Iplc leased line node


The IPLC dedicated line is an international private leased line. The IPLC dedicated line network will directly connect Hong Kong with the mainland of China or other regions through optical cables to form a high-speed mutual access network. Essentially, it is a point-to-point intranet. The entrance of the network is in China, so it will not be affected by international links, nor by the national firewall. The IP address availability is high. Will not be wall. If the export is abroad, you can visit any website that cannot be accessed at home. Due to the intranet, it is not affected by network fluctuations. LPLC dedicated line network has higher guarantee in terms of speed and stability.

IPLC dedicated line node refers to point-to-point transmission, direct access to intranet dedicated line, and data does not pass through the wall GFW.

For example, the common Shenzhen Hong Kong IPLC refers to the point-to-point transmission from Shenzhen to Hong Kong. This line does not use the public network, there is no review, and there is no operator QoS. Because the public network is not crowded, the speed and stability are good even in peak periods.

How much is the US cn2 ECS with one core and two gigabytes per month, and the rental price
If the U.S. cn2 ECS with one core and two gigabytes does activities, such as 618, Double 11, Double 12, and year-end promotions, then the acquisition price is very cheap, and it will be much more cost-effective than usual. Like the 618 promotion of Warner Cloud, the US cn2 ECS with one core and two gigabytes has given different discounts for both monthly and quarterly payments. The monthly payment is 64 yuan/month after 60% discount, and the annual payment is 385 yuan/year after 30% discount. Relatively speaking, it is more cost-effective to directly buy a one-time annual payment. On average, it costs only 32 yuan per month. In addition, Warner Cloud provides a high configuration of 1 core and 2g. It is equipped with 5M CN2 GIA bandwidth, and it also provides 10G DDoS defense. The cost performance ratio is very high.
What are the advantages of Hong Kong advanced defense CDN nodes, and what should we pay attention to when renting them?
Advanced anti DDoS CDN nodes are usually deployed in the center, and use advanced protection technology and large-scale bandwidth resources to resist various network attacks. They not only have the acceleration function of content distribution, but also have a strong DDoS protection capability, which is very useful for websites that need website acceleration and defense against network attacks. Next, we will introduce the advantages of Hong Kong advanced defense CDN nodes and the precautions for renting Hong Kong advanced defense CDN.
What factors should be considered when selecting the appropriate nodes for the cdn accelerator
CDN is an important tool for accelerating website content transmission. By caching the static resources of websites to node servers around the world, it can reduce the delay and load time when users visit websites. However, in order to play the maximum role of CDN, it is very important to select an appropriate CDN accelerator node. Next, let's have a chat.
What is P2P server, what are its functions and application scenarios
P2P server (Peer to Peer server) is a server based on peer-to-peer network architecture. Unlike the traditional client server model, it centrally manages and distributes resources, but directly communicates and shares resources between all nodes connected to the network.
Common solutions to CDN server exceptions
CDN server can be used to accelerate website content transmission, cache content to multiple nodes around the world, and improve website performance and stability. Exceptions in the CDN server may cause the website content to fail to access or load normally, thus affecting the user experience and website performance. How to solve the problem of CDN server exception?
What are the requirements on server hardware for building a CDN?
CDN (Content Distribution Network) server is a server specially used to accelerate Internet content distribution. By caching content to nodes in multiple geographical locations, CDN servers can significantly improve user access speed and reduce network latency
Which server is good for building Southeast Asian nodes?
Which server is good for building Southeast Asian nodes? This is a problem that many users are concerned about. There are many factors to consider when selecting servers suitable for building Southeast Asian nodes. In addition to performance and price, network connection quality, geographical location of data centers, technical support and availability of service providers should also be considered. Here are some considerations and recommended regions:
What are the advantages of renting Cdn overseas servers
CDN (Content Distribution Network) overseas server leasing is a service that distributes website content to server nodes around the world to provide fast and reliable content delivery. This service is widely used worldwide, providing multiple advantages for websites and applications. The following is CDN Overseas
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