Buy Instagram Views Guide & Reviews

Instagram’s all about the numbers. At the end of the day, more views on your vids means more influence on the platform. And who doesn’t want that? That’s why the idea of buying views tempts so many. Seems like a simple fix, right? But hold up – is this actually a smart move or is it a fast track to trouble? In the guide below we lay it all out on the table. We uncover the ins and outs of purchasing Instagram views on the web and everything involved. (Yes, we mean everything.) Why do people buy Instagram views , anyway? Are there any downsides to this approach? What’s the real payoff – both in the short term and down the line? These are just a handful of the questions we have answers to. So if you’re thinking about buying Instagram views for your page, stick around and keep scrolling.

Most Popular

#1 Stormlikes

 #1 Stormlikes
Rating 4.9/5
  • High Quality Views
  • Fast delivery
  • Reasonable prices
  • No Password
  • 24/7 Support
1000 Views $2.99


  • Real profiles
  • Fast delivery
  • Reasonable prices
1000 Views $2.99

#3 Social-viral

 #3 Social-viral
  • High Retention
  • Quick growth
  • 30 Day Refill Guarantee
1000 Views $2.89

Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Why People Buy Instagram Views
  3. Upsides to Having More Instagram Views
  4. Downsides to Buying Your Instagram Views
  5. Benefits (Immediate and Permanent) to Buying Your Views
  6. How to Find a Reputable Provider of Views
  7. Platforms We Recommend Using
  8. Proven Ways to Grow Your Instagram Following
  9. Frequently Asked Questions

Why People Buy Instagram Views

 Why People Buy Instagram Views

Fast Track to Visibility

Standing out on the ‘gram isn’t easy. Especially with millions of minutes uploaded every hour. Buying views can kickstart your content so it appears popular right away.

Lots of views logged in a short amount of time? This tells the algorithm that your post is catching fire.

This, in turn, prompts it to show your video to more people. What starts out as a purchased boost can lead to genuine interest and organic viewership over time.

Gives Trust in Seconds

Bigger numbers grab attention. A post with loads of views tells others that “hey, there’s something worth checking out here.”

This instant elevation can make your post seem noteworthy – pulling in people you might not have otherwise. Simply put: it’s human nature to be curious about what everyone else is spending their precious time watching.

You can use this effect to your benefit as you pave your way to more influence.

Increases Interaction

A lot of views draw a crowd – a crowd that’s already in the mood to hit like and throw heart emojis in the comments.

A lot of the time they don’t just watch. They engage. They follow and share – cranking up your reputation and sparking a cycle where more views lead to more interactions.

Catches Interest of Big Name Brands

Lots of views can put you on the radar of big brands searching for Instagram influencers.

You’ve seen it before: a user casually drops a brand mention in their post. That’s a sponsorship. They’re getting paid for that mention.

It can be you too – with consistently high view counts, you could be the next one brands approach for partnerships.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to monetization on your Instagram videos.

Keeps You in the Race to the Top

Instagram is fiercely competitive. Everyone is ready to trample each other for a chance to hit that next big milestone.

Many influencers buy views because their rivals are doing the same – and they don’t want to be left in the dust.

Even if others aren’t buying views, a quick jolt of energy on a vid can help close the gap in a tight race. It shifts the metrics exactly when it matters most.

1. Stormlikes

Rating 4.9/5
Metrics & Score:
1000 views for

We’re big fans of Stormlikes for buying views. They help you reach the right audience – sparking immediate interest and conversations. It’s almost as good as having your own promotional team behind each video.


  • They have tons of customization options. At checkout you can choose the exact location and gender breakdown of your viewers that you want.
  • For under 400 bucks – and at 83% savings – you can get a million views on your Instagram video. For folks looking to aim a bit lower to begin with, they also offer view counts ranging from 500 to 500k.
  • They work with over 10,000 customers every single day so you know you’re dealing with one of the best in the business.


