service fee to Huangye88.

Chapter III Violations

  Article 6 Publish illegal information, including but not limited to the following, delete all illegal content and block the account according to the seriousness of the case, until the partnership is terminated and the remaining service fees are not returned.

    Illegal information refers to information that violates the Constitution, laws, administrative regulations, normative documents and other laws and policies of the People's Republic of China:

(1) Information that incites resistance or violates the Constitution, laws, administrative regulations and normative documents of the People's Republic of China;

(2) Information that incites subversion of the government or the socialist system;

(3) Information that incites to split the country and undermine the reunification of the motherland;

(4) Information that incites national hatred, national discrimination and destroys national unity;

(5) Information that creates lies or distorts facts, spreads rumors, and destroys social order;

(6) Publicize feudal superstitions, disseminate sexually provocative materials, and release information suspected of pornography, gambling, violence or murder;

(7) Publicizing terrorism or instigating others to commit crimes, publicly insulting others or distorting facts to slander others;

(8) Damage to reputation information of state organs;

(9) Other information that violates the Constitution, laws, administrative regulations and normative documents of the People's Republic of China.

Article 7 Information contrary to public order and good customs refers to information and companies that do not violate mandatory laws or have no clear legal provisions, but violate the general good customs and accepted ethics of society.

Article 8 Releasing meaningless information and information of no value to the viewer, including but not limited to information description that has no obvious connection with the publishing industry, vague information expression that makes it difficult for the viewer to understand or easy to misunderstand, and information description that violates general writing knowledge.

Article 9 Violation of account management by others, such as user's failure to prove the truth of theft or failure to cooperate with the official staff of Huangye88.

Chapter IV Rules for Violations

Article 10 If a user publishes the following illegal information, he or she shall, according to the seriousness of the case, handle one or more of them, delete all illegal information or shops, block accounts, deduct service fees, terminate VIP member services, etc.

(1) Publish product or service information that is prohibited by the Constitution, laws, administrative regulations, normative documents and national laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China;

(2) Not qualified to release product or service information with clear qualification requirements in national laws and regulations or requiring pre-approval and administrative license;

(3) The use of violence, intimidation, instigation, deception and other acts in the service or transaction process infringes on the personal and property rights of others.

Article 11 Publish information that is contrary to public order and good customs, including but not limited to the following examples, delete all information and shops, and ban accounts.

(1) The information contains vulgar, indecent, bad taste and other descriptions or malicious abuse, slander, personal attacks and other content;

(2) Information content violates normal ethics, morality, social customs, etc.

Article 12 The publication of false information, including but not limited to the following, shall be handled in one or more ways according to the seriousness of the case, deleting all illegal information and stores, blocking accounts, deducting service fees, terminating VIP member services, etc.

(1) Providing false products or services;

(2) Make a description of the product or service that is inconsistent with the actual content.

Article 13 The publication includes but is not limited to the following violations of users' rights and interests, one or more treatments shall be carried out according to the seriousness of the case, all illegal information and shops shall be deleted, account numbers shall be banned, service fees shall be deducted, VIP member services shall be terminated, etc.

(1) Unauthorized use of others' brands to provide products or services;

(2) Steal or falsely use other people's pictures, business licenses, trademarks, patents or brands, release information or register to fill in company information.

(3) Intentionally register a large number of accounts or publish a large amount of information through various ways, seize traffic in violation of regulations, and harm the interests of other users;

(4) Refusing to perform the agreed behavior of both parties in the process of transaction and service;

(5) Violation of the information filling specification of Yellow Pages 88.

Chapter V Specification for Filling in Supplementary Provisions * (Please focus on reading)

 1. About Title

The title is the full embodiment of the theme of all information content and expresses the intention of the information publisher. The concise and meaningful title text is more likely to be favored by potential customer groups. We encourage the information publisher to draw an appropriate title for the information content truthfully and appropriately. It is not allowed to publish titles including but not limited to the following situations:

(1) It contains title descriptions that violate national laws and regulations and are expressly prohibited by national laws and regulations;

(2) Caption description that is not related to the local service industry information and is beyond the scope of the local service category;

(3) Title description that expresses vaguely and cannot judge the intention of the information publisher;

