How does a website switch from http to https?

Time: 2021-04-07 15:24:41
Editor: Warner Cloud
Classification: Industry information
Reading volume: 4326

In the era of network data, information leakage incidents occur frequently. For website security, Baidu Google and other major search engine platforms will mark pages without encryption as unsafe. A reminder will appear on the unencrypted HTTP page: Do not enter any sensitive information (such as passwords or credit card information) on the website, because an attacker may steal this information.

This warm prompt can help users better judge the authenticity of the website information and enhance their defensive psychology. However, for the webmaster, this kind of unsafe reminder of the website will bring a large degree of economic, credit and other losses. Let the security of your business be discounted in the minds of the target customer group.

 How to maintain web security?

How to eliminate the "unsafe" prompt in the URL bar?

The method is very simple. Just arranging the deployment of SSL certificates on the website can eliminate this warning. SSL certificate can not only make the "unsafe" prompt disappear, but also enable data to be encrypted and transmitted in the form of https. It can prevent the data from being monitored, stolen or modified by a third party during transmission, and protect the data security of the website to a greater extent.

After the SSL certificate is installed, the prompt in the URL bar disappears. The reality is a green lock and https. If the website is equipped with an enterprise version of OV SSL certificate, you can click the green lock to pop up the company and name and other related information. The enhanced EV SSL certificate can read the company name directly from the website URL bar. This certificate is very effective in preventing fake website attacks. It not only promotes the image of the enterprise, but also greatly enhances the user's sense of security.                 

Another advantage is that websites with SSL certificates deployed have more advantages in ranking weight and inclusion in Baidu Google and other searches than websites without SSL certificates deployed.

How can a website switch from http to https?

1. Application for SSL certificate

To complete the encryption operation of hhtps, the first step is to need an SSL certificate. The application condition of SSL certificate is that the CSR file needs to be prepared in advance, and the online generation tool can generate the CSR file. Save the prepared CSR and Key files properly, and then submit the CSR to the SSL certificate provider to apply for an SSL certificate.

After the CSR is submitted to the CA, the SSL certificate will be issued after the CA organization passes the review, The DV SSL certificate in the SSL certificate is only to verify the domain name management authority. Generally, the SSL certificate will be obtained within 10 to 30 minutes after the application. The OV SSL certificate and EV SSL certificate not only need to verify the domain name management authority, but also strictly review the real identity of the website. It is required to prove that the applicant is a genuine legal entity. This review is the manual verification of the CA organization, Manual review takes about 3-5 days to issue the certificate.

2. Installation Certificate

With the SSL certificate issued by CA, you can start to deploy the certificate to your own server. You can consult Warner Cloud technical customer service to provide technical support online 7 * 24 hours a day.

3. Change website link

After the SSL certificate is successfully deployed, your website will support https. From now on, you need to replace all URLs on the website with https.

4. Make 301 turn in the whole station

After the URL of the website is replaced, 301 jump of the whole site needs to be done later. This is a way for the search engine to capture new links faster and better to replace the old links, and it can also enable new links to restore weight and ranking faster.

5. Apply for HTTPS verification on Baidu webmaster platform

You can use the https authentication function provided by Baidu's search resource platform for authentication, so that Baidu can better capture and display our https pages.

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