Yanjin Zhengdao Biological Co., Ltd

Packaging Sourcebook > Xinxiang Company > Yanjin Zhengdao Biological Co., Ltd

Company Profile

Main pesticides We have good products and professional teams. The company has developed rapidly. We provide customers with high-quality products, good technical support, and sound after-sales services. Yanjin Zhengdao Biology Co., Ltd. is a well-known enterprise of allicin and brassinolide. If you are interested in our products and services, please leave a message online or call us for consultation.

corporate name Yanjin Zhengdao Biological Co., Ltd
Enterprise legal person Meng Fanyun
Location Xinxiang, Henan
Enterprise type private share holding limited companies
Date of establishment 2020-09-08
Main industry Botanical pesticide
Main products Allicin
Main business area Henan
management model Productive
Whether OEM is provided no
Company zip code four hundred and fifty-three thousand and two hundred

Company information

  • Meng Fanyun
  • Henan
  • Botanical pesticide
  • Allicin
  • Senggu Township

contact information

  • Zhang Lingli
  • eighteen billion three hundred and thirty-seven million three hundred and thirty-five thousand and twenty-one
  • Yanjin Zhengdao Biological Co., Ltd
  • four hundred and fifty-three thousand and two hundred

Company address

  • Senggu Township
Online Message

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