(4) The title contains irrelevant symbols, letters and numbers, including special symbols (except Chinese characters, 26 letters,+- */% # and other characters), garbled codes, meaningless end of the title, continuous meaningless punctuation and other contents that affect the viewer's judgment of its true intention;

(5) Exaggerate the facts, which is easy to mislead the information viewers.

two About Pictures

The image is the most intuitive entry for the viewer to understand the details of information. The quality of the image affects the viewer's judgment of information. To a certain extent, the viewer's preference is affected by the image. We encourage information publishers to upload true, clear and reasonably sized pictures, and do not allow the release of pictures including but not limited to the following situations:

(1) The content of the picture contains the content that violates the national laws and regulations and is expressly prohibited by the national laws and regulations, including the pictures of national leaders;

(2) The picture content is not associated with the category information of the local service;

(3) Embezzles or fraudulently uses other people's pictures without their permission;

(4) Publish pictures of ownership disputes;

(5) The picture is vague and illegible, which affects the viewer's judgment of the information content;

(6) Uploading multiple pictures that are not related to the information content affects the viewer's judgment of the information content;

(7) The contact information and other contents contained in the picture occupy a large area of the picture, affecting the viewer's judgment of the picture content;

(8) The contact information contained in the picture is inconsistent with that left in the information.

three About contact information

Contact information serves as a link between buyers and sellers. In the mainstream communication tools such as phone numbers and Alibaba Wangwang, information publishers can choose one or more contact information according to their own wishes when publishing information. In order to ensure timely contact with the information publisher, we require a real and valid phone number as a required option. It is not allowed to publish contact information including but not limited to the following situations:

(1) Embezzle or falsely use the contact information of others;

(2) The contact information is false or does not exist (the telephone number is false or does not exist);

(3) The contact information is not written in a standard way (the letter "o" replaces the number "0", and the letter "l" replaces the number "1");

(4) The contact information contains characters or pinyin with illegal meanings.

four About Contacts

Contact person is the publisher of information content and the expression of information intention. Real and effective contact person identity is the foundation of information quality. For the need of privacy protection, information publishers can use the last name to match with "Mr.", "Ms.", "Teacher" and other titles, but must ensure that the user's gender is consistent with their title, Avoid unnecessary misunderstanding of information viewers. We require the information publisher to use his/her real identity to publish the information, and ensure that he/she can be contacted through contact information. It is not allowed to publish contact descriptions including but not limited to the following situations:

(1) Words that violate national laws and regulations and are expressly prohibited by national laws and regulations;

(2) Words that violate the public order and good customs, abuse and slander others;

(3) Obscure and ambiguous lexical expressions;

(4) The lexical expression of advertising description of the information itself.

five About content

Content is the main part of information, which is a detailed description of the products and services published by the information publisher. Users can truthfully describe the development status, business scope and development potential of local service enterprises. Users can also carry out personalized language description according to their own preferences. We encourage users to publish authentic and effective information content, and do not allow the publication of content including but not limited to the following situations:

(1) Description of information that violates national laws and regulations and is expressly prohibited by national laws and regulations;

(2) Information description that violates social public order and good customs;

(3) Information descriptions that are not related to local service category information and are beyond the scope of local service category information;

(4) False, forged and exaggerated information description;

(5) The description of information that is obscure, ambiguous, and ambiguous, which is easy to cause ambiguity to information viewers;

(6) The content contains irrelevant characters, which may interfere with the normal browsing of information.

six About price

    Price is the ultimate embodiment of the value of products and services, and also the ultimate yardstick for both parties to reach a deal. We require information publishers to truthfully express their psychological price, and we are not allowed to mislead information viewers through false prices. The marked price is the unification of the psychological price of the information publisher and the market price. We have reason to doubt whether the motivation of any price marking that violates the laws of the market economy and the market price trend is beyond the legitimate economic behavior of the market subject. We encourage information publishers to truthfully express their psychological price, and do not allow them to publish, including but not limited to the following situations:

(1) The marked price and the actual transaction price deviate from the fluctuation range of the general market price (unless otherwise agreed by both parties);

(2) The price statement is vague, and the price unit does not match the price figure;

(3) The price expression in the price item is inconsistent with that in other items;

(4) Irregular price writing method (the letter "o" replaces the number "0", and the letter "l" replaces the number "1", etc.).

