home page News Industry information How to solve the problem that the network is normal but steam cannot connect to the server?
How to solve the problem that the network is normal but steam cannot connect to the server?
Time: 2023-12-13 11:44:20 Editor: Warner Cloud Classification: Industry information Reading volume: 648

Steam is one of the largest digital publishing platforms in the world, but sometimes users may encounter the problem of being unable to connect to the server. Although the network is normal, the failure of Steam to connect to the server may perplex players. This article will introduce some possible reasons and effective methods to solve this problem.

   1. Check the network connection

First, make sure your network connection is normal. Sometimes, network fluctuations or temporary problems may cause Steam to be unable to connect to the server. You can try to visit another website or use network tools to check your connection.

   2. Steam server status check

Before solving the problem, it is important to understand the current status of the Steam server. You can visit Steam's official website or use some online services to check the running status of Steam server. If there is a problem with the server, you may have to wait for Steam to repair it.

   3. Firewall and security software

Firewall or security software may prevent Steam from establishing a connection with the server. Check the firewall settings to ensure that Steam is allowed to pass through the firewall. Sometimes, temporarily disabling firewalls or security software may help determine the problem.

   4. Clear DNS cache

The DNS cache may contain expired or inaccurate information about the Steam server. Clearing the DNS cache may help solve connection problems.


   5. Change DNS settings

Try changing your computer's DNS settings and use Google's public DNS or other reliable DNS services. This helps solve problems that may be related to DNS services provided by ISPs.

   6. Restart Steam client

Sometimes, simply restarting the Steam client may be enough to solve the connection problem. Close Steam and restart to see if you can reconnect to the server.

   7. Clear Steam configuration file

Sometimes, the Steam configuration file may be corrupted, causing connection problems. In the Steam installation directory, find and back up the config folder, and then delete the original folder. Restart Steam, which will recreate a new configuration file.

   8. Check the network proxy settings

If you use a network proxy, make sure the proxy settings are correct. Sometimes, the proxy settings may cause Steam to be unable to connect to the server.

   9. Steam client update

Make sure you are using the latest version of Steam client. Updating clients from time to time may contain patches that fix connectivity issues.

   10. Network driver update

Make sure your network driver is up to date. Obsolete network drivers may cause connectivity problems with the Steam server.

   11. Check the router settings

Check the router settings to ensure that there is no rule prohibiting Steam. Sometimes, router settings may affect Steam's connection.

   12. Contact ISP

If all attempts fail, it may be related to your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Contact your ISP, report the problem to them, and ask if there are any problems related to Steam connection.


By taking the above measures, many users can solve the problem that Steam cannot connect to the server. However, if the problem still exists, you may need to contact the Steam support team for further help and guidance. Anyway, I hope these methods can help you solve the connection problem smoothly and enjoy the Steam game again.

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