Hong Kong server recommendation


The speed of the Hong Kong server is not satisfactory. The packet loss rate is high, the delay is high, and the speed is slow. This has not only seriously affected the experience of website users, but also affected the effect of website optimization ranking. It is very likely that you did not choose the Hong Kong CN2 server. After all, the access speed of the Hong Kong CN2 server in mainland China is very ideal.

Hong Kong CN2 server refers to the Hong Kong server with CN2 GIA line. The so-called CN2 GIA line is a new network transmission line built by China Telecom, which supports data, voice, video and other types of applications, CN2 is mainly aimed at mainland China's access to Hong Kong and overseas servers. It is aimed at overseas servers directly connecting to domestic mainland dedicated lines, which can significantly improve the speed of Hong Kong servers and overseas servers, while reducing the delay and packet loss rate, making the network transmission more stable.

What foreign servers are recommended for overseas short videos?
A shorter physical distance can reduce latency. You need to select the appropriate server room according to the target group to reduce latency and improve access speed. For example, if your target users are in Europe, North America or South America, you can choose American servers. If the user is in Southeast Asia, you can select the Singapore server. If you are in the Asia Pacific region, you can select Hong Kong servers, Japanese/Korean servers, etc.
How to purchase Warner Cloud Hong Kong servers? Inventory purchase steps and precautions
The Hong Kong server does not need to be filed for review. It can be used normally after purchase and delivery to deploy its own business. Warner Cloud is a local host company in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong server provides CN2 bandwidth, BGP mainland optimized bandwidth and pure international bandwidth to meet the needs of different users in an all-round way. Today I
How to configure the Hong Kong server for different games?
Large multiplayer online games require the Hong Kong game server to have high bandwidth, high availability, low latency and other characteristics. Because MMO games support large multiplayer online, the server needs to be able to support a large number of concurrent users online at the same time, and the data transmission is fast and stable, so a larger bandwidth needs to be configured to reduce latency. Secondly, real-time interaction also requires high latency. Choosing a data center close to the user group and deploying CDN acceleration can effectively reduce latency. Large multiplayer online game players have a long online time, so the server also needs to be highly available. It is better to choose 99.9% or more availability guarantee.
What is the standard to measure the bandwidth quality of servers in Hong Kong?
Bandwidth rate is one of the standards to measure the quality of server bandwidth. It represents the amount of data that can be transmitted in a specific time. Bandwidth rate includes uplink and downlink speeds, which directly affects the efficiency and speed of data transmission. Generally, the higher the bandwidth speed, the more concurrent connections and higher data transmission speed can be supported. For some small and medium-sized websites, the general bandwidth rate is enough, while for e-commerce websites, video streaming media and other websites with high traffic requirements, a higher bandwidth rate is required.
What factors affect the stability of Hong Kong servers and how to improve it?
Network infrastructure will affect the stability of servers in Hong Kong, mainly including data center quality and network bandwidth connection. Different data centers have different levels, such as Tier 1 to Tier 4. These different levels of computer rooms have different standards in terms of power supply, cooling and security, which directly affects the stability of the server. To improve the stability of the server, we can choose a higher level data center with redundant power supply Cooling system and network connection can effectively improve the reliability of data center.
How do enterprises choose the configuration of Hong Kong ECS when going overseas?
The recommended configuration for the small enterprise display website can select 1-2 CPU cores, 2-4GB memory, 50GB SSD storage to meet the basic needs, and 2-5Mbps bandwidth is sufficient. The recommended configuration for medium-sized dynamic websites is 2-4 CPU cores, 4-8GB memory, 50GB SSD storage to meet the basic needs, and 5-10Mbps bandwidth is enough.
How many users can access the 20M Hong Kong server at the same time?
The number of simultaneous access users that the 20M Hong Kong server can support depends on many aspects. In the case of static web page access, it can support about 200 users. When processing dynamic web pages, it can support about 66 users to visit at the same time. In the case of HD video streaming, it supports about 10 users. The actual support quantity needs to be tested and optimized in detail according to the specific situation.
Hong Kong servers are so expensive. Why do many people still rent them?
The Hong Kong server has an independent geographical location. Hong Kong is located in the center of Asia and is very close to mainland China, Southeast Asia and East Asian countries. The relative network latency will be very low and the access speed will be relatively fast. For some individuals and enterprises that need to use Hong Kong servers to host websites, the most important consideration is fast speed and low latency, which also leads many users to rent servers in Hong Kong.
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