  • There are limited ways to verify delivery – the best method is to manually check your view counts after ordering directly on your Instagram profile.
  • Discounts of more than 50% only kick in for orders with 1,000 views or more. So those only looking to buy 500 views have to pay closer to full price than the other plans.
  • They say they have only completed 100,000 orders which is on the low side when compared to their claims about daily orders fulfilled.


Rating 4.8/5
Metrics & Score:
1000 views for

We absolutely adore this Instagram view-buying service. does more than just pad your view count. They connect your videos with an audience that’s likely to stick around and stay in your orbit.

There are few better ways to build a bridge between potential fans and future engagement.


  • 24/7 customer support means you’re never far away from an answer if something goes wrong with your order
  • 500 views starts at just $1.99 – less than a pack of bubblegum
  • Location and interest-based targeting means you’re not just getting lots of views but rather the kind of views you want


  • Premium quality views are more expensive
  • No drop off – that is absolutely no reduction in view count – is not guaranteed
  • Max views are capped at 250k which is significantly less than the million offered by Stormlikes


Rating 4.8/5
Metrics & Score:
1000 views for

Who said buying Instagram views had to be complicated? makes, well, going viral as easy as pie. The speedy service here makes sure your content doesn’t just float around unnoticed – it sticks out and grabs attention.


  • No password required to buy your views – just share the video URL after ordering and you’re set
  • Option to order views from real active viewers who stay engaged on Instagram and have super active profiles
  • 500 views starts at $1.89 which is one of the more affordable options we’ve seen


  • Low-tier package plan comes from views that have profile pics but no additional posts. Could trip off Instagram’s bot sensors
  • There are not any options in the view count range between 50k and 100k. You’d have to buy additional packages of 25k views to get the exact 75k view count you want
  • With only 5 years in business the company is still proving itself on the market – relatively speaking

4. Stormviews

Rating 4.7/5
 #1 Stormviews
 stormviews reviews feedback
 Frequently Asked Questions storm views
Metrics & Score:
Check Networks Prices

This is one of our go-to spots for ramping up those view counts. Stormviews delivers it without any fuss. They help put your video in front of more eyes quickly. For timely content that needs to trend you can’t beat it.


  • Up to a million views can be bought in one go – in either the high quality or premium variety you’re after
  • Instant delivery means you can start to see an impact right away
  • No bots here – just authentic viewers that will leave permanent view counts on your videos


  • Percentage savings are not immediately advertised on each package. You have to click each one to see the dollar amount only
  • Auto-filling guarantee is only active during limited warranty window
  • To increase the quality of viewership – that is from those more likely to follow and engage instead of simply watch – you have to splurge for the premium packages

5. Famoid

Rating 4.7/5
 #3 Famoid
Metrics & Score:
1000 views for

We couldn’t be happier with the view counts we get from this platform. Famoid manages the flow of viewers to your vids – making it simpler to gain traction. They handle the numbers while you focus on creating great content.


  • Top-notch security protocols means you never have to worry about your sensitive social media information being compromised or leaked
  • 25,000 views can be bought for under a hundred bucks – not a bad deal add all for that amount of views
  • Other packages are available as well in quantities as low as 100, which is perfect for videos you’re trying to grow among a smaller audience



  • You’re required to provide your email address in addition to your Insagram handle to get started with placing an order
  • Drop-off protection is not guaranteed – you have to contact customer support to ask about options should it happen
  • There is mixed messaging around instant delivery versus ad-based approach that is more gradual based on paid clicks that your videos receive

Downsides to Buying Your Instagram Views

Surface-Level Views

Like most things in life quality matters as much as quantity.

You have to keep in mind purchased views are not from die-hard fans. These aren’t people who stumbled on your content while scrolling for something they love. They’re not friends or family who will like everything you do even if it makes no sense.

They’re mostly just numbers – viewers who might not engage much with your posts at first (if at all). Keep your expectations low and start small.

