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How to judge whether the leased server is a native IP?
Time: 2023-12-06 14:18:24 Editor: Warner Cloud Classification: Industry information Reading volume: 272

Server's Native IP It refers to the unique identifier originally assigned by the server equipment, usually assigned by the Internet Service Provider (ISP). In server management and network configuration, it is very important to understand and identify whether the server uses native IP. This article will discuss in depth how to determine whether the server uses native IP, the advantages and disadvantages of native IP, and related technical and security considerations.

   1. What is a native IP?

The native IP address of the server refers to the unique IP address assigned by the ISP when the server is connected to the Internet. This IP address is the identifier of the server on the network, allowing other devices to access the server through the Internet. Usually, the native IP is automatically assigned by the ISP when the server is started.

   2. How to identify whether the server uses the native IP?

To determine whether the server uses the native IP, you can take the following methods:

  a. DNS Query

Check whether the domain name resolution of the server is directly mapped to the IP address by executing a DNS query. If domain name resolution is directly mapped to IP, it is possible to use native IP.

  b. IP address ownership query

Use the IP address attribution query tool to check which ISP assigns the IP address of the server. If the IP address is directly associated with an ISP, it may be a native IP address.

  c. Route Tracking

By executing the traceroute command, observe the routing path through which data packets pass. If the routing path points directly to the ISP, this may indicate that the server uses the native IP.


   3. Advantages of native IP:

  a. More direct network connection:

Native IP usually means to connect to the Internet directly without intermediate agents or CDN service This provides a more direct and faster network connection.

  b. Easier to identify and manage:

The native IP is a unique identifier of the server, which is easier to identify and manage. This is very helpful for network configuration and troubleshooting.

  c. More flexible network configuration:

Using native IP can provide more flexible network configuration options, allowing administrators to more finely control network settings and security policies.

  d. Easier implementation of security measures:

With native IP, administrators can more easily implement access control lists (ACLs) and other security measures to protect servers from malicious attacks.

When judging whether the server uses the native IP, it can be more accurately identified by using DNS query, IP address attribution query, route tracking and other tools. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of native IP and taking corresponding technical and security considerations will help optimize the network connection, performance and security of servers. In practical applications, the choice of whether to use native IP requires comprehensive consideration of business requirements, network configuration and security requirements.

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