Chapter VI Prohibited content * Details of general rules of prohibited products>>

  Article 14 Some special industries are subject to the supervision and management of relevant national institutions, and cannot directly register accounts or publish information through Huangye88. Industries that are not allowed to register or publish include but are not limited to the following industries. The company is not allowed to register and not allowed to publish any information:

  (1) Medical devices and hospital related content;

  (2) All products or production and trading contents related to drugs, sexual health products/sexual pleasure products and oral health products;

(3) Contents related to hazardous chemicals in the chemical industry (corrosive, explosive, flammable and toxic chemicals, flammable gases, high-pressure high-purity gases, carcinogens) and flammable, explosive and toxic chemical raw materials;

(4) Production and trading contents of pharmaceutical and chemical raw materials and intermediates for mental, cancer, tumor and other special diseases;

(5) Pornographic and pornographic fringe content: spread pornographic and pornographic content, recruit prostitutes, find one night stands, sexual partners and other content, send pornographic text, pornographic videos, pornographic pictures, pornographic cartoons and other content for pornographic purposes, and send pornographic fringe and sexual suggestive information content for a long time;

(6) Violence content: spread the content of people or animals being killed, maimed, shot, stabbed, tortured and other injuries, describe violence or abuse of children and other content, and show disturbing violence content such as drug consumption, self abuse and self mutilation;

(7) Sell simulation guns, bows and arrows, controlled knives, air guns and other weapons containing lethal guns, and describe real weapons for the purpose of encouraging illegal or reckless use;

(8) Gambling content: sending organized gambling, selling gambling equipment, teaching gambling (thousand skills) skills, methods and methods, online gambling, maliciously spreading non nationally recognized color information, guiding the public to gamble, such as real-time color, maliciously spreading illegal content such as gambling WeChat groups, gambling tools and gambling venues;

(9) Contents endangering platform security: sending information such as phishing websites to induce users to be deceived and suffer losses, sending viruses, files, computer codes or programs, and causing damage or interruption to the normal operation of the platform;

(10) Mafia related content: sending information with the nature of underworld, such as revenge for others, finding a mistress, and collecting money; Hiring and luring others to engage in terrorist, violent and other activities; The content of forming cliques and recruiting members, which is potentially harmful to social order;

(11) Contents of illegal goods: sales invoice, bank statement, bank deposit certificate, fund certificate, guarantee of letter of guarantee, cigarettes (including banned electronic cigarettes), fake wine (including high imitation wine), unqualified Moutai wine recycling, unqualified release of alcohol trade, high imitation clothing, hats, shoes, high imitation (assembly) mobile phones, counterfeit money, stolen goods, smuggled goods, ivory Tiger bones and other wildlife products, drugs, eavesdroppers, arms, police equipment, human organs, overpowering drugs, state secrets and other illegal articles, and the release of illegal certificate engraving, handling ID cards, credit cards, refueling cards, low discount shopping cards, handling mobile phone copy cards, credit card cash out, pos machine transactions and other content;

(12) False advertisement: release False, fraudulent or fake advertisement, Including but not limited to Online earnings, winning prizes, direct sales rebates and other information False red envelopes, false activities, false propaganda, false team building, using free gimmicks to induce the payment of postage commodities higher than the actual value, and cheating users to pay deposits and membership fees in the name of recruitment/part-time jobs/internships, Crude oil (gold) futures, over-the-counter futures, stock futures trading, virtual currency trading, WeChat trading, WeChat and other social media add powder, falsely exaggerate the health care products, drugs, food advertisements that have weight loss, height gain, breast enhancement, whitening effects but are obviously ineffective, and promote the sales of counterfeit and substandard goods;

(13) False information: information generated without corresponding factual basis, through fabricating or distorting facts, concealing the truth, inciting hatred, discrimination and misunderstanding among countries, regions, nations and religions, damaging good customs, false information related to common sense of life and public topics, hyping scandal, scandal, evil deeds, improper comments on natural disasters Major accidents and other disasters;

