Hot sale recommendation

Station group professional edition
eight thousand /Month
Number of domain names:
DDoS traffic protection:
Domain name resolution management platform:
Private NS resolution address:
Domain name batch resolution:
Multi user rights management:
The domain name limit is exceeded, 100/100 yuan/month
Open now
Station group enterprise version
fifteen thousand /Month
Number of domain names:
DDoS traffic protection:
Domain name resolution management platform:
Private NS resolution address:
Domain name batch resolution:
Multi user rights management:
The domain name limit is exceeded, 100/100 yuan/month
Open now
Advanced anti DDoS version of stations
twenty-five thousand /Month
Number of domain names:
DDoS traffic protection:
Domain name resolution management platform:
Private NS resolution address:
Domain name batch resolution:
Multi user rights management:
The domain name limit is exceeded, 100/100 yuan/month
Exceeding the upper limit of flow protection, 50G/10000 yuan/month
Open now

Product advantages

Advanced anti DDoS DNS

Automatic migration when the server is down, 100% SLA service level, resolution and real-time synchronization, The maximum protection flow is 2T, and the peak protection capacity is 1 billion Q/s.

Professional data analysis

Provide analysis of domain name transfer in and transfer out, domain name access traffic, etc, DNS security log and server status can be queried.

One stop service

The professional technical team provides you with a one-stop solution of zero deployment and zero maintenance, It can save you a series of expenses such as technology research and development, operation and maintenance, and hardware, and create more profit space at the same time

8 years of network security service experience

Specializing in DNS technology research and development for many years CDN service providers, telecom operators and other enterprises provide DNS security solutions.

Application scenarios

Batch management domain name

Too many domain names, troublesome operation? The station cluster system provides you with the function of domain name batch operation, It is convenient for you to import and export domain names in batches, and add, delete, and modify resolution records in batches according to conditions.

Standalone DNS server

Want to use your own domain name as the NS server address? You can customize your own DNS server according to your needs.

Independent DNS management platform

According to your needs, customize the domain name and DNS management background, with more functions.

High privacy

Independent DNS server+private domain name+independent NS address, making your domain name resolution more secure and reliable.
 Warner Cloud

Customer service consultation
7 * 24-hour technical support

technical support
Customer service free online consultation

Channel support