What is the difference between IEPL dedicated line and IPLC dedicated line?

Time: 2023-12-06 14:23:27
Editor: Warner Cloud
Classification: Industry information
Reading: 1749

   IEPL and IPLC IEPL is a kind of Ethernet leased line service and IPLC is a kind of traditional leased line service. They have some similarities in some aspects, but there are also some key differences. The following are the main differences between IEPL and IPLC:

   1. Technology and definition:


Technology: IEPL is an Ethernet leased line service, usually based on Ethernet technology, which can provide point-to-point or point-to-point connections.

Definition: IEPL provides high-speed, low latency and flexibility, and can provide connections with different bandwidth according to customer requirements.


Technology: IPLC is a traditional leased line service, which is usually based on synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) or synchronous optical network (SONET) technology to provide point-to-point connection.

Definition: IPLC is a circuit switching technology that provides customers with reliable, bandwidth reserved connections, and is applicable to point-to-point or point-to-point international communications.

   2. Transmission mode:


Ethernet protocol is used for data transmission.

It supports Ethernet switching technology and provides a wide bandwidth range.


Use synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) or synchronous optical network (SONET) technology for transmission.

Provide fixed and reserved bandwidth.


   3. Flexibility:


It is more flexible, and can provide different bandwidth connections according to customer needs.

Supports point-to-point and point-to-point topologies.


Relatively rigid, providing reserved bandwidth connection.

Applies to point to point or point to multipoint connections.

   4. Bandwidth:


Provides flexible bandwidth options, typically from 10Mbps to multiGbps.

It is more suitable for scenarios requiring dynamic bandwidth adjustment.


Provide fixed and reserved bandwidth.

It is applicable to scenarios with relatively fixed bandwidth requirements.

   5. Applicable scenarios:


It is suitable for applications requiring flexibility, high bandwidth and low latency, such as cloud connection, video transmission, etc.


It is applicable to applications that have relatively stable bandwidth requirements and focus on reliability and stability, such as inter enterprise connectivity, data backup, etc.

   6. Price:


It is usually relatively flexible, and the price may vary according to the bandwidth requirements and connection locations.


Due to the provision of reserved bandwidth, it may be relatively expensive under the same bandwidth conditions.

In general, both IEPL and IPLC are dedicated line connection services for international communications. The choice of service depends on specific business requirements, including bandwidth requirements, flexibility, reliability, budget and other factors.

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