Unlimited defense server


There is no upper limit to the size of DDoS network attacks, which are mainly controlled by attackers. The size of DDoS defense is limited by the performance of the firewall and the amount of network bandwidth resources. To effectively defend against DDoS attacks, defense resources must be greater than the attack value. Firewall functions and bandwidth resources are often limited by cost, technology or ports.

The DDoS defense principle of advanced anti DDoS server is mainly to identify the characteristics of attack traffic through software and hardware firewalls. Once the traffic meets these characteristics, it will be judged as an attack. In this process, the consumption of bandwidth resources is inevitable, including subsequent attack traffic cleaning and defense measures after firewall failure.

We also need to consider the port capacity. The bandwidth that the port of the advanced anti DDoS server can accommodate is limited. This is also the origin of the American 30G server or American wireless defense server that we often say. If the DDoS attack exceeds the bandwidth that the current port can accommodate, you need to upgrade to a port with larger bandwidth.

How to reasonably control the CPU utilization of American servers?
By checking the CPU utilization of American servers, you can reflect the busy degree of the servers and understand the CPU utilization as a whole. The reasonable control of the CPU utilization of American servers can ensure the stability, response speed and overall performance of servers. Let's talk about how to optimize the CPU utilization of American servers.
Advantages and disadvantages of renting a shared server. What factors should be considered when renting
Shared service is to allocate the resources of a server, such as CPU, memory, hard disk and bandwidth, to multiple users to host services. Each user has its own independent account, but it is the underlying hardware and operating system of the shared server. The shared server has the characteristics of low cost, easy use, resource sharing, and convenient maintenance.
Are foreign cloud computers the same as foreign cloud servers?
Cloud computers provide a virtual desktop environment. If you need a remote desktop environment for office work, learning or development, foreign cloud computers are a better choice. ECS provides virtualized server resources. If you need to host and manage server-side applications, databases or enterprise applications, foreign ECS is more suitable. Only by selecting appropriate cloud services according to specific needs can we maximize its advantages.
What if overseas cn2 ECS bandwidth is full and slow?
If the bandwidth of overseas cn2 ECS is full, the page loading speed will become slow. But we also have some methods to optimize the bandwidth usage, improve the slow speed of ECS, and improve the overall performance. If your overseas cn2 ECS encounters this problem, you can try the following methods to solve the problem.
What foreign servers are recommended for overseas short videos?
A shorter physical distance can reduce latency. You need to select the appropriate server room according to the target group to reduce latency and improve access speed. For example, if your target users are in Europe, North America or South America, you can choose American servers. If the user is in Southeast Asia, you can select the Singapore server. If you are in the Asia Pacific region, you can select Hong Kong servers, Japanese/Korean servers, etc.
Where can I buy ECS without real name verification?
All domestic ECS servers need real name authentication and record review. Internet supervision is very strict, mainly to prevent some illegal activities. However, there are also ECS without real name verification, which are generally provided by overseas manufacturers and mainly engaged in overseas server rental services
How to purchase Warner Cloud Hong Kong servers? Inventory purchase steps and precautions
The Hong Kong server does not need to be filed for review. It can be used normally after purchase and delivery to deploy its own business. Warner Cloud is a local host company in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong server provides CN2 bandwidth, BGP mainland optimized bandwidth and pure international bandwidth to meet the needs of different users in an all-round way. Today I
How much is the US cn2 ECS with one core and two gigabytes per month, and the rental price
If the U.S. cn2 ECS with one core and two gigabytes does activities, such as 618, Double 11, Double 12, and year-end promotions, then the acquisition price is very cheap, and it will be much more cost-effective than usual. Like the 618 promotion of Warner Cloud, the US cn2 ECS with one core and two gigabytes has given different discounts for both monthly and quarterly payments. The monthly payment is 64 yuan/month after 60% discount, and the annual payment is 385 yuan/year after 30% discount. Relatively speaking, it is more cost-effective to directly buy a one-time annual payment. On average, it costs only 32 yuan per month. In addition, Warner Cloud provides a high configuration of 1 core and 2g. It is equipped with 5M CN2 GIA bandwidth, and it also provides 10G DDoS defense. The cost performance ratio is very high.
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