(14) Illegal transaction information: forged documents: such as forged driver's license, ID card, marriage certificate, bank card, etc; Malicious cash out transactions: such as Huabei cash out and IOU cash out; Academic misconduct: such as issuing papers and writing papers on behalf of others; Private detective: does not comply with national laws and regulations, maliciously explores others' privacy, infringes others' privacy rights, etc; Illegal loans: unsecured loans, black loans, naked loans, transfers with Beijing license plate companies, and Beijing license plates without lottery without government approval; Illegal software: malicious provision of software cracking version, game plug-in, likes/pink/comments and other cheating tools; Illegal part-time job online earning: publishing fraudulent part-time job or illegal gray online earning information such as swiping orders and typing, resulting in the loss of network users' property; Illegal use of qualification certificates, attachment of professional qualification certificates in housing construction, environmental assessment, drug circulation, patent agency, fire protection and other fields; Affiliated social security, social security payment; Network black ash production equipment: GOIP, card pool, sip phone, Dokabao, cat pool, diffuse network, etc;

(15) False and fraudulent information: fake the official website of the government/enterprise, forge the contact information of the government/enterprise, or maliciously disseminate false information; Sell or disseminate books, techniques and tools related to fraud, and publicize unfair means of profit;

(16) All health care product transactions and health care product co processing cannot be released;

(XVII) All financial product trading information (including indirect financial product trading, such as film and television investment) and financial transaction publicity software development information cannot be released;

(XVIII) Transaction information of all controlled categories: It is not allowed to use the party flag, party emblem, national flag, national emblem, national anthem and other signs and contents representing the image of the party and the country, and carry out online commercial marketing activities (including but not limited to Quartermaster products Transaction information of relevant products, criminal investigation equipment, administrative law enforcement uniforms, etc. of national leaders );

(19) Restricted products cannot be released in a specific period, for example, low altitude flying objects cannot be released during the National Day, hot air balloons, airships, UAVs and other trading information;

(20) Information on continuing education of academic qualifications: without the written authorization of the university legal person or the review and filing of the provincial self-study examination management organization, enterprises, institutions, social organizations or individuals shall not publish or in the name of education consulting, academic degree promotion services, etc., publish advertisements for continuing education of higher academic qualifications and self-study examination activities involving specific universities in disguised form, Carefully read the Notice on Strengthening the Administration of Advertisement Release for Continuing Education of Higher Education before releasing information;


Chapter VII Punishment Methods

Article 15 Content processing: one or more of the following processing shall be carried out for the information content, pictures, company information, news, etc. that users publish or upload to the Yellow Pages 88 website platform.

(1) Return to Modify: the published information is returned to "Not Display", and the information can be displayed only after it is modified and approved by the user;

(2) Information reduction: if the repeatability of information released is more than 90%, the weight of repeated information will be automatically reduced, and it will not be actively pushed to the search engine or actively included;

(3) Restricted classification: the information published has not been published in the corresponding industry, and the account is published under multiple unrelated industry classifications and refuses to correct after repeated education. This account can only publish information in the relevant industry;

(4) Blocked account: the account with quality problems and persistent admonition can not be released for a certain number of days according to the seriousness of the case for self reflection and rectification, and the shop page can be displayed normally;

(5) Blocking the account: the published information and the registered company seriously violate the regulations, delete the account, clear all published information products and news, add the contact information to the blacklist, and no re registration is allowed;

(6) Termination of service: terminate the cooperation relationship and deduct the service fees to make up for the economic losses caused to users.

Chapter VIII Appeal of Punishment

Article 16 In serious cases, the Respondent must send relevant supporting materials to the mailbox of Yellow Pages 88 kefu@huangye88.com The valid appeal period is 15 days from the date of the account being punished. If the certification materials are not submitted within the time limit or submitted insufficiently, Huangye88.com has the right to judge according to the situation at that time and give the final treatment method; If the certification materials submitted are false, the punishment will be increased and the appeal will not be allowed again.

Article 17 The user's handling of violations and appeal process when using specific products and functions of the Yellow Pages 88 website can view the details through the "system notice" of the Yellow Pages 88 website.

Chapter IX View and Update

Article 18 This information review (release) standard will be modified and updated with the adjustment of national laws and regulations or the iterative updating of product functions of Huangye88. You need to check it repeatedly.

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