When you get better and better at posting content, then people will want to stick around awhile because they genuinely like what you have to say. But don’t worry – you’ll get there eventually.

Misleading Metrics

Buying views can warp your analytics. All of a sudden the numbers on your screen don’t represent natural growth.

This makes it hard to measure the actual impact of your vids. Are you gaining real traction because people are genuinely interested, or is it just the temporary lift from purchased clicks? These questions can lead to uncertainty and a mess of confusion.

Not to mention: if you start planning your shoots based on these tilted stats, you might end up creating videos that your core audience could care less about.

Penalties With Instagram

Buying views isn’t something Instagram endorses. Think about it: why would they? It’s in their best interest to keep a level playing field. They want to keep the reputation of their platform intact.

So if they catch you, be prepared for what might happen. You could face stiff penalties like shadow banning or even having your account shut down. (Bye-bye to that following you’ve poured everything into building.)

The risk is always out there – and it could throw your account for a loop. 

Unreliable Return

Buying views costs money. For the quality kind, at least. And especially if you need to make an impact on a large scale. Since these viewers often don’t engage beyond the first click, the return on investment can be disappointing.

You’re likely better off spending that money on PPC ads or other strategies that offer more reliable growth . Don’t worry, we’ll get into all those tactics later on in this guide.

Recommended Sites


From 0-5


Rate, %


Rate (0-5)


Rate (0-5)


Rate (0-5)
1.Stormlikes 4.8/5 98% 5/5 5/5 5/5 4.7/5 98% 5/5 5/5 5/5 4.6/5 98% 5/5 5/5 5/5
4.Stormviews 4.7/5 98% 5/5 5/5 5/5
5. Famoid 4.5/5 88% 4/5 5/5 5/5

Benefits (Immediate and Permanent) to Buying Your Views

Spins Up Conversation

Imagine it in your head: you post a video, and overnight, boom. The view count shoots up. Everyone’s talking about it, sharing it with friends. Building buzz on repeat.

This momentum can help your content appear in more feeds. It can make Instagram work in your favor and give your post even more exposure.

That initial rush can create a ripple effect – casting a wide net and drawing the engagement you need to stand out.

The “What’s This All About” Effect

When a post has a high view count, it turns heads. People stop scrolling. They can’t resist checking out what everyone else is watching.

This curiosity is a powerful thing. It can lead to compounding returns. New followers leads to new followers, and so on and so forth. And because these people made the conscious decision to follow you, they’re more likely to stay in your corner for the long haul.

Makes You Hard to Ignore – No Matter What

Perception is reality. On Instagram as much as anywhere else. You might have amazing content, sure, but that doesn’t guarantee it’s getting the attention it deserves.

An eye-popping view count number makes your profile seem more reputable. More trust means more followers who are looking for a steady stream of content.

Complements Other Marketing Efforts

Promoting something new? Have an email campaign that highlights your Instagram content? This kind of social proof converts. But it converts even better if it seems legitimate.

A high view count gives you an instant edge. It’s like adding an extra level of credibility to your campaigns. The initial bought views make your paid promotions stand out even more.

How to Find a Reputable Provider of Views

DYOR (Do Your Own Research)

Don’t just take a quick look at cherry-picked reviews. Go deep. Search for user experiences and detailed testimonials.

Run a search on social media and other sites like Reddit. Authentic feedback is your most reliable resource here. Reach out to other content creators if possible to get their take.

For something as important as buying Instagram views, you want to make sure you’re going with the best of the best. Anything less just won’t cut it.

Investigate Their Methods

Ask the provider directly about how they generate views. You need full transparency here – no runarounds, no shady shortcuts. Double (and triple) check they aren’t using banned techniques that could get your account flagged.

They should be able to tap into a real, engaged network to fuel your view count.

If the provider is hard to reach or their answers don’t add up, consider it a dealbreaker and look elsewhere.

Analyze Pricing Patterns

Beware of rates that seem too low – there’s no such thing as a free lunch. While affordability matters, extremely cheap services can be smoke and mirrors.

