Cn2 line vps

The Hong Kong vps of the Cn2 line have the same access speed as the mainland vps. In addition, they can also support overseas visits, which means that while Hong Kong vps have the advantages of overseas vps, they can also compete with the mainland vps in speed, which is very cost-effective.

CN2 line is divided into two levels, CN2 GIA and CN2 CT; The level of CN2 GIA is the highest. Secondly, the CN2 line can also be divided into one-way and two-way. To be frank, whether to go or go back is the CN2 line. One trip is a one-way trip. All the round-trip routes are CN2 lines, that is, two-way. From the price point of view, it is obvious that CN2 GIA The price of CN2 GT at different levels is different, and the price of one-way and two-way is also different. In addition to the line, the price is also related to the Internet network resources in Hong Kong. Because Hong Kong is small, the total export bandwidth is so much, so Hong Kong vps are in the server resources.

Which is better, Japanese Sakura vps or Softbank vps? How to choose?
Japanese Sakura vps and Softbank vps are both relatively good Japanese vps, and each has its own characteristics and advantages. If your main business is in the Japanese market and you need localization support, then cherry blossom vps may be more suitable. If your business needs global coverage and multilingual support, Softbank vps is more suitable for your needs.
Which methods can be used to evaluate the reliability of foreign vps providers?
Now more and more individuals and enterprises choose foreign vps to host websites and data. If the foreign vps provider you choose is not reliable, it may have a certain impact on your business development. Therefore, before selecting a service provider, it is recommended to know whether it is reliable. We can evaluate it from several aspects, such as vps performance, customer service support, security and compliance. Let's introduce them in detail below.
What if overseas cn2 ECS bandwidth is full and slow?
If the bandwidth of overseas cn2 ECS is full, the page loading speed will become slow. But we also have some methods to optimize the bandwidth usage, improve the slow speed of ECS, and improve the overall performance. If your overseas cn2 ECS encounters this problem, you can try the following methods to solve the problem.
How to purchase Warner Cloud Hong Kong servers? Inventory purchase steps and precautions
The Hong Kong server does not need to be filed for review. It can be used normally after purchase and delivery to deploy its own business. Warner Cloud is a local host company in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong server provides CN2 bandwidth, BGP mainland optimized bandwidth and pure international bandwidth to meet the needs of different users in an all-round way. Today I
How much is the US cn2 ECS with one core and two gigabytes per month, and the rental price
If the U.S. cn2 ECS with one core and two gigabytes does activities, such as 618, Double 11, Double 12, and year-end promotions, then the acquisition price is very cheap, and it will be much more cost-effective than usual. Like the 618 promotion of Warner Cloud, the US cn2 ECS with one core and two gigabytes has given different discounts for both monthly and quarterly payments. The monthly payment is 64 yuan/month after 60% discount, and the annual payment is 385 yuan/year after 30% discount. Relatively speaking, it is more cost-effective to directly buy a one-time annual payment. On average, it costs only 32 yuan per month. In addition, Warner Cloud provides a high configuration of 1 core and 2g. It is equipped with 5M CN2 GIA bandwidth, and it also provides 10G DDoS defense. The cost performance ratio is very high.
How do enterprises choose the configuration of Hong Kong ECS when going overseas?
The recommended configuration for the small enterprise display website can select 1-2 CPU cores, 2-4GB memory, 50GB SSD storage to meet the basic needs, and 2-5Mbps bandwidth is sufficient. The recommended configuration for medium-sized dynamic websites is 2-4 CPU cores, 4-8GB memory, 50GB SSD storage to meet the basic needs, and 5-10Mbps bandwidth is enough.
How is a physical server divided into multiple vps?
Before the physical server is divided into multiple vps, it is necessary to ensure that the physical server has sufficient hardware resources, including CPU, memory, storage hard disk and network interface, so that it can support the operation of multiple vps.
How much does it cost to rent a 30M bandwidth Hong Kong server per month?
What is the rental price of 30M broadband servers in Hong Kong? We take Warner Cloud as an example to provide Hong Kong servers with three bandwidth types: Hong Kong CN2 bandwidth, BGP Mainland optimized bandwidth and pure international bandwidth. The cheapest price for the Hong Kong server CN2 bandwidth 10M official website is 900 yuan/month in the first month. If you add 1M CN2 bandwidth, the price will increase by 300 yuan. If it is 30M, the price is very expensive. Secondly, BGP in Hong Kong optimizes bandwidth. Warner Cloud 618 has promoted a mobile machine equipped with 30M optimized bandwidth at a price of 1366 yuan/month. Dual E5CPU+64G memory+500G SSD hard disk has a high cost performance ratio;
 Warner Cloud

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