Don’t fall into the trap of overpaying though. The best providers will offer decent deals in bulk. There’s a balance that can be struck between cost and quality.

Take your time comparing prices across several platforms to get a sense of what’s fair.

Monitor What’s Delivered

Once you’ve bought a package from a provider, measure the results. Keep tabs on their communication too. How quickly do they get back to you when you have a question you need answered ASAP?

Make sure the views you’re getting are consistent with what was promised. Watch for any sudden drops or unusual activity on your profile that tips you off to things not being on the up and up.

Other Proven Ways to Grow Your Following

Stick to an Upload Routine

Regular posting keeps your profile top of mind. Consistency is key – upload high-quality content on a steady schedule to keep your followers eager for more.

Something like a Monday/Wednesday/Friday three-day-a-week upload gives your followers something to look forward to and be on the lookout for.

Connect. Talk. Interact.

Engagement is at the heart of Instagram. Respond to comments and DMs to make your followers feel heard. Don’t take those comments on your videos for granted!
Take it a few steps further by giving them shoutouts on your next videos or creating dedicated content based on the feedback you’re getting.

Use Strategic Hashtags

One look at what’s trending will show you how important hashtags are for sharing content far and wide. Smart use of these tags can get your posts where they need to be seen.

Research keywords that are being used to share other content in your niche. Dedicated social intelligence tools can help you find the best ones.

Run Targeted Ads

Invest in paid ads to reach new audiences. Meta has a powerful ads platform – one of the most popular in the world, as a matter of fact.

You can target specific demographics who are likely to be interested in your content. For example, if your videos focus on fitness tips, you can zoom in on people who like going to the gym.

Ads where you pay-per-click can blow your Instagram page up to levels you never before thought possible.

Use Stories and Reels

Make the most of Instagram’s Stories and Reels. These are great for sharing quick, bite-sized vids that keep followers hooked.

Think of it like little day-in-the-life snapshots where you can drop your followers into your shoes – even for a few brief moments.

Embedded polls and questions can boost engagement too. Anything where you invite a two-way conversation rather than make your stories a one-sided monologue. You want to make viewers feel comfortable enough to have their voices heard.

Once you do, you’re off to the races and there’s no stopping the amount of growth you can experience on Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do people buy Instagram views?

    To ramp up their credibility and stay competitive. Social media is cutthroat, after all. High view counts make profiles look popular and attract more followers (not to mention brand deals).

  • Is it legal to buy Instagram views?

    Definitely. It’s not illegal by any means. But Instagram still doesn’t like it. If they catch you, your account could get suppressed.

  • Can buying views help me make money?

    It can. More views can help you charge higher prices for paid posts. Think of it like traditional paid advertising. There’s a reason why Super Bowl commercials are so expensive. If everyone’s watching, that ad space is way more valuable.

  • What are the risks? Any major ones?

    Like we said, Instagram doesn’t appreciate view count manipulation. If they find out, you could be in hot water. Your account could be blacklisted and shut down. So proceed with caution. And only use reputable providers that come recommended by others.

  • How can I increase my view count safely?

    There are several legitimate ways to grow an account organically – and gain higher views in the process. Use lots of strategically-chosen hashtags and post consistently. Paid PPC ads are also a sure-fire way to get the clicks you crave.

  • I want to buy some views. Are there any reliable providers?

    You bet. We’ve done the heavy lifting of checking out all the reliable providers of Instagram so you don’t have to. 3 of our favorites we recommend going with are Stormviews, Stormlikes, and

Published: June 07, 2024 Updated: June 07, 2024
 Megan Green

Megan Green

Megan is a writer who works at the junctures of science and stories. Previously, she has been the editor of a fashion magazine, an educator, mom, and a baker. She is keen on working with brands and lifestyle products, and outdoor tasks. Megan is outgoing, optimistic and has a great personality. She delivers top-notch content with a unique view on